"What's happening?" Kayzar asked as he blinked a few times sitting on the smooth oak floor directly in front of the warm crackling fireplace of his Father's newly built quarters.

"What's that K-Z?" Karus asked craning his head taking a peek at him on the other side of Artemus's Long desk.

"Nothing," Kayzar mumbled as he notices scattered papers all around him everywhere.

"Just memorize all the things you find there, and we'll compare notes afterwards, okay?"

As soon as Kayzar was about to mutter a reply, Karus returned almost immediately hiding himself perfectly in the other side as if it is an order that he knows his twin brother's going to obey. He was dumbfounded that he had come back to about two years ago and is magically reliving this specific memory.

He could smell the fresh sawdust lingering in the room as the surprisingly cold draft whispers intermittently to warn them of the night's growing darkness, increasing the risk of them being caught in their curfew evening by the second. Burned papers are everywhere but it's as if his purpose is to memorize and reproduce the vague written words etched from each piece from memory as they shed their fragile charcoal body slowly, almost giving him a favor to savor and commit to thought each readable ink that has been feebly clutching the burnt parchment. Through a very surprising fate, his hands grabbed the fragile paper numbered ninety-two and fixated on the center instantaneously reading, slowly and silently, the burnt paragraph that he can understand almost perfectly because of his gifted sharp eyes.

"And the moonless night followed with much dread as the venomous six-headed Downy-Haired Commander, tracked Prince Kayzar, the apprentice of the Immortal Specter and the shadow of Karus the Great. A great battle ensued with Prince Kayzar magnificently excising the six vile heads granting him a place of honor in the heavens. But, alas, all luck was forsaken as the vile poisonous venom of the youthful beast consumed his limbs bringing down the shadow to its knees where he vanished in the realm as he awaits for Death's execution in his sleep, alone and without comfort."

A couple of sighs was all he could muster. Kayzar's hands began to tremble, weak and helpless. He forced a smile as he saw Karus peeking again mumbling.

"What?" asked Kayzar, "I can't hear you!"

Karus began shouting but still without a sound. Kayzar furrowed with much confusion on why it is so. Karus tried to speak out his words but none reached the air. Kayzar tried moving closer but he stood up as if in a fit of temper and irritated still shouting now stomping his feet that should produce an awkward banging noise, but it didn't.

"Shh..." Calmed Kayzar still without a clue on what he wants, "Stop it! You might draw attention to us!" Kayzar now stood up looking everywhere as if being careful not to be caught sneaking into their father's newly created quarters in the North.

Karus slowly backed away, still shouting, trying to get as close to the wall as possible, as if the room was being stretched, being pulled away from reality by an unknown force trying to keep their distance for tens of feet.

"Louder!" he screamed as Karus moved being pulled away now for about a hundred feet long. "Louder, Karus! I still can't hear you!"

In all of a sudden, Karus began zooming close to him and in a split-second, nose-to-nose, he shrieked in an earsplitting noise, "STOP SLEEPING HERE! WAKE UP YOU BUFFOON!!!"

Kayzar slowly opened blinking and gradually sat in a hunch with his gloomy eyes almost teary. This nightmare has become a recurring thought in every waking moment of his life for the past two years. He wants to deny what he saw as they rummage what was left of the burnt copy of the prophecy almost two years ago, but he couldn't. It is in their father's obscure handwriting so it must be true, however horrendous it might be. He has been hiding the prophecy of his death to Karus with much success that it almost gave him the comfort that it will not happen.

Being apart with his brother kills his will slowly as if being smothered by a pillow. He feels rather secured when they are together, most of which is primarily due to the fact that he doesn't want to die being alone and without comfort as was told by the prophecy.

