"You're late, again!" shouted Kayzar almost grunting, standing up to greet her sister which he spotted from afar. He is in a small patch of forest within the Nilad Plains, south of the Palace. He's been sharpening his twenty-piece dagger set in order to escape boredom which he hurriedly abandoned seeing the glimpse of her on the horizon only to find out that she's just walking, taking her sweet time, to get to him. This frustrated him even more since he's been there for more than an hour.

"I'm sorry," she said catching up on him, flinching as she grabbed her left arm with a tightly wounded kerchief. "I didn't think I would end up rather preoccupied this morning."

"Are you wounded?" he asked concerned as soon as he saw a dab of blood escaping the kerchief's end.

"It's nothing. I'm fine. I fell off the stairs. It's nothing really."

"You fell?" he said snickering to the idea, "A Daomagar fell from the stairs and got wounded? Really? Do you really think I'm that daft?"

"Shut up," she shouted mad pushing him as he tried to get near to look at the wound, "It's nothing. We're behind schedule. I have so much to do so let's just focus on my promise and be done with this already."

He knows blood. He can smell it. He doesn't know why but he can. This peculiar innate ability appeared when he was just a child and it gradually intensified making him literally locate any injured person bleeding out near him. This secret hidden skill, that only he and Karus has, gave him the chills making him anxious and nauseated whenever he's in close proximity to any injured person. This unpleasant feeling of disgust transformed into fixation, and that in turn made him fear it.

His fear of its lasting smell made him proficient in detecting it in his enemies. He came up using pins and daggers laced with poisons just so he can neutralize his opponent's movements without resorting to a bloody and tiresome encounter.

He knows he needs to get rid of it to feel better. The sooner he rids off that nocuous smell that affects both his mental and emotional state, the better it is for him to stay and focus all his attention to her sister.

He smiled and pulled his knapsack. If she doesn't want to tell what happened, it's probably humiliating so he left her be. It's not a good thing to get on her bad side, with her arm punching attitude and all. He pulled a small vial on the side and threw it to her fast which she caught on quickly.

"Just pay me back at the north," Kayzar smiled successfully hiding his stifling frustration on her wound.

"Good luck with that," she laughed as she applied the White Angel Solution to her large wound, "Mother froze my bullions for having shady deals in the black market. You might have to get her permission for you to access my account."

"That's what you get for sneaking into places you shouldn't be. You are a Princess after all. Being there would besmirch the Limor House."

Liv just smiled. She wanted to berate him that she doesn't care besmirching the Limor House, but she knows better. Artemus has been a glowing example of nobility and honor in the House of Limor and although his brother Sarram and his sister Prodea, together with almost all of their known relatives, have been tarnishing the name of Limor longer than she is, generalizing all of the Limors to be selfish, petty, and rude is unwise. She respects her stepfather Artemus, who treats her like his own, so she doesn't want to get out of line. After all, her stepbrothers are kind, generous and polite noble princes fit for their titles too. She doesn't want to add harm and make them feel any worse than what they have already suffered from their immediate relative's hands.

"You ready?" Kayzar posed snapping Liv to attention.

"Yes!" she shouted now feeling alive and well. She stepped back ten feet making sure he's paying attention and then continued, "Now what I'm about to tell you Kayzar is top secret. Are you sure you want to continue? Because if you do, then there's no turning back."

Kayzar's blood rushed with excitement hearing these words. He nodded enthusiastically as he moved slowly a little closer putting all his attention to her. Liv pulled her hands in front of her stopping her from getting near and then she continued.

"I want you to know that from all our brothers you are the most special. You're one of those, what they call, fast learners here in Nagozul. Actually, you are practically the fastest fast-learner given your current state."

"Tell me something I don't already know," he smirked almost impatient.

"Why do you think is that?"

"It's because I have Wind as an innate element making my special personal attribute to become twice as attentive as other people. Are you going to lecture me on basic stuff or are you going to reveal your secret?"

"Patience brother." She moved away further three steps and pulled her long special pitch-black dagger. She then twirled drawing a perfect circle around her.

"Is that a summoning circle you're writing?" he posed seeing her write obscure markings in the earth.

"What do you think it is?" she smiled waiting for his reply which confused Kayzar even more.

"It looks like you are trying a summoning circle. But the markings are all weird, almost as if it is from the ancient times. The characters are completely unreadable and unrecognizable."

"Why do we write summoning circles in the earth again?" she asked while writing a complicated series of markings.

Kayzar grew annoyed of the basic questions she's been throwing at her. He knows she's just buying time etching on the ground, but he humored her anyway. "We write a formal request to Mother Earth for her powers so as to grant our spirit the energy to awaken her, summoning her might, directing all her energies to our will."

"Ah! But are we really borrowing Mother Earth's powers?"

