Ye Xiaotian's room.

Several messengers from Muye village gathered here to discuss the situation and difficulties they encountered.

"The internal discord in Sha Yin was originally very favorable to our village. But if they wanted to form an alliance, they would cause two huge problems. The first is that the alliance is not easy to talk about, and they don't know who is the main speaker? The second is the fighting capacity that the village can send after the Alliance..."

In the case of internal discord, the combat power of shayin village will never be less.

Correspondingly, when forming a joint corps, I'm afraid the number of people they can send out is very limited.

"Don't think about this. Our opponent in this battle is not a village or even a powerful force."

Even if there is Bai Jue in the end, the strength of those people is not very good.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a group of soldiers. Without the command of generals, they can cause limited damage.

And ye Xiaotian is very suspicious. If he can't meet some preconditions, I'm afraid those baijue won't appear.

The little shadow hiding in the dark is very careless.

As long as he thinks there is no certainty of victory, he will basically not take the initiative, let alone send large-scale troops.

So at that time, their real opponents may only be those experts who know the organization.

Although the combat effectiveness of those people is also very extraordinary, if you want to deal with them, it should be enough for Muye village to concentrate its elite combat effectiveness.

Moreover, ye Xiaotian believes that except for themselves, other villages may not have any enthusiasm for annihilating Xiaoxiao organization at all.

In this case, it is unrealistic to expect those villages to shoot their real combat effectiveness. Since other villages are unrealistic, let alone shayin village.

"Our purpose was not to let them send out many combat forces, but to keep them in line. We just need to know the movements of most of their elite troops and not attack Muye village."

"This is not difficult to do!"

Nara Deer pill agreed with Ye Xiaotian.

At that time, it must be centralized management and action. Even if someone wants to make some small moves, it is not so easy.

In addition, there are not only senior managers in the organization, but also some middle-level and subordinates. These small miscellaneous fish also need to be cleaned up.

We should always find something for the people of the coalition forces to do. We can't let them think about it.

It's best not to let them compete with the senior management of the organization. Even if they can't, it's no big deal from the standpoint of Muye village.

"In this way, things will be simple. Is the object of our next negotiation the wind shadow of the fifth generation or the elder?"

"Of course, it is the wind shadow of the fifth generation."

"What about the elder?"

"If those old guys are smart enough, they know when to stop. If those old guys don't know good or bad, they have to make trouble. Naturally, there should be a fifth generation of wind shadow to clean up the portal, which has nothing to do with us..."

Ye Xiaotian said with a smile.

With a fake thunder king, plus Mulong's own modification.

Now I love Luo's strength has far exceeded that of the elders' Association in their village. You know, I love Luo. After taking over his father's power, he is much stronger than the elders.

The reason why he didn't want to compete with the elders was just to consider the collective interests of the village, believing that it would consume the overall strength of their village.

If you really want to talk hard.

The Senate may not be able to defeat the forces of I love Luo and his vassal.

Not to mention the mutiny of Mulong now.

The strength of wooden dragon is not the same as before.

This will even hurt the elders more than one plus one is greater than two.

The balance of strength of both sides has been greatly tilted. From the standpoint of I love Luo, the elders' meeting is no longer an indispensable and important help.

It would be best if the elders would behave themselves and everyone would be in peace.

If the old men of the elders' Association had to make some trouble, shayin village would not be able to accept the current peaceful environment.

There is no way to continue to recuperate.

They have become a huge tumor in shayin village. To eliminate this tumor has become what I love Luo must do.

Ye Xiaotian believes that as long as I love Luo is determined to do so, he will do well.

It can even be said to be very good!

The key question is whether he can make this decision.

According to Ye Xiaotian's understanding of I love Luo, although that guy has become the fifth generation of wind shadow in the village, he has not become a good man or woman.

If the elders of the Senate are still uninteresting, their fate can't be better anyway.

"What is our position?"

Nara Deer pill asked curiously.

The discussion in shayin village has come to an end, and he generally knows who to talk to.

Compared with those old men who are about to see the coffin, although the fifth generation wind shadow who has just taken office is aggressive, he himself is a very sensible person.

He knew what was going on in Muye village and what the problems facing their village were.

Such a calm person will not do anything crazy anyway.

This is a good opportunity for the people of Muye village.

In this way, there will be no problem in negotiating with shayin village, and Muye village can take the absolute initiative in the next negotiation details.

They can take a lot of advantage.


"Is there anything we need here now?"

Qingtian also showed a very interested attitude towards this topic. He eagerly looked at Nara and ye Xiaotian and wanted to get some interesting things from their mouths.

For negotiators, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rip off.

If they miss this time, they are likely to regret for life when they think of it in the future.

"It's a little bad to take the initiative to ask for things from others when watching each other's civil strife?"

Vortex Naruto is as kind as ever.

Ye Xiaotian looked at the whirlpool Naruto in surprise.

Although this guy always behaves like a silly white sweet, ye Xiaotian always believes that there will always be some differences if he can become the sixth generation fire shadow in the future.

A kind man can only grow one village.

It's like a kind-hearted person who can't run a country.