He stood up stretching trying to ignore his terrifying dream now being more realistic and absurd than ever before and started thinking of the fact as to why he was asleep in the Veil of Transitus in the first place. No one gets tired in this realm, let along feel pain. He grabbed the two daggers connected by a sturdy thin chain that is connected to his bracers in his arms and realized immediately that he has managed to master three daggers in his Floating Dagger training on his stay there for ten months. In his attempt to try a fourth, he remembered that the pommel of his dagger began plummeting accidentally straight to his head at high velocity knocking him unconscious. He smiled a little bit measuring the sun as he found out that he had been sleeping for four earth hours which is forty hours in the Veil. What a waste, he thought as he pulled the chain of the two other daggers that has been ten feet away from him from both sides.

He saw Liv in the horizon entering his training field on the other realm, so he immediately packed all the things in his travel gear and then sat with a wide grin on top of the tree stump at the far end.

In a matter of minutes, Liv pushed into the Veil and joined him dashing to get near to him. Kayzar saw a strange look in Liv's eyes. Her eyes were smiling in the clearing, but he saw her with a strange surprised look for a second before returning to her mocking disappointed gaze as if she's been trying to hide something. Kayzar tilted his head finding an explanation for her emotions but he just let it pass in a thought that maybe he's been over-thinking things. He became hyper-observant in that realm possibly due to the whispering sounds he's been hearing for the past few months over and over again and he don't want to be dubbed as growing insane.

As he stood up to greet his sister, a loud stinging slap welcomed the back of his head throwing him a couple of steps forward. Kayzar was mystified on the speed and agility of her dashes in that realm. He's been staying there for ten months training his speed and reflexes too generating a profound feeling that his skills are near to perfection, but Liv still managed to crush his newly established confidence and fooled his eyes with her remarkable dashes. Truly a Master Sibara as she is dubbed to be, he thought.

"Whyd'ya do that!?"

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!? Are you suicidal!?"

"Well I can't get out! Seeing as you left me here to rot for ten months, I'm assuming that you'd be less violent and more forgiving..."

"Well I s'pose you're right. You do look kind of pathetic being stuck here for a long time... I should've never overestimated your abilities..."

"Hey! What do you mean by that!?"

"No worries, I'm here, you're stuck, so we should get out."

With a tap of the hand they both returned to their Earthly Realm with the bright sun consuming all things to a blinding luminescence mimicking an intensely lit white room - an intense blinding white room that would violate every optic fiber in anyone's eyes. The experience made Kayzar shy away running to the nearest shadow, averting his eyes to the bombarding rays of white light, managing to scamper and take comfort at the edge of the clearing behind the most leaf-endowed trees.

He's been staying in the Veil of Transitus for a very long time and that adjusted his eyes to its cool bluish waving hues of serenity. Liv just laughed mocking him on how he looked quite helpless as if a bat magically waking up on a beach on a bright summer's day.

"Gets them every time..." she whispered slapping her thighs in pure happiness. He rarely sees her happy, and when he does it's usually because of a twisted reason - like what's happening to him now.

"Who's them?" Kayzar shouted almost trying with all his might to squint peering with his left eye, still trying to adjust to the bright sun.

"Oh nothing," she replied still trying hard to breathe laughing, "I should've tried slowly giving you the transition, but I can't resist the temptation."

He knows she's Yiv and Kudos and Madj are the Lost Apprentices of the Shadow, her secret apprentices, so the thought of her giving them the prank quelled his irritation for a little bit. The idea gave him some comfort that at least he's not alone getting tricked at, and more importantly at least he's not the first which quite stopped him getting all furious.

"You could've destroyed my eyes you know!" he grumpily added still squeezing himself to hide in the shadows even further.

"Nah, you'll be fine. Don't be too sensitive. Man up!"

"Well I feel older," Kayzar said changing the topic, "It's been almost a year there. And I've been busying myself with other endeavors since escaping is not an option."

"I've noticed," she whispered arriving in front of him now sitting on the ground almost giving the hint about his exposed bracers peeping behind his long sleeves. Kayzar immediately buttoned them in his futile attempt to hide what was equipped on his arms. "You've forgot to hide that from me, which is totally okay. You should practice your floating daggers even without my help. You'll need that someday."

"And you won't tell?"