Kayzar's face revealed a slight irritation with Liv's elementary questions but still, he responded, "No, we are borrowing Bathala's spirit. Since the rivers of life underneath the earth contains some of Bathala's spirit, we have associated Earth as an entity having a vessel and a soul like us mortals. We called this entity our Mother for she nurtured us to live here in her bountiful lands which Bathala has provided for us."

"Exactly," she replied moving away from the circle almost happy.

"Where are you getting at here?"

"Just get in the circle," she commanded jumping away to avoid ruining the etched markings on the ground, "I've spent hundreds of hours practicing that painstakingly hard summoning circle."

He hesitantly walked towards her and then jumped to get right in the middle of the circular art, carefully placing himself without ruining the markings that she made.

"Now what?"

Liv pulled a small shiny silver pearl bead in her jacket. She knelt praying something in the old tongue and then easily squished the lovely pearl she is holding like a dried-up walnut.

The runic circle just blinked a faint light for three times and then there was nothing. Kayzar stood there still confused with what's going on till he burst out asking.

"Hey! What are we doing here again?"

"It is complete," she whispered standing up, "Now we can begin."

"Begin what? What's with the failed attempt for a summoning?"

"You'll soon find out."

Kayzar grew ever anxious seeing her keeping information from him. He was about to say something, but he was interrupted.

"So! The top secret! You ever wondered why you and your brothers can become both Nagozulian and Daomagarian all at the same time?"

"Really? Another question?"

"It's rhetorical now. Try and keep up."

Kayzar just scoffed now getting really annoyed but she just let her continue.

"You can possess the powers of both Nagozul and Daomagar because something weird is in your blood. This is why you are being trained in secret by your father. In your blood lies the hope of Bathala's lands in the future..."

"The prophecy..." he interrupted knowing fully where she's going at.

She paused for a bit smiling devilishly seeing Kayzar beating her to her point. "So, you know about this prophecy?"

"Yes," he smirked lying, securing an understanding that they both know the same thing, thinking she might divulge more information on that premise later on.

"Well that will shorten up my time to discuss things to you... So, you know about your Yagisivian blood too?"

Kayzar was surprised hearing those words from her. He tried his best to hide his shock, but Liv's surprisingly great observation skills managed to read him through like a book.

"I guess that's a no. Well... No matter. It is the only logical reason why you five have the powers of Nagozul and Daomagar. Nagozul's bloodline does not mix well with Daomagar's, so the only logical assumption as to why is it so is that you five have been born with a mixture of blood coming from Yagisiv Haya."

"That's impossible! We have no Yagisivian Relatives! And even so, father is a Nagozulian and mother is a direct descendant of Daomagar. There's no way."

"True. But King Dogal a thousand years ago is from the Limor House."

"King Dogal? But he doesn't have any brother or sister?"

"Correct again. But who knows? No one really knows that because they are literally stripped from the family tree. The seers made sure of that as they burned all available records pertaining their lineage. They even tried to cover-up history as if the great Elven Rebellion never happened, describing his rule as a peaceful and bountiful age."

Kayzar smiled as if laughing, "Because of that historical alteration, the commoners now knows that the Elven Rebellion is a myth and just a story. I find it funny that the seers can do almost all things possible to spin the truth and make the impossible possible, and vice versa, thinking that they're saving a lot of people the trouble of grief and all that gloom. That makes me laugh every time."

"And also," Liv added, "let's not forget that some secret journals have insinuated that Dogal's first commandment after being King prohibits any member not related to their direct line to live inside the Palace, so no one can verify if he indeed had a child. Maybe his Yagisivian blood became recessive that it only appeared today to your father and in turn to you five."

"Recessive? What's that?"

"It's a thing in a theory about offsprings that's so complicated you wouldn't understand even if I try. Let's just say it lied dormant in your blood only to be awakened in your generation."

"Have you been reading Dal'Gur's medical journals?"

"Well yes... But that's not the point here! The point here is that because of your special blood and your special innate element, you, Kayzar, possess the most powerful utilization of Yagisiv Haya's Concentration Abilities. Because of the amplification of your innate Wind element, you have the most potential in being the greatest from you five."

"The Pilfering Eye," Kayzar murmured growing shock trying to absorb her every word.

"Right on point Kayzar. Impressive as always, you really know your Yagisivian history in spite of your humiliating grade marks in your studies at the Palace."

"Yes... I can only grasp an inkling of the idea because of the limited supply of Yagisivian texts on the Palace's library. We know the Yagisivians have many powerful eye techniques that they use in combat but because they have been so secretive with their skills, we can only name a few. The Pilfering Eye gave me quite an impression, but I really don't know its extent."

