Lu Junming waved his hand casually. For such a villain, it's air pollution to stay a moment longer.

If it were normal, there would be no need for him to deal with such matters himself. A casual secretary is enough to get rid of the bald man.

However, for the sake of a thousand words, he would rather put down his posture and do it himself.

At this time, Jiang Tianyu whistled and stepped into Lu Junming's office. He sat down on the sofa and said, "how's your little wife? Is it done yet? "

Now for Jiang Tianyu, the biggest pleasure every day is to tease the cold and sultry man in front of him.

Lu Junming glanced at him faintly and looked down at the document in his hand.

As soon as Jiang Tianyu saw it, he didn't pay any attention to himself. He just sat opposite him and said, "you haven't answered my question? What happened to you and your little wife? "

"Why don't you call your little wife again?"


So it is!

Jiang Tianyu looked at him with a smile on his face. "I've defended her so soon, but She doesn't seem to like you very much. What are you going to do? "

Lu Junming raised his contract and showed a deep smile.

Seeing this, Jiang Tianyu immediately snatched the document from his hand. After a careful look, it was a contract.


"Boring, isn't it just a contract?"

"Sure enough, I can't help it..."

Just a few words, let Jiang Tianyu wake up.

Looking down, I finally understood what was going on.

"I'll just say, the president of DCT, how can you not even be a woman? Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

As soon as the voice fell, I still patted him on the shoulder


Xi'er and Qian Yurou stand at the gate of the kindergarten waiting for the late Lu Junming.

"Mother Qian, does Father Lu think that Xi'er is not good and doesn't want me?" Xi'er toots her little mouth and looks at Qian Yurou unhappily.

Qian Yurou loves Xi'er's sensitivity. She squats down and gently embraces her in her arms. "How can Xi'er not be good? In Qian's mother's heart, Xi'er is the best child. Lu's father is just busy with his work, so he's a little late today..."

Xi'er looks at Qian Yurou a little unsure, "really?"

Thousand language soft heavy nod, want to let Xi'er rest assured, once the child's heart hurt, it is difficult to make up.

Lu Junming was one hour late when he finished because he had a bidding meeting today.

As soon as the bidding meeting was over, he rushed to the kindergarten. Originally, the company had prepared a celebration party, so he also pushed it off.

Rush to the kindergarten, is to see a thousand soft language Xi'er standing at the door, eyes flashing a trace of sorry.

Seeing Lu Junming in sight, Xi'er exclaimed happily, "father Lu, father Lu I miss you so much

Seeing Xi'er's bright smile, Lu Junming raised the corner of his lips and hugged her. "I miss you very much, too!"

Qianyurou sees that they are getting along so well that people who don't know may really think they are biological.

"What happened today?" Qianyurou is worried that she and Xi'er have caused some unnecessary troubles to Lu Junming.

Lu Junming looked at the indifferent woman in front of him, and his heart became more and more attached to her. He wanted to keep the relationship between them all the time.

"The company has a bidding meeting today, and I found that the time has passed at the end. I'm really sorry. If I had known that, I would have sent for you. "

Qianyurou feels Lu Junming's sincerity, and even her tone is full of apology.

"Don't say that, Mr. Lu. I have nothing to do with Xi'er. It doesn't matter later."

Xi'er stays in Lu Junming's arms, holds his neck, blinks at Lu Junming, "father Lu, you don't want me, do you?"

Lu Junming nodded, "of course, you are my baby. How can I not want you?"

Standing on one side, qianyurou looks at Lu Junming's gentleness towards Xi'er, and thinks that he will be a good father in the future.

"By the way, what happened to the custody of HIL?"

"I'll take you home first, and I'll talk about it later! It's getting late... "

Qian Yurou nods, takes Xi'er from Lu Junming, and follows Lu Junming to the front seat of the co pilot.

When the three went home, it was already half an hour later.

"The thing is, I've learned from my lawyer that this Friday will be a court session. You may need to ask for leave and come to court with me, and then we will fight for the custody of her as husband and wife."He came here today mainly to talk about this matter. After all, her so-called aunts and uncles could not get the custody of her and her father's legacy.

"It doesn't matter. I'll spare time on Friday. Can we really get custody of HIL?"

She didn't want her to be harassed by her relatives and friends like herself.

I have seen qianyurou's growth experience, so I have a little understanding of qianyurou's worries.

"Yes, as long as we are husband and wife, we will be able to get the custody of Xi'er, and we will get all the inheritance left by her father."

With Lu Junming's words, I feel relieved

"One more thing for me is that once we get custody of her, we'll get married and divorced."

Thousand words soft hesitated extremely, finally or word by word said out.

She and Cheng Hongyu have been together for so many years, and she doesn't want him to know that they are misunderstood.

Lu Junming didn't expect that she would be so worried. After all, all his conditions are better than her so-called boyfriend. If other women had stuck to him for a long time, how could she want to leave him immediately.


After a deep sigh, he opened his mouth, "I know. Don't worry. As long as you solve her problem, I will respect your opinion."

Hearing Lu Junming's reply, Qian Yurou was relieved!

Lu Junming knew that now the matter had been finished, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. If he stayed here, that silly woman would be in a state of tension all the time.

Slowly stood up from the sofa, arranged his luggage, "since the matter is finished, you two are also sent back by me safely, I will go first, so as not to cause trouble to you."

Qianyurou smiles awkwardly. What Cheng Hongyu said last time did embarrass Lu Junming and her.

"Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry that I didn't handle it well last time."

Lu Junming waved his hand, "don't say, I'm not such a mean person. I'm very grateful that you can get my neighbor's marriage certificate and help me get the custody of Xi'er. Now it also affects the relationship between you and your boyfriend. That's a crime, so don't say that."

All right!

Thousand language soft vomited a breath, "well, the road is slippery in the dark, Mr. Lu, you drive carefully."

Lu Junming nodded, lowered himself to Xi'er and said, "Xi'er, father Lu will pick you up on Friday."

"I know, father Lu, you must remember to miss me!"

Voice just fell, holding Lu Junming, in his face mercilessly kiss a record.

Because of Xi'er's kiss, Lu Junming's mood of a little bit of loss became a little better, "OK, I'll go first..."