"Of course, not. I know it's forbidden to know that technique but you're talking to the number one troublemaker here in Nagozul. Heck, it's forbidden to know the shadow step and yet here you are, learning it."

"So, you would teach me to cross over the Veil of Transitus some other time again?"

"Sure, so long as you don't use it frequently this time. You've been stuck in there for ten months. You got at least two months left on your clock, so don't be staying there too much or else I'm going to be the one to kill you!"

"I thought I'll die being trapped there?"

"Then I'll beat the freaking soul out of you here before you go in that realm ever again!" she shouted punching him in the left arm for trying to get a laugh. "I'm serious, so stop messing around!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Oh, and by the way, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but there's been trouble in Nagozul while you were away."

"What's wrong? It's not that it's..."

"Father is ill," she hurried with all seriousness, "he fell into the Sleep of Death for about a month now."

"Yit'ard Ate-Liv! And you forgot to mention that!?" he grunted standing up, trying to open his eyes, still making himself comfortable with the sun's intense radiance. "AND YOU LEFT ME HERE FOR A MONTH BEFORE YOU GOT THE IDEA OF PULLING ME BACK!?"

"There's nothing you or anyone can do about it. I figured with father's skill, he would wake up on his own, since he's of Life Element, but it seems that he hasn't yet."

"I HATE YOU!" Kayzar shouted now storming off to the woods.

"Hey!" she called stopping him, "Father's vital signs are stable now, he's been activating his Amplifyer in its highest potential which means he's alive and well and is battling whatever curse he's been inflicted. It's only a matter of time, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Nagozul has more serious problem at hand!"


And with his raging declaration he dashed on disappearing to the woods.


"Master!" whispered a silver image of a muscular man sprouting off from the tree, "Shud we follow 'im?"

"No. He'll just spot you now with the sharp eyes he developed in the veil. The kid mastered the Blood Eyes by accident. That took me five years to do."

"Master," entered a voice of a young girl building off from the gold dust in the air as if she's being sculpted by the wind, "I fear for that child, he's going to be a threat."

"Yes, I know. His vessel is immune in the Veil. No vessel is immune in the veil and yet his vessel is. This keeps getting interesting."

Kudos and Madj appeared forming in their normal bodies both kneeling for their master. Yiv just ignored them still looking at the direction Kayzar is moving with her violet eyes turning blood red.

"Good thing he doesn't really know how to escape the Veil right master?"

Yiv just smiled in reply as if in sarcasm which the two noticed right away.

"But why did he told ya' 'dat he can't?" asked Kudos now confused, "Is he tryin' to deceive ya'!?"

"I don't know Auric, I don't know. But he knows how to get out of the veil and pretends that he can't which is somewhat rare seeing that any Nagozulian, even without being egotistical, would proudly flaunt that kind of feat in a heartbeat. That silly kid's got some trust issues. He likes other people thinking he's weak, so that he can easily be underestimated like what he did enduring my attacks when I was training him to traverse the Veil. I have felt his vibration then, but he seems to be holding it back to trick me into measuring his potential. I made a mistake giving you two missions when you could've watched him for a month. We don't know what he's capable of in that ten months he's been training in the veil, so we have to step back for a while and be careful."

"What shall we do then, Master?"

"I have a few other missions to take care of alone, so your services wouldn't be needed for the moment. Go to the north and await my command."

With his final orders, they disappeared almost immediately with Yiv snickering, still looking straight to where Kayzar is moving in sheer delight and excitement in her eyes.


"Congratulations, Lime! I think you are really at a tremendous improvement since last month's demonstration. You've improved quite well."

"Really master!?" she beamed with a wide smile with sincere joyous eyes but then was overwhelmed with sudden doubt. "Wait! Are you just saying that to protect my esteem?"

Karus laughed unsheathing his sword. "No, silly. What am I going to accomplish lying to you?" he posed with a convincing tone which suppressed Lime's disbeliefs making him sigh in relief.