"There is none," she replied almost happy with excitement, "You can mimic the moves of the people around you and seize it to become yours. It only requires one to focus and devote their full concentration on the person performing the technique and then they can capture anything! Anything! And since you are a Wind Blower with an Amplifyer that amplifies concentration, you can become anything!"

Kayzar smiled wide with this idea. He always wondered why Narra is so persistent in making sure he is attentive in every technique he's performing. Now he knows why. Narra knows that they are mixed with Yagisivian blood and tries very hard to conceal it from them. They have been activating the Pilfering Eye subconsciously the whole time. This made him chuckle a bit now figuring why he's the only one mastering all Daomagarian Skills without any single effort while they push hard to continuously learn everything in countless sets of repetition, especially Reus who's been too impossible. Narra's been harshly training them four to activate the Pilfering Eye subconsciously so that they can adapt to every life and death situation. That's why he's been pushing them too hard to the brink of death by exhaustion. Now he knows a part of their father's plan and what they can do in the future.

"I've got to tell this to Karus!" he shouted now revealing his both excited and concerned face, "I've got to tell this great news!"

"Unfortunately," Liv stopped frowning with her happy face diminishing slowly, "you can't."

"Why not!?"

"You see, while you are in that circle, all of the things that I have said, that you heard, can never reach any other ear aside from me."

"What!? Well that's..."

"If you do try," she said continuing, "Your body will be torn apart and will be reduced to nothingness. A silent implosion if you will."

"WHAT!?" he angrily shouted jumping back a few feet away from her and the apparent cursed summoning circle.

"Well I have to tell you that in order to teach you the Shadow Step and the Phantom Bite. It is top secret information that only a few selected souls know about and I don't really have the clearance to divulge the information, let alone know it."

"I appreciate the talk, Ate-Liv, but I don't really follow the reason why you would sacrifice killing me in order to do that! You could've just trusted me! I would've done anything!"

"Exactly! I asked if you would be ready to do anything to acquire my special skills and you answered yes so you don't have no right to scream at me like a little girl after I have made some painstakingly impossible measures just so that I can reveal that information to you without compromising you and our brother's security or your path as one of the Chosen Ones. You should really be thanking me!"

"Chosen One? What does that mean!?"

"I have said too much," Liv paused with serious eyes, "Either get inside the circle and let me teach the techniques or you could go home to the north. Your choice. Either way, I'll understand and respect your decision."

Kayzar's eyes that are being lit with fury eased up as he moved closer to her and into the center of the summoning circle once more. He knows there's nothing he can do but to learn the technique now that he's under her enchantment. There's no reason to fight her in this situation, after all she just wants to protect him and his brothers - that he is sure of - so he calmed down and smirked trying to give her the signal to continue.

"Now pay close attention..."

Liv stepped gently to the left and then disappeared. It is broad daylight and what she did is practically impossible to copy, he thought. She just disappeared as if ripping the space and then closing it all the way again giving off an effect as if the space became a moving blanket eating her whole body into nothingness. Kayzar tilted his head analyzing what happened and then, after a few seconds, she appeared again on the same spot as if she didn't even move at all.

"So, that is the Shadow Step... the one used by the Notorious Yiv."

"Yes, we've traded some secret thing in the black market. And this is what he gave me in return from his humongous debt."

Kayzar just smiled as if without confidence to her statement. She just ignored it and continued.

"Did you see what happened?"

"No. I didn't..."

"Focus all your attention to me. To my every outline. To my every move. To my every shadow." And with that she disappeared again and reappeared three seconds later a further left.

"You see anything?"

"No," he whispered quite hesitant and slightly humiliated, "All I see is a sudden slight vibration from all of your body giving off a slight increase in air pressure all around your location."

"Exactly! Now you're catching up."

"What is it? Tell me the nature, the core principles, and I will master it."

"When trying the shadow step, you must focus all your body to vibrate fast performing the Great Dash, applying it to every minute particle in your body. This should be done to a certain level of frequency so as to place your vessel in the void, between this physical realm and the spiritual realm, making you an Immortal Spectreunbound to the normal chronological placement of this world."

"WHAT!? Liv? Seriously? Where's this technical talk coming from?"

"Hey!" she shouted almost grumpy, "Don't try mocking me for reading Dal'Gur's Scientific Journals. Because of his works I can try explaining this to you without actually making you do it till it kills you for you to feel what is expected for you to do this."

"Okay, okay. Jeez, I'm really not used to you spouting weird jargons."

"Well, he's the one who proved our techniques with his weird mathematics."

"Well if that's the case, then it will be really impossible for me to perform it in three obvious reasons."

Liv was confused crossing her arms followed by furrowed eyebrows awaiting his explanations which he then continued enumerating his argument.