In history, those really great emperors have nothing to do with the word kindness.

Those emperors who can really relate to this word or two often end up very miserable.

If ye Xiaotian's memory is correct, the development of Muye village will be very good in the future. This also means that when he became the whirlpool Naruto of fire shadow, he was not as weak and deceptive as he showed in animation, nor was he so innocent.

After turning his head, ye Xiaotian saw a face that showed sympathy, but did not speak against it.

This face inexplicably coincides with the 3rd generation fire shadow and the 9th 5th generation fire shadow.

Although the way they behave is completely different.

But when they face the same thing, they make the same choice.

If the third generation Huoying adult appears here at this time, I'm afraid the third generation Huoying will say similar words when his subordinates in his village ask for blackmail.

How can you rip off?

Although they say so, they will never directly oppose, let alone oppose the action.

They just said that

"I thought I was selfish and shameless enough. I didn't expect that I didn't get the truth at all. People give full play to the shameless words."


This is definitely not a derogatory term.

If uncle Liu hadn't relied on his thick skinned skills, how could he have withered a mountain?

So thick skinned is still very useful. The key depends on who you are thick skinned?

And whether your thick skin can really bring benefits to you.

"Don't rip off. Naruto is right. Our Muye village is a big village. How can we care about other people's three melons and two dates. Moreover, even if we can knock something that is very helpful to us, such behavior is extremely immoral..."

Ye Xiaotian's words directly confused the three people present.

Whirlpool Naruto, who just showed sympathy, looked at Ye Xiaotian in surprise. He probably had doubts in his heart.

Is the man in front of him really the Ye Xiaotian he knows?

Not at all, okay?

In the memory of whirlpool Naruto, ye Xiaotian is a cold-blooded and ruthless man who never pays attention to his opponent.

If ye xiaonai had such pity on shayin village, he shouldn't have killed thousands of Ninja joint forces so recklessly when he was at the gate.

If he wants to stop, he just needs to show his strength quickly. Those ninjas are not fools. They can't do anything at a glance, and they don't step back immediately.

But ye Xiaotian didn't do that. Instead, he went directly to Sha Yin's people and used his own power to kill all the ninjas.

On the surface, it seems that this matter is over. Ye Xiaotian chose to show mercy in the process of fighting and did not kill the ninja.

But the impact of this incident is more terrible for shayin village than the loss of 1000 ninjas.

They sent 1000 Ninja troops with a large number of elites. As a result, when they shot together, they couldn't even catch one of their opponents.

After this happened, what big business Teng wants to contact the Ninja army for protection. Will they find the ninja in shayin village?

What's the use of such waste when they come?

1000 powerful ninjas can't beat each other. Even if he employs more, he can't hire 2000, that is to say, even if he employs the whole caravan.

Such a ninja is useless.

Those future customers don't care who the Ninjas in shayin village were right. They just need to know that shayin village is unfair even to each other.

Why did ye Xiaotian suddenly become soft hearted and speak for shayin village.

Is it because he has been undercover here for three years and has strong feelings for here.

It is indeed possible.

After all, people are not plants and trees. Who can be ruthless? Similar situations have happened to ninjas who perform tasks in the ninja world before. Although there are not many, there are always a few in their careers for so many years.

Is it possible for ye Xiaotian to have such a problem.

It doesn't seem to make sense

If ye xiaonai had this problem, didn't he beat himself in the face and make trouble for himself?

Looking at the curious eyes of the three people present, ye Xiaotian fell into his thoughts.

There are many things that he can't explain to his immediate companions.

The necessity of this battle and the far-reaching impact it may bring are beyond the imagination of these little guys.

In this battle, Muye village must form an alliance.

Because in the course of this battle, any act of dragging one's legs is likely to affect the final result of the battle.

In the war of tolerance in the original book, they were able to win for two very important reasons.

One of the reasons is that Naruto and Sasuke hang up.

Another reason is that the other Party chose to fight hard instead of wooing one and defeating the other.

If the Xiao organization at that time did not choose to fight head-on, but used the Ninja reincarnated from filthy soil to provoke disputes among the five powers.

What is the final result?

Now Xiao organization is not ready. The tail animals they collected are three or four.

According to the time point, the big snake pill at this time has not been killed by Sasuke, and the pocket has not integrated the immortal mode.

So the preparation of each other and the Ninjas they can send out are very limited.

In the case of unequal combat power between the two sides, what ye Xiaotian fears most is that the other party's brain suddenly opens.

This is also the main reason why the 3rd generation Huoying and the 5th generation Huoying did not directly fight Xiaohua before the alliance.

"There is no need for any additional conditions, as long as we can form an alliance and act according to our will. On this basis, if the other party has anything necessary, we will meet them first."


Qingtian turned his face directly.

They were originally the powerful side, coupled with Ye Xiaotian's battle at the gate.

It's not enough to say anything. They are low-key and form an alliance with shayin village.

"The other side only took out a small part of the combat power, but did not take the real details. Moreover, after the end of this world war, if the pattern of the whole tolerance world is not good, great changes will take place..."