In reality, she's been the worst student any Daomagar can have and he's only saying such praises to build her confidence - though the thought is richly exaggerated since no Daomagar has ever trained a foreign mortal ever before and now he is quickly realizing why. He picked the Katana because she doesn't have any upper body strength to maneuver their traditional long sword without injuring herself and any other people around her. In time, he thought, he could sculpt some warrior within her but for now he needs the spy that he's been nurturing within rather than the maniacal sword-swinging fighter that she wants to be. It's clearly much important to know everything now that their Aunt Prodea has sealed the City like a fortress tripling the regular scheduled guards posted. It is selfish and rude but certain types of principles should be ignored, however appalling it might be for him, when Nagozul is in shambles. Duty first.

"I will stand in this circle," he declared drawing a circle with the edge of his katana around him, "And I will only use my right hand. If you can manage to make me move from my spot or make me use my left hand then you will win, and we can move on with short swords."

"Hey, this is a trick test, right? You're using your best hand! How can I beat that!?"

"Thank you for pointing it out. Although I am right-handed, I trained my left-hand to be better at handling swords. Thinking that I'm weakest in my left arm inspired me to reinforce it now making my left hand most adept in handling blades. You will die of old age training and still will be unable to defeat me if I use my left hand and that's a guarantee."

"Okay, so no left hand and I only have to get you to move outside. Is that it?"

"Yes. And to help you further, I will leave an opening that you can strike. If you can find it then I will have to concede."

"So, to sum it up, I make you move, or make you use your left hand, or attack the secret opening that you will be hiding, I win?"

"That's about as simple as it is."

"Well, then, prepare yourself!"

Lime lunged straight trying to pierce him right in the chest but Karus just flicked his sword disabling her from her weapon, throwing her katana at least ten feet behind her to be planted on the ground. Lime looked at her shaking hands feeling the tremors from the residual force of the colliding blades, almost with a teary eye in pain.

"Remember your training. I've trained you day and night for the past month to make you one with your Sandata, yet you're still worried about your extremities. Without your Sandata, you are worthless. Without your Sandata, you will die! Now pick up your sword!"

Lime ran and pulled her sword with eager eyes and tried a lunge to Karus but again failed with him flicking only his sword throwing her weapon, yet again, but this time much farther.

"I am controlling my powers now. The strength you are now witnessing compares to your most muscular fighter."

"I can see that..." she grumbled as she ran picking her sword again.

"You lack focus! You lack posture and stance! You are in attack mode. Use your body to move as one with your Sandata and be ready to absorb any counterattack with a defensive stance."

Lime bellowed her angry shrieks akin to a war cry charging for a lunge. Karus flicked it but she managed to absorb the blow making her step back a few steps to her left with wavering knees but still holding her weapon. Karus smiled for a little as he enjoyed seeing her eyes with determination and perseverance. What she lacked in physical strength she compensates with her passion which encouraged him to see the potential in her. With a few seconds of recovery from the blow, she moved and changed her stance to attack feigning her katana for a few slashes and then ran to Karus only this time with a downwards cut. Karus flicked her sword again disabling her, making her tumble to the ground rolling.

"Divide your weight evenly. Do not attack me hastily without thought! Remember to keep every move planned, every attack coordinated!"

"Yes Master!" she shouted eagerly trying to stand up shaking with deep wounds in her elbows and knees.

"Observe your enemy, analyze him! Check your surroundings, utilize it! Understand your spirit, be one with it!"

"Yes Master!" she turned bowing down.

"Remember, if you know yourself and the enemy, your victory will not be in danger! But if you know Earth and Heaven too then your victory will be absolute!"




The Nagozulian War Room is surprisingly packed with teeming Generals and Commanders all standing in groups. At the northern most end of the wide room stands the delegates from Leonus with Duke Tabarius leading them, busy coordinating with his generals. At the western corner stands the outsourced Generals of Daomagar with representatives from all their mighty clans; and at the eastern corner huddles some of Nagozul's Generals and officers all lined up based on their Elemental Innates with the exception of their Grand General Artemus who appears to be absent in their wait for their self-proclaimed Grand Commander.