"Number One. I didn't know you can apply the Great Dash to your whole body. Sure, Karus explained it to me that one can apply it to one's limbs to perform numerous skills such as the Thousand Blade Dash like he did on..."

"Wait," interrupted Liv looking concerned which baffled Kayzar, "He finally performed the Thousand Blade Dash? They pushed through with that?! That's impossible! Even I can't do that!"

"Seriously? You can't do that? You can do the Shadow Step, but you can't do the Thousand Blade Dash? I thought you could easily apply the Great Dash to every part of your body."

"Yes. But there are intricacies in the Dashes that hinders people to master every technique. The Shadow Step requires only complete concentration and full control of one's vessel whereas the Thousand Blade Dash requires more. It is necessary to acquire both concentration and an unreasonable amount of energy and muscle force to maneuver his vessel delivering powerful blows while at the same time controlling his vessel not to be torn apart in the process. That's why the Thousand Blade Dash is one of the three most ultimate skills of the Great Daomagar himself. It is really that impossible and only seven have been able to do that in the history of the Holy Lands - the seventh person died in his first try."

Liv turned to thinking with much worry in her eyes. Kayzar noticed this and asked. "If it is that so impossible, why are you feeling a bit glum instead of being excited? I for one feel a bit ecstatic ultimately proving that we really are twins. It's like we're one extremely improved mortal separated during childbirth. I'm the fast-learner amped with mind-powers and he's the brute self-powered tank with an endless supply of energy. Together we are unstoppable."

"Yes. I feel that too. That's why he's dangerous," she murmured being lost in her thoughts almost forgetting Kayzar.

"What'd you say?"

"Oh. Nothing, please do continue with your dilemma."

Kayzar just smiled as if he didn't hear her. But he heard her, and he heard her well enough together with her frightened sigh as if she's planning something in her mind, forcing a weak smile to cover her anxious face earlier. He knows Karus is stated to become, at some point, the reincarnation of the mythical White Demonas stated in the Prophecy but he knows it will never be. He will personally see to that if worst push to shove but, honestly, he's confident it will never come to that frightening point taking into consideration Karus' personality.

Karus alone is strong, stubborn, and persistent and he knows that his brother's resolve will not waver, so he doesn't really need to convince him otherwise. He will do his very best to avoid hurting anyone and he knows he will not succumb to this prediction, so he just ignored her worried sister and carried on.

"Number Two. I can't really try doing that without practicing it for two or three times. That's my average assimilation time using my handy subconsciously activated Pilfering Eye. And Number Three. Even If I do and by luck I turn into an Immortal Spectre pushing my vessel into the void, the chances of risking myself being trapped there will increase exponentially making your trick a little bit more complicated than what was originally planned."

"Correct. But you see, like Grandpa Narra, I always love to plan ahead." He pulled her hand and went closer to him. Kayzar noticed the curious wind around her humming and the light that outlines her brightened with a gentle flowing of blurred surge of light. "Look at my hand," she continued raising it to level to his face, "what do you notice."

"You are vibrating and making the light and the air around you to be excited."

"Now, pull out your hand," she commanded with Kayzar following her almost instantaneously. She then touched his arm, still vibrating, making him feel its effect and then she continued. "This is the highest frequency that I can manage to control before permeating the veil that separates this world and the underworld. Dal'Gur calls this void the Veil of Transitus, El Velo de Transición, or the Veil of Transition but whatever it is, you'll feel it if you increase your vibration to a little notch higher."

"It kinda tickles," Kayzar smiled feeling happy until he saw her slowly changing a serious face.

"Oh, I'm not touching you yet. This would be touching you."

She gently pushed touching his left arm and then, within a fraction of a second without so much as a warning, he was thrown twenty feet to his right, rolling around in the ground, breaking his left arm in the process.

"ATE-LIV!!!" he shouted furiously choking on the immediate pain radiating on the now crackling bones of his arm, "WHAT THE YIT'VIT!"

"You're a water caster, heal it!" she coldly said walking slowly to his side, "you know your Pilfering Eyes works best in life and death situations. You got your Blue Sapphire in your pocket, might as well try and use it now."

Kayzar stood up ready and serious, he grabbed his arm with his right hand and firmly clutched the injured part until it healed completely.

"Wow. I'm impressed with how fast you can heal. Your water healing techniques really works well with your wind innate."

Kayzar stood up and tried vibrating his body but Liv interrupted him immediately appearing at his back. She tapped him and again he was thrown away like a cannonball to the air, now almost forty feet long, still rolling and eating off the dirt on the ground he landed on.

"Tsk. See the fatal flaw about doing this is that when you try to vibrate without matching my frequency, each force will fight one another and as a result a massive force will be inflicted on the much slower one, that'd be you. Since I can utilize my Deep Root very well, I will manage to deflect the resulting force all day unlike you who don't even know what that is."

