The meteorite calendar is 1463.

The blazing sun hangs high in the sky, but it can't stop the pace of time and move forward quietly.

A touch of autumn coolness, along with the changes of the monsoon, quietly approaching the karadimos continent in the war, bringing a trace of silence to the anxious atmosphere.

The trees are lush and luxuriant.

Located in the primitive jungle in the west of the Valoran collar, you can clearly feel the changes between the weather.

The cold before autumn mixed with the cold wind from the coastline to disperse the scorching sun. In the middle of the forest, there is wind everywhere, which blows the body and takes away the restlessness of the spirit and body.


Deep in the primitive jungle, there is a majestic space energy raging, like a hurricane, shaking the trees, and the green branches and leaves make bursts of noise.

Through the gap between the shaking leaves, you can vaguely see that deep in the forest stands dark gray dense camps, just like stars dotted the starry sky, evenly distributed in different areas.

Hoo Hoo! Hoo Hoo!

The red flag flew high over the forest, and the engraved double-edged axe was ferocious and cruel, swearing that this was a camp garrisoned by the Knox Corps.

Cooper Adolf walked out of [knoxtola] and looked back at the majestic building.

Although the portal has not been used once, it is still impressed by the sense of the black building in front of us. The convenience it brings has already led to every city in Valoran.

"Long time no see, Cooper!"

Hearing some familiar voices, Cooper Adolf turned and saw the armored Knox officer under the stairs.

"Long time no see!" Cooper whispered, a faint smile climbing up the corner of his mouth.

It seems that they have never seen each other since the Lord moved out of lakstark fortress. It has been two years.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Gregory."

Gregory bell, once centurion of the Knights of the Knox army, was very familiar with modrian's followers, Cooper and others.

After the blood baptism of countless wars, the young Centurion has long faded his green face. Now he has grown into a commander of the noxas corps and led the noxas blood cavalry to defend the immortal fortress.

Not long ago, he received a military order from the immortal fortress to be responsible for the security of more than ten nearby [knoxtola].

After greeting each other, they nodded rather friendly, and then stopped talking.

Until Cooper left [knoxtorah] under the guidance of the Knox soldiers.

Although the opportunity to meet is rare, as middle-level figures led by Valoran, they naturally know how important modrian's order is, so they won't talk too much here.

Besides, having reached the immortal fortress, they believe they will have a chance to meet again.

Out of the towering buildings behind, Cooper walked slowly along the bluestone path, allowing some cool breeze to blow across his face.

Along the way, he saw many familiar nobles, most of whom had met. It happened that they had the same goal, so they could go forward together and talk quietly about some things.



Lush virgin forest, quiet and peaceful atmosphere, and sometimes the sound of insects and birds.

Many nobles who had never participated in the expedition of the behlik Kingdom looked at the place in front of them like a paradise with novel eyes.

Compared with other prosperous areas in Valoran, it is completely different. It is like another strange space. If it is not for the sentry set up along the way, they think they have mistakenly entered the divine heaven recorded in the fairy tale.

The road has an end.

After walking for about three-quarters of an hour, people's vision was no longer the same trees and shrubs, but many rough and savage camps and tall and solid towers.

Suddenly, the conversation stopped.

They opened their eyes almost at the same time. Their pupils were full of shock. They stared blankly at the vast and magnificent buildings in the distance.

Immortal fortress!

This huge city, established less than two years ago, appeared in the eyes of many nobles for the first time.

The sky is shining down. The first thing to come into view is the towering and solid majestic city wall. The glittering Rune brilliance is engraved on the wall surface. The towering towers are like a long gun piercing the sky, which is very oppressive.

Behind the city wall, there are dense dark gray buildings covered with vision, almost invisible to the edge.

These buildings are mainly dark gray, with solemn style. Most of the eaves are carved with simple or complex animal carvings.

It looks like ordinary carving, but it always flashes obscure energy fluctuations.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary nobles, the immortal fortress is a great city that can be called a miracle.

But in the eyes of some extraordinary people, the city is like a monster full of wildness. Even in a sleeping state, there is a faint sense of heat in the air.