Prodea doesn't like to be called by the 'Interim Grand Commander' and has banished, if not stripped of rank, any soldier or officer that calls her otherwise. She said that this ridicules her position and stated that the title gives other people the idea of challenging her authority which she has stated to be absolute. The resulting threats implicitly forced all military personnel to call her the Grand Commander that incidentally is the title given only to the King or Queen of the Kingdom. This gives rise to rumors accusing Prodea of usurping the throne and stealing it from his brother Artemus, their rightful king and ruler of Nagozul.

Rumors have been flying around like wildfire. Information has become unusually scarce in the military, an event that can be considered a catastrophe since they are rather efficient in providing such. Most soldiers are now ravenous for information that troop morale has been degraded to an all-time low making all soldiers to fabricate conjectures of what they think is happening. This has been a major problem to some of the Generals this month and they cannot repress their curiosity mainly due to the fact that most of them are not briefed themselves about the current situation and/or is not privy to divulge certain facts.

General Narra has taken the position of Grand General for the time being stating that the Grand Prince Artemus has been busy finding his son Yosh being lost in the northern regions of Nagozul but this does not stop people for spreading hypothetical gossips that includes a rumor that their would-be King has fallen into the same Deep Sleep the Queen has and they have been hiding it all up to protect Nagozulian Kingdom's interests. This gave a grave chill of terror into the Nagozulian army's hearts now fearing for Artemus's condition and safety.

There has been circulating rumors that Artemus has been gravely injured around the same time the Queen has been attacked from her quarters. Some of the soldiers have sworn they witnessed him limping to his quarters looking as though he took up a lot of beating and others insists that they saw him drenched in his own blood asking General Narra for help. Some soldiers even went far enough to think that Prodea has been scheming all this time to eliminate all potential candidates to the throne and tried to assassinate Grand Prince Artemus right after trying for their Queen. Others have been speculating the vile idea of Prodea burying the Queen's corpse elsewhere since they haven't even seen or heard about her sick body after her grand announcement nor has made anyone confirm this alleged attack or even recount the Queen's poor condition except for Prodea herself and her testimonies which no one can contest.

Generals and Officers of the five Nagozulian Military Divisions have been strict punishing any soldier circulating these alleged rumors they dubbed to be propaganda but everyone, even they themselves, admits that this may very well have its merits garnering enough justification for an investigation - an investigation that no one wants to propose to their Grand Commander who's wrath may very well be worth thinking twice about.

The great twin doors of the war room opened with Prodea, and all of her Amplifyers activated, walking slowly to the center. Everyone kneeled with their right arms curled up leveling their eyes to give respect to the Grand Commander of Nagozul. All of the other delegates from the Leonus Empire followed imitating what they did. As Prodea waved her Divine Scepter in acknowledgement, all of the people stood up in attention.

"Greetings Holy Generals of Nagozul and esteemed representatives from the Leonus Empire, I have called upon all of you to give a proposal to the fortification of our kingdom in order to accommodate a faster and most efficient way to weed out the rebels that has been sprouting in our lands. We are thankful for Leonus for lending their support on these trying times."

The Duke bowed down happy for the recognition they received. Prodea continued raising her hand and, as fast as a blink of an eye, her Daomagarian handmaids began dashing fast giving all of them maps of the Kingdom with marks on every strategic places round the Palace of Nagozul and the City with the exception of a new landmark. Everyone was puzzled seeing a new Palace-like fortress directly on top of what seems to be originally the landmark of the Hishma Hills.

It has been stated in their written laws that the Hills of Hishma is one of Bathala's Most Holiest of Lands whereby no one is permitted to establish dominion to, to express control of, or try any other forms of assertion of ownership in its lands and the surrounding hills within its territories, with the exception of the establishment of dwelling by the selected people maintaining its sanctity - the generation of Nagozul's cousin Hishma. One of these few holy caretakers is succeeded by the Bolann family, who owns more than half of Hishma's rights, that is headed by the aristocratic Sayed and her daughter Illyriah. Establishing a fortress in the Hishma by the decree of the Grand Commander can be considered breaking all three at one swoop automatically giving them to think Prodea's new orders is an outright disrespect to Nagozul and most importantly to Bathala himself. Everyone was in deep gasp mumbling with both confusion and dispute to the sacrilegious map until Prodea raised her Divine Scepter once again to garner their attention.