"You knew I can't do the Deep Root?" he mumbled weakly coughing up blood while fixing himself with Water Enchantments to heal his more broken bones, "You've been spying on us?"

"Well, that's what a good sister would do," and then she disappeared reappeared again to his right pushing her palm to touch his arm, but he dashed on parrying the attack.

"You think I won't fight back?"

"Nope," she smiled and then reappeared behind him at a frightening speed, "because you can't!"

She slapped him at left shoulders throwing him again to another forty feet with him still trying to match her vibration's frequency.

"Not unless you learn to permeate the veil," she said now smiling, "you will never be able to escape me."

"Is this really the best way to learn that?" he laughed standing spitting off blood while healing himself almost nonstop. Liv just shuddered and then appeared again instantaneously in front of him. She pushed him to the chest but Kayzar managed to pull his arms together to protect himself. He was thrown almost fifty feet up in the air but this time, he landed standing to the ground.

"Ah!" she laughed clasping her hands, "I knew you will make this interesting."

"Hey! Don't get me wrong but I really don't want to end up like a vegetable with you almost killing me on every strike!"

"Hey! I'm just tapping you gently," she teleported again at his right side smiling wide, "This would tantamount to slapping!"

She waved her hands almost lazily but the impact to Kayzar's arm became almost fatal throwing him almost eighty feet long for about twenty feet high. Kayzar managed to land safely on ground but she appeared again and again on every landing, continuously slapping him with a force as strong as a high velocity battering ram of a strong Daomagar. He analyzed her attacks and managed to calculate an increasing amount of force every three strikes. At that rate, before he reaches set twenty of threes, he will surely be dead. At the end of set ten, Liv stood up standing as if disappointed raising her arms almost sixty feet away from him.

"Kayzar! You really wanna die today?!"

"No," he coughed wheezing with his face pounded, standing crooked without a firm stance, and clothes almost torn apart, "I think I know now."

"Well you better be!" she said grumpily, "the next force would kill you fifty-fifty!"

Liv rushed through in front of him and before she could ever touch him, he smiled and then disappeared.

"Good one," she smirked and then she dissolved.

Kayzar opened his eyes and to his surprise he saw everything with a radiant hue of dark blue with an intermittent waving movement of every outline of any objects in sight as if the whole world has been submerged underwater. He can see Liv's cheeks pinching as she smiles slowly on the other side giving him the assumption that he profoundly slowed time by entering into the bluish dimension Liv calls the Veil of Transitus.

With a weak smile, he sat down and hurriedly healed his aching body only to find out that he's gradually feeling much better by the second while his wounds and broken bones still remains rather in their place, still pushing out droplets of blood. He felt a little frightened as the torturous pain slowly slithers to escape him as if being siphoned away by an unknown force. He knows he hasn't been able to properly heal himself and the pain alone should make him squirm cringing as he sat there but it didn't. It would appear that in that cool and calming new world, some of his mortal senses would cease to persist and bother him like the pain he's feeling, or the stress and fear of Liv's attack, or even his dragging fatigue from his every effort dodging his sister. This also includes his grumbling stomach, as he came to recall immediately. His growling belly has been warning him hours ago to eat something, but one activity led to another making him forget its lonely plea. He knows he's hungry, but he just doesn't feel anything near to a craving to consume. He suddenly halts to attention as he heard some faint eerie wails of people somewhere. He stood up to find where it came from, but Liv began to enter and join him.

"Finally!" she shouted with a warm smile as she hurriedly came to hug him. "I thought I'll end up killing you. That'll be really hard to explain to Mama."

"Wait..." Kayzar shushed her walking away, "do you hear that?"

"What?" Liv stopped for a few seconds and figured it out, "Oh, right! That! Those are the wailing souls of the dearly departed. You can hear them everywhere here. In fact, you'll go mad hearing them if you stay here for quite a while, and trust me... I know."

"Why are they here?"

"What do you mean why? We are in the Veil of Transitus silly! That means the Veil of Transition literally is the transitory dimension between our world and the underworld, if you're paying close attention to what I said earlier. The souls pass through here to permeate the underworld... that sort of thing. Some wails are the cry of the souls that are not ready to be reaped from our world, but Dal'Gur said it's just because they are in transition. After which they will rest in peace being reunited with Bathala. But that's theoretical since no one's been able to get to Paraiso and back."

"So, the Underworld? Is that Paraiso?"

"No! I thought you've been reading your books? It's not the same. The underworld is another dimension that holds the departed souls of mortals. Paraiso is where Bathala is. What I know is that you can only get to Paraiso through the Underworld. It's more like a waiting room more or less."

"What? And what about the Impierno, Inferno, Hell!"