As long as you step into the area, you can't avoid the heat that oppresses your heart and soul.

In addition to Cooper, there are more than ten roads around the immortal fortress. At the moment, all people are stopped in the middle of the road and shocked by the majesty of the building in front of them.

Among them, there are many high-level extraordinary people, even legends.

However, the stronger the strength, the more I feel the deadly threat brought by the immortal fortress.

Especially the strong who have stepped into the legendary road, they feel deeply and find that compared with the immortal fortress in front of them, they are completely like children and can't afford any disobedience and resistance.

After the shock, the crowd continued to move forward, but the inner sense of ease had long been lost, and the rest was full of awe.



Immortal fortress, central area.

The sun's rays permeated the windows and illuminated the elegant study.

Modry stood quietly in front of the balcony, overlooking the surging crowd in the immortal fortress. From time to time, familiar faces appeared, and then drowned in more strange figures.

"Lord, Miss Sophia has arrived at the arranged residence. Do you want to see her?"

Behind him, Zhao Xinzheng, the steward of the immortal fortress, said aloud with a black notepad in his hand.

"Is phalan with her?"

Thinking of his sister, modrian's calm look changed a little. If nothing unexpected happens, Sophia will finish Filan's wedding in a year or two, which is also the best blessing for their love.

To sum up, he was surprised to see the two people fall in love, from the initial dull contact to the sudden love.

Maybe Sophia didn't deserve philan at first.

The fact is almost the same. After all, philan baras is the youngest son of grand duke baras, the Viscount of the eilanfaro Empire, and also the Templar of the snow temple.

Can be called the proud son of heaven.

However, with the strength of Valoran's leadership in recent years, Sophia and philan's love has been blessed not only by the balas family, but also by the eilanfaro Empire and the ice and snow temple.

For a while, many people are extremely optimistic about the couple's love and look forward to the final wedding.

However, these are just "ordinary" eyes. Until the God of winter came to Valoran's collar the previous time, it indirectly promoted Phelan's status again and made the result of this love unusual.

"Yes, sir philan has been staying with Miss Sophia recently." Zhao Xin nodded without fluctuation. For him, only modrian is loyal, and others don't care.

"And Benny izz, who came with Miss Sophia to the immortal fortress this time."

"Uncle Benny."

Modrian looked a little moved and thought of the news that shadow stream had brought before.

After the disappearance of the forest goddess of life elunna, the high elves and some divine descendants became the targets of many bounty mercenaries and legendary crowns, and even some Kingdom forces began to wantonly capture and kill the high elves.

"Someone is targeting the life God system, and they can't wait..."

Although modrian, who has embarked on another road, may not care about the temptation of divine personality, Professor hemodinger and others are very interested. They have carried out hundreds of topics on divine personality and related clergy.

The most remarkable thing is the change of Tuqi, the source of the plague.

The experiment, which was jointly conducted by Professor hemodinger and singid, made Tucci almost perfectly integrate into the God who hated plague, and his strength was greatly improved.

This is only a part of the subject. All the gods obtained by modrian's killing God were handed over to Professor hemodinger.

Until all data are collected and incorporated, it is finally handed over to the hero alliance system for decomposition.

"High elf, it seems that Uncle Benny has something to ask for this time."

Modrian whispered, and it was not difficult to guess Benny's thoughts, because the Valoran leader's attitude towards the high elves was laissez faire and did not care too much.

Benny izz is a forest mage with half elf blood. I heard that he has never forgotten the past of eluna forest.

"Tell the shadow stream to pay attention to whether there are high elves sneaking into the territory recently..." Hmmm... "Modrian thought for a while and said calmly.

"You don't have to kill these poor people who have lost their homes, so as not to cause some trouble at the critical moment."

After hearing this, Zhao Xin quickly wrote a few strokes on the black notepad in his hand, and then turned to the next page.

"Professor heimerdinger came the news that they calculated the time of the blending of the kingdom of life and the bottomless abyss according to the spatial velocity of the star world."

"The time is..."