"In those maps lie the strategic placement of fortress needed to be built all over the southern regions of Nagozul. It will help our military to deploy forces without the threat of being ambushed or being delayed in achieving their orders which will benefit not only us but the future generations to come."

"Grand Commander," interrupted the soothing, but firm, voice of an old General caressing his long white beard in pondering, "With utmost respect, I fear that I have to say that this tactic will send a wrong message to our citizens."

"Explain, General Jowl," demanded Prodea focusing her attention to him. A young General might be rattled with Prodea's intimidating stern stare, however beautiful they might be, but not this General. He stood firm on his point without being hesitant.

"The citizens of Nagozul may feel threatened as the creation of fortress around our lands can only signify the recurring mobilization of the military which would result to inviting fear over the minds of every Nagozulian."

"We have been mobilizing our troops non-stop for the past month, General. Don't you think that it's a little too late for them to feel threatened? The Queen has been harmed! Do I need to reiterate to you the importance of devising a strategy, so that we won't have to waste our time doing these weekly meeting? If our forefathers haven't dismantled our fortresses two hundred years ago, you wouldn't be waiting here for me wasting all of our time all together and your jobs would've been easy being subdivided and delegated."

"But Grand Commander, creating the said fortress on new locations in these maps would mean that we have to occupy some villages converting them to military installations."

"That's why I called them strategic placements! Why do you think those villages are placed in that area? They are strategically situated to be near roads, natural resources, and supply routes. It's not my fault they occupied Nagozul's strategic regions! Bathala molded the layout of Nagozul's lands and it is everyone's right, as its inhabitants, to utilize it for everyone's benefit. But the rights and privileges of our citizens to use our lands becomes secondary the moment Nagozul is threatened - and Nagozul is indeed threatened. Therefore, occupying certain villagers, though not optimal, is a must in order to protect Nagozul!"

"While your argument is compelling," he replied conceding to her point, "I dare say, I do not understand your plans here at Hishma."

"Do not fret, General. The fortification of Hishma is not of our Kingdom's desire but is indeed with the request and with the full participation of the Bolann family. Rest assured that even if we are to build a fortress to station military forces in their lands, control and authority is still undividedly in their hands."

The crowd grew silent in agreement with Prodea's words but with crunched eyes of doubt. They can never be fooled to believe that the Bolann Family can put up with Prodea's plans. They are the most traditional of the nobles that governs Hishma. They would never accept to build a towering fortress just outside the entrance to the mines of Hishma just so anyone, especially the foreign band of delegates, can trample upon and defile their most protected sacred hills and underground mining caverns.

Sarram is rumored to be harassing Sayed for months now. No one, not even one General, can accept that he abandoned his principles just so he can please the favorite Grand Prince, even if Prodea is put in the equation. But maybe, just maybe, Prodea did and maybe she has won him over through her constant intimidation and persuasive threats. The thought of Prodea's actions, now with her violent campaign for the rebel perpetrators, disturbed every General. If they could have known this would happen, they would've tried a junta to place Artemus in the throne, anything except treading in this path they are now forced to traverse.

"Grand Commander," acknowledge the great muscular Daomagar in a mask receiving all of the room's attention. His mask is a frightening demon with two large fangs drenched in red ink. He is the legendary Bloodfang and is the lone representative of his Maskara Clan in the war room. "I have seen a lot of tension in Nagozul and this has been indeed a forming of yet another political conflict which is not in the interest of the Maskara Clan. Meddling in your internal affairs is not in our contract. Therefore, starting today, we would be withdrawing our military support in your lands until you have resolved your issues."