"Why do you keep asking me tough questions?! Do I look like I died and went back here again?" Liv laughed almost hysterical making fun of him, "I don't know if there is a world called Impierno! But I can assure you that if there is one, you can be forced to enter there in the Underworld too. If what they say is right, then all the wicked people will be smitten there to oblivion - if they are right. But I don't believe them."

"Why so?"

"Well, for one thing, we are the children of Bathala. What we say or do is practically dependent on the experiences of our vessel in our world that practically is the product of his divine plan. And that, I think, is really not our fault. Remember that being wicked is only a perception of our mortal society. If you die being tagged by the society as wicked but is just practically doing it to provide a scenario that will play out in the future in order to make his divine plan come true, then surely Bathala will understand. We are just a mere piece of the whole puzzle and thus, when we die, he'll accept us to his loving arms no matter what. After all he's our father and we're his..."

"No!" he shouted contesting the idea, "We have our free will! We have been given enough wisdom to identify good or evil and it's up to us whether to taint our souls with sins. I do believe in hell, but I believe that only those people whose tainted their souls black will be sent there."

"Hey! What are you so angry about?"

"I'm sorry... it's just that I really don't agree with that kind of philosophy. What you're saying gives other people the idea that they can get away with whatever cruelty they have been doing in our world!"

Liv just smiled and shrugged, "Meh, to each his own I guess..."

Kayzar wanted to hold back but he couldn't. In his mind, he just wants her to tell the truth. To confess. He really wants to understand why Liv is Yiv and why she committed all those atrocities that she has done in the past but he knows if they continue to dwell on the topic, his concerns about Liv being Yiv will leak out making her suspicious and uncooperative in their training. He knows that he couldn't get through to her then if he continues to push her.

"Why are we even talking about that again?" chuckled Kayzar trying to move the discussion along.

"I don't know, you started it," laughed Liv trying to get off from her long trench coat, "What I do know on the other hand, is that I haven't really given you the basic introduction about this place."

"Yep, please do go on... I'm feeling rather uncomfortable in this place. I want to get out here as soon as possible."

"Well, you should," she hurriedly said returning to her serious face, "The Veil of Transitus is not really a place to play around to. Every soul that enters here are permitted only to stay for a maximum of one year in this realm - by one year of this realm I mean roughly a month and six days in the real world. Time is slowed to about ten times here. There may be some fluctuation but it's almost always ten times faster, I checked it myself."

Kayzar's face turned from a jolly smile to a concerned gaze. "Well, why's that? Why create this realm when they can go directly to the Underworld?"

"I don't know. But... you might say that this realm is a cruel gift for mortals for them to catch a glimpse of the other side after dying. A window to watch their love ones and everyone for a limited time before being transferred to the Underworld. You can't see them, your eyes aren't equipped to, but they are around here. Walking around wondering, building up the courage to cross the Underworld - or at least that's what some Yagisivians told me."

"What does that have to do with us?"

"Well, everything! We are not souls so we really shouldn't be here. The tricky thing is that we have our soul inside our vessel intact when we cross here. Every time you enter this place, your soul will be pulled forcefully from your vessel. You might not feel it, but your soul now is being violently pulled away from your body much like water being siphoned out of the glass through a straw by a very thirsty man who's just got out of a desert. The bond of our soul and our physical vessel is literally that strong.

"Our souls have been bound here on our realm by our very effective vessel, so it takes a lot of energy to rip it out. Our body can only withstand to remain in this world for approximately one year - and that's the maximum. By that time, your vessel wouldn't be able to hold back your soul from the surging energies that try to pry it from you."

"How about you? How long have you been staying here in this world?"

"Oh, about nine months give or take. And the two months being here are spent on my training getting out - that, I'll tell you, is quite hard."

"How did you count the time you spent here?"

"I don't. It's just an estimation. In your first stay here, your body is in top shape. As you stay here longer, you will notice a bright radiance escaping your bare skin. Like mine, see? That light is your soul escaping your body. The longer you stay, the brighter you become. The brighter you become, the more dangerous it is for you to remain here."

"Ah! So, that's why you've been so bright! I thought it is only normal to see you in that bright tone. But how can you compare the level of brightness being emitted by your soul to that of nearing fatal?"

"Through water. You see, water, here, can be viewed as bright as the sun. Pure white. The souls in this world illuminate the same bright luminescence. If you want to check your status, you must compare your skin's glow to that of the water. If it's the same white radiance, then you must get out of here quickly or else..."

"Or else what?"

"Or else your soul gets sucked on by the unknown surging energies, forcefully delivering it to the underworld. It tantamounts to death, and your body will gradually disintegrate here for about a week or so, slowly being carried back to the real world as tiny specs to be blown by the wind to be scattered throughout the world. It's poetic, really. If you want to die that is..."

