Three generations of Huoying began to reflect on themselves.

Tuan Zang will become what he is today, of course, because he is greedy for profit.

But is there no problem for yourself?

I'm afraid the answer is No.

In this process, the three generations of Huoying have great decision-making responsibility even if they do not have to bear the main responsibility.

We must not allow the development of the dark Department to go unchecked.

There is no problem with this decision, so there is no problem in establishing such an organization.

In fact, Muye's peace and roots have made great efforts, and can even be called a contribution.

In the past, the ape flying day chopping felt that the root was very easy to use. At some times, it even satisfied him more than the dark part.

But the root monitors the secret department. Who is responsible for the root?

Although the root has its own leadership group, Huoying can also control the root through the group.

However, there is a huge loophole in such a control system, that is, in case the person responsible for managing the root makes a mistake.

Who should punish and control him.

Nominally, of course, it is the three generations of Huoying himself. After all, he is directly under the Department in charge.

But in fact, because of the relationship between Tuan Zang and the three generations of Huoying, ape feiri cut off the power on this piece.

He even allowed root to have independent funding and personnel selection rights.

Although Tuan Zang began to do that without his public permission, he did it secretly after all.

After being recognized by three generations of Huoying, it is different.

The root becomes the official Department of the leaf.

Let alone civilian ninjas, even some ninjas from Ninja family also chose to join the root.

The three generations of Huoying did this at that time, mainly because they were anxious and couldn't develop at all, and there was no way to help the village and him.

But after the root really developed, ape feiri suddenly found that the root had completely changed its taste.

They are no longer the organizations that occupy the ground and silently contribute nutrients in order to make the leaves thrive.

They have their own interest demands and will.

In other words, Tuan Zang imposed his selfishness and will on root's will.

Logically, this should not happen at all.

After all, even the dark Ninja itself has an identity problem. They are the Ninjas of Muye first, and then the guardians of Muye.

Even if the fire shadow betrays the village openly and becomes the enemy of the village.

The ninja in the dark Department will never obey the order of the fire shadow who has betrayed the village.

This is a question of identity.

Root ninjas don't know how to be brainwashed by Tuan Zang. They don't think of themselves as wood leaf ninjas anymore.

But the Savior of wood leaves.

Of course, the Savior cannot be an organization. If so many people are saviors, who commands who is a serious problem.

This savior can only be Tuan Zang.

Under Tuan Zang's brainwashing, many ninjas don't take Muye's orders seriously.

They only obey the orders of Tuan Zang.

For Tuan Zang, you can even be the enemy of the whole village.

When the first three generations of Huoying rescued Kakashi, Gen's Ninja even concentrated behind Tuan Zang and fought against him.

On the surface, the three generations of Huoying didn't say anything, but it undoubtedly touched him very much.

Since then, the three generations have realized that the root problem must be solved sooner or later.

But too much has happened.

So that the decision was delayed again and again.

It was not until this time that the big snake pill attacked Muye that the three generations of Huoying made up their mind.

If we make decisions, we will be disturbed by them.

If things drag on, the situation will only become more and more complex, and the damage to wood leaves will only become more and more serious.

This is the fundamental reason why the ape flies and cuts off the sun. Find Ye Xiaotian to let him form a force to fight against the root.

This time ye Xiaotian formed a force, although he knew that ye Xiaotian was different from Tuan Zang.

But the three generations still kept their eyes open.

After all, if the Red Sun continues for a long time, we must consider solving the problem of identity like the dark Department.

The red sun is a fair and aboveboard representative of the dark Department walking in front of the stage. So as long as the red sun does things, they are all put on the bright side.

Ninjas naturally know who they are?

Although Tuan Zang's means of brainwashing are brilliant, the three generations are unwilling to do so.

He hoped that the Ninjas could see clearly with their own eyes what the wood leaf meant to the people in the village?

In his cloak, ye Xiaotian took Qingtian and Huamao to the house of Yu Zhibo family.

Nearly two months have passed since the wood leaf collapse.

After two months of training and growth, Sasuke's strength must be higher.

Sasuke, who has just learned new means, is now integrating the means he has learned.

During this period of time, his strength grew fastest.

Even ye Xiaotian, who has personally directed Sasuke, can't guarantee the strength of Sasuke at this time. What degree has Sasuke reached now?

So before soliciting Sasuke, ye Xiaotian wants to try his strength.

After the three arrived, the originally silent yard became more quiet.

Sasuke is a good caretaker.

It is clear that he lives alone, but he cleans up his work.

In sharp contrast to Naruto's sloppiness.

Not only the people, but also the yard where Sasuke lives, are also in good order.

There is not even a weed in the whole yard.

Although there are no relatives, the significance of this house to Sasuke is also different.

He still regarded it as his home, a place of missing and nostalgia.


Ye Xiaotian doesn't know what to say.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to come to my house without permission?"

After a while, Sasuke ran out.

He should not have been at home, but there must be some monitoring mechanism left here.

This also made Ye Xiaotian have a little doubt in his heart.

He's just himself.

Huamao and Qingtian are old people in the dark.

Their own investigation ability is first-class.

It's just that ye Xiaotian didn't find it, because he didn't think about it. His own experience is general.

The other two did not see the slightest clue.

That's a little scary.

Can Sasuke still master such powerful auxiliary ninja?

As soon as the idea came out, it was rejected by Ye Xiaotian himself.

That level of auxiliary Ninja is by no means understandable to Sasuke now.

Ye Xiaotian recalled that this should be the core territory of the yuzhibo family.

As the first family in the past, they can't be without any precautions.

"Muye Jianhao, ye Xiaotian!"