"Understandably so, General Enro," Prodea smiled bowing to the frightening General which he did too.

"Also," he continued with his frightening deep voice, "On behalf of the Daomagar Clan with the full authorization of the Great Narra, Son of Pahbs the Brave of the Great Daomagar lineage, I hereby proclaim their withdrawal of support from the Nagozulian forces until all conflict has been resolved."

The room became deathly silent with Enro's words. The Daomagar Clan, the primary clan of the Daomagar whose clan members are the direct descendants of the Great Daomagar, provides almost fifty percent of the Daomagarian strike force stationed in Nagozul. Withdrawing their support means Prodea might be losing about fifteen percent of her military which surprised her greatly - an emotion she has mastered to hide almost perfectly but has now been able to be witnessed by all of them in attendance in this occasion.

"I see," she said now disappointed.

"Aye," said a bearded man with a flag attached to his back stepping forward bowing, "The Bandila Clan also withdraws our support until all is resolved."

"Same here with the Bandhana Clan," said a droopy eyed old man with a colorful bandana on his forehead bowing in apology. "With the utmost respect, Grand Commander, the Bandhana Clan cannot be linked directly to your new orders. Unless this has passed, we have to break our contract with Nagozul to protect our clan integrity."

"Yes," Prodea bowed too still with a smile but with fury in her heart, "I understand Great Generals. We would not force you otherwise."

"The Sibara pledges full support to the Nagozulian Kingdom," shouted a skinny General at the far back, with crossed arms leaning on the wall all alone. "Our clan is fearless and does not turn its back on its ancient oath unlike any other pathetic clans."

A great gasp filled the air of the war room with all generals looking directly to the Sibara Clan representative with his devilish grin. No one really likes the Sibara Clan. They are the most ruthless and the most inhuman of the clans. In fact, all of its members are thought to be spawns of Dim'ion which led to every member being unwanted and even banned on certain regions of the Holy Lands. The Bandhana Clan representative firmly grasped the hilt of his sword clicking his tongue - a mannerism that he has when he's feeling a bit infuriated.

"What did you say? You vile immoral insect?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is your clan hard of hearing too? I thought your rusty sword fighting skills are your only problem."

The General took a step forward but Enro held his shoulders as if stopping him, forcing him to stand down.

"It's not worth it," he said with a frightening voice, "You'll only end up regretting wasting your time on an untrained General lacking skill."

"What's that?" the Sibara General asked now being serious standing up, hunched and hands on the sides as if ready for combat, "Do you want a demonstration Enro?"

Enro faced him breathing heavily. All of the other people heard about Enro's special technique and this frightened the whole room. With one move he can create a ravine and that could very well be dangerous in their situation.

"Stop asking ludicrous questions. Stand down or strike."

"The Hundred Sword Elites also withdraws their support," entered Major Camyl bowing low which surprised all of the other Generals moving the topic ahead on point giving them all a relief. Prodea is now feeling a bit frustrated inside with this shocking announcement since their Guild provides training and specialized warriors for Nagozulian Skirmishes - the Guild that could cripple the efficiency of their strike teams. "We could not subject our Guild to be a part of such new laws and will be awaiting further development on the resolution of your Internal Crisis. However, we would still honor our pact gathering all our forces in the North and would direct all of our resources in giving aid to Nagozul in capturing the group ofPusakalwhile your Highness resolve your conflicts here in the south."

"Thank you, Major Camyl. That would very much be appreciated."

"Since we have stated our stand," said the Bandila General, "I think it would be wise for us to step out of this room in order for you to proceed with your further announcements and to avoid certain conflicts of interests."

"Indeed," the Sibara General scoffed now leaning on the wall again, with crossed arms.

All of the Clan Representatives who abdicated their support to Prodea walked out to the now opening large twin doors after bowing low in respect for the Grand Commander and all of those Generals who are present. The Bandhana Clan representative never detached the grip on the hilt of his sword until he has completely left the room together with the other representative, never taking his sharp eyes out from the smiling Sibara General who seems to be enjoying himself on their exit.


