Legacy of the Multiverse
The story follows an adventure of a Mortal who was initially due to his high Karma deeds was given a chose to travel from world to world and fulfill his desire to learn new things but soon slowly finds himself in the middle of becoming a Janitor for the gods, Watch as he goes against all the odds and raise on his path to Godhood. His path is of destruction and Chaos filled with Bones, blood, and everything in-between. more>>
《Legacy of the Multiverse》The Newest Chapter
- Chapter 56 - I sometimes just want to paint the entire world in red
- Chapter 53 - Author's decision
- Chapter 77 - New novel
- Chapter 76 - I'm not too good at goodbyes
- Chapter 75 - Stay safe people :)
- Chapter 74 - Titled Last: The bleeding God
- Chapter 73 - Titled Part. III
- Chapter 72 - Titled Part. II
- Chapter 71 - Titled Part. I
- See more chapter >>