Kayzar chuckled faintly just finishing his healing spell. "So, how could I get out of here?"

"Yes, that's the best part. Understanding this realm is tricky. You have to vibrate twice as fast as you did on our world to squeeze back in there. And the hard part is, the longer you stay here, the harder it is for you to get away. It's as if you're vessel is being bind to stay here and there is little you can do about it."

"What?! I barely made my way in here... you want me to double up the speed?"

"Yes. I don't know how long it is for you to figure that out, but I know you will - in the end. Just don't take too much time or else you'll be winding up dead - 'Missing' will be the term apt for your early departure in our world."

"Hey! Are you -"

"Yes, I'm leaving. My job here is done. I have trained your body to create a frequency that could match mine. Now it is up to you to figure out how to double it. I really can't stay in this world long; I've used up too much time already. And besides, you're the one who said you'll do anything to learn this technique."

"Yeah, Yeah! Quit rubbin' it!" Kayzar pouted with a long face feeling a little disadvantaged with her deal.

"And... uh... try not to wander off, will you? If you get missing here and I don't find you in time, then you'll be a lost cause? Okay? So, stay in this area and don't go drifting off to somewhere."

"What if I can't get out of here? What then?"

"I'll come back here after ten months - a month in the real world. If by then you're still here figuring it out, then you should forget about the Shadow Step and I'll piggy-back you to our world."

"What about food! Yit'ard Ate-Liv, you're going to starve me to death!?"

Liv laughed seeing his eyes almost popping out in distress. "Don't worry about that. The veil will sustain your body. It's always have been this way. It will supply you with what you need so you won't want anything. I know you felt that earlier on? Right?"

"WAIT!" shouted Kayzar as he tried to stop her from escaping but it's too late. She has seeped out of the veil and into the real world with her devious smile as if teasing him. Kayzar clicked his tongue in frustration as he angrily mumbles to himself, "She's been throwing me all around breaking my bones when she should've been trying to piggy-back me here for a few times till I get the feel of the process. Classic Ate-Liv!"


The loud bang of the door upon opening interrupted Narra from his light reading. He is inside the Grand General's tent waiting for him for hours making him gasp for air as he sees him now arriving, barging in, and heaving deep breaths as if being deprived of the free air with deep sorrow in his eyes.

"Dear Bathala, Artemus, what happened to you?" he asked as he ran towards him helping him sit down on a long cushioned chair inside his quarters. Many soldiers behind him are curious to their general's state of being. This is the first time they've seen him catching his breath with his white robe stained with mud all around as if he just retreated from a losing battle.

Artemus's white royal robe is a symbol of his renowned title of being invulnerable. Nobody can taint that white robe, even in dreadful combat. His shiny silk fighting robe can never be besmirched by any object because of his famous perfect defense and yet he is covered in dirt and looking helpless.

Narra gave a stern look at the soldiers which they understood right away dispersing in all directions, returning to their daily tasks but still looking concerned. Upon seeing to this, he immediately closed the door to a shut and came hurriedly to Artemus's side who is now drinking three servings of his cup of tea, thirsty as if he just escaped the dry deserts.

"Father," he started still catching his breath, "Help me... I think I'm DYING!"

"What?!" he shouted concerned running towards him. "That's absurd! Who did this to you!?"

Artemus stood up, wobbly and weak and whispered, "Bakunawa... he..." and then he collapsed falling to Narra's arms which terrified him.

"ARTEMUS!" he bellowed with much worry as he pulled him to his sides. He kicked the door, blasting it to smithereens, and then carried his son-in-law by the arms as he dashed off to the medic faster than anyone has ever seen before.


The sun is settling perfectly to high noon bringing forth its hot embrace to the teeming crowd that gathers at Nagozul's City Square just outside the Palace. All of the leaders of Nagozul's Citizens are summoned to hear the urgent message coming from the Queen herself which surprised them even more since she usually doesn't do much needed appearance in her reign. Nagozul hasn't had this kind of mass announcement so urgent since the death of their beloved ruler, King Liwanag. It is so important that the seers have passed a ruling effectively cutting all work and trade for the day. The Nagozulians we're kind of stoked on excitement as they assume that the Royal Family has chosen the rightful heir to the throne of Nagozul - their King. Thousands of Nagozulians tried their best to cram up cooking food and preparing for the festivities that they thought will sure to follow until the Horns of Glory blew its loud enchanting melody keeping them to attention, awaiting their Queen's appearance.

"Blessed Noon to us all!" shouted the lively Palace Minister on top of the stairs to the big gates of the Palace's keep, "May I present to you, the Grand Princess Prodea, Chief Magistrate of Nagozul!"