"Why so glum?" asked Karus sitting in the corner of their training grounds, trying to steal a conversation as their silent dinner break comes to an end. "You'll get there eventually, don't worry. Nobody becomes a master swordsman overnight."

"No Master it's not that..." she paused for a moment and then shook her head smiling. "It's nothing."

"Okay, but I'll tell you what, if you have thoughts about our training, or actually just about anything, you really can talk..."

"I'm sorry Master but I just couldn't take it," she quickly muttered interrupting him almost sad and with hesitation, "I don't want to be rude or be out of line especially here in your lands but I think I do not approve of your methods."

Karus was baffled with her strong statement making him to think deeply on how he's been treating her. "Wh-what methods?" he posed fishing for the idea which he isn't aware of. "Am I being too harsh? You know I'm..."

"No Master! Your training is fine. In fact, it's superb. It's one of the things that I thank you for giving me without discrimination to my gender."

"Then what is it?"

"It's about your military joining up with ours and the way things are moving along. But, as proven by experience, I have my uncertainty about stating my opinions, master. I have indeed shamed my father countless times in our lands citing my ideas openly."

"First of all, at dinner breaks, lunch breaks or anywhere not within our training sessions, you can call me directly by my name Karus. Thus, in these moments you and I are considered equals for we have the same souls granted by Bathala and as such gives us authority to have no dominion over the other's thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Secondly, I already consider you as my friend.

"Since we are then equals and your opinions are shared in confidence to your friend, you can state your opinions to me without malice on my part, being in the military of course, or without intent to threat for arrest or any other acts that might harm you otherwise."

Lime puffed her face pulling a deep breath of courage as she stated her point. "Your methods of interrogations are by far the worst thing I have ever seen in your lands! I originally thought your people's civilization is built on mutual understanding and respect! But it turns out that you're just the same as we are, justifying a crime to subjugate people's freedom and rights!"

"What are you talking about? We do not subjugate anything here. We interrogate wrongdoers with respect to their soul and we follow the due process that our ancestors have passed on in writing. We value equality. We have laws in our lands that are so complicated your people's rulers will be horrified to even fathom, much so apply it."

"Really? Then why is the military, under Grand Princess Prodea's commands pursue people and the villagers all around the Palace capturing them and even tortures them to squeeze out any information about those assailants that struck your Queen a month ago?"

Karus felt a deep stabbing pain in his heart hearing that news. His aunt is not that wicked to treat people differently without respect, robbing them of their dignity. Of course, she is known to be one of those people who are insufferably domineering with the tendency to take the spotlight all the time but that's just who she is, nothing more, nothing less. Her only crime is being too obnoxiously arrogant, not being an immoral criminal that are far worse than The Pusakals.

"Are you sure the orders are coming from her? I mean maybe you thought wrong and they might not be tortured for all we know."

"I know it is. I was there when she called up the surprise meeting organizing the troops to create a grid search for the people responsible for the crime. I was there when they captured the men in the Cotton Village..."

"Wait!" he shouted now feeling worried, "You said Cotton Village? The one just directly south east of the city gates?"

"Yes! I was there when they hauled them in like cattle chained neatly in a line!"

"Who was there!?" he hurried now anxious disturbing Lime, "Do you know their names? How many?"

"I don't know their names, but one man did stand out. All were tortured but none were ever broken. One man was ill at that time but through his pride he did not waver and bravely ignored the pain resulting to his early demise: The first casualty of your own violent inquisition."

Karus stood up almost teary with pure fury in his eyes as if he knew it was but he asked anyway. "Who was it?"

Lime felt the seeping wrath in Karus's eyes as she stammered to mumble the name. Her eyes were slowly filling with great sadness as she tried to summon words. She swears she saw her master's forehead bandana glowing a tint of bright green but can't really decide whether the fireplace and her tears are affecting her eyesight in that cold dark night.

"Their Elder... Cipres..."

Karus pulled his travel gear and turned his back walking angry. Lime tried to follow but he stopped as he