The people stood in wonder as they focused all of their attention to the slowly moving twin metal gates of Nagozul's Palace, witnessing the entrance of Prodea and her magnificence. She is wearing her majestic royal gown as if she is dressed as the Queen.

The person with the highest-ranking position in every event should wear the most ornamental of dresses together with the longest train which Prodea seems to be wearing regally. She holds in her right hand the Orb of Nagozul, a rare object symbolizing power, and on her left the Divine Scepter, symbolizing authority - a thing that troubled most of the citizens since the Queen usually wields these rare objects and the Queen has yet to appear before them.

Silence began to rob the whole of the city square by the second as the twin doors returned slowly to a shut. Nobody followed her out. Not the Queen, not her brothers Sarram and Artemus, not even one of those Palace Seers and Council Members who should be present at these kinds of event.

"Greetings brave Nagozulian Citizens. I come before you all bearing a very disturbing revelation. It has come to my attention that Nagozul has been corrupted by one of our very own."

All of the people leaned forward awaiting her every word. They are dumbfounded with this information, hearing her usual strong and confident voice faltering with sadness and despair.

"Last night, a cowardly assassin has made its way to the Queen's chambers and tried to deliver a fatal blow to your beloved Queen, my mother. Even though Death has spared her from his clutches, he has never yet favored her recovery for she has fallen into the deep sleep."

All of the people present came to a gasp. And murmurs filled the whole area. Some cried, some panicked, and others even fainted. The idea of this debauchery in the lands of Nagozul is utterly unforgivable. There hasn't been any news of assassination for hundreds of years and hearing this for the first time gave fright to the citizens. The crowd fell silent once more as Prodea raised the Divine Scepter, illuminating the fist-sized black diamond gem encrusted on the tip, getting everyone's attention.

"But before she did, before she lost all consciousness, she ordered me to find out this wretched demon. And I would like to honor her wishes.

"I will not stand idly by while this person, or group of persons whoever they may be, wreak havoc in our lands, plotting murder, potentially endangering everyone and all of Nagozul. Witnessing this atrocity to our Holy Lands of Nagozul, I, Grand Princess Prodea, the Chief Magistrate of Nagozul, am willing to personally capture this monster. This I vow to you! This I vow with my life!"

Dark clouds began moving covering the bright sky. This frightened the people even more than her angry yelling. Unreadable runic symbols which is new to them has been appearing directly on top of them at the skies with the Orb of Nagozul's energy activating, amplifying a bright muffled white radiance that can be seen throughout the Palace. Prodea continued now shouting with the dark frightening clouds grumbling with fury.

"I place Nagozul's borders under closed investigation. Under the Queen's decree, I shall step forth in her stead until all matters regarding this unforgivable crime has been resolved. Every citizen of Nagozul will be investigated and every crime will be answerable to me and will be subject to my divine authority as Bathala granted."

A roaring blast of energies surge from the sky to Prodea, blasting all of them with a great bright red energy that crept all throughout Nagozul. The citizens, who cowered in the scary display of energies, became baffled as their Amplifyers lose their glow one by one. Fear and panic slowly ensued as all of Nagozulians elemental capabilities were stolen from them. They can no longer manipulate elements and this awful situation both terrified and alarmed them. Nothing, and no one, can rob someone of their elemental energies but Prodea did and that created a wild tremor of horror in every heart of the people in attendance. This is no longer just any other Magick. This is the work of Dark Magicks, Magicks that are forbidden and is only used by mythical Dim'ion - the nefarious Herald of Bathala.

Everyone, even the guards fell in deep shock as she displayed a horrifying amount of power that they have never seen before, a power alien to any other Nagozul in history. Her body reverberates an insurmountable presence of Elemental energies that can only be felt from at least thirty elementals with their Amplifyers at full capacity. They have never seen this kind of power from Prodea before, they even believe she is not capable of this level of amplification but she's been doing it, she has robbed them of their powers leaving her the only remaining elemental in Nagozul and that thought haunted their mind creating much anxiety.

"Because of this treachery," she continued addressing almost with a scary commanding tone, "All of Nagozul's powers will be removed from all of its citizens and will only be recovered by the person who are to be proven innocent and can be trusted. Until the criminal is at large, Rights and Privileges will be appropriated. Anyone who defies this law defies the Queen! Anyone who defies the Queen defies Nagozul! Anyone who defies Nagozul defies Bathala! Pass this to your village! Spread it throughout Nagozul! And to those monsters who have disrespected our kingdom, may Bathala have mercy on your souls!"

And with these words, Prodea trod off to the now opening gates of the Palace. Nobody opened the gates, not as much as closed it too on her way in, in fright of what just happened but it magically opened and closed as if on command. Waves of contemptuous shouts and rampant cries of great fear and sadness soon followed as she exits with the whole city square falling into a commotion of dread, grief, and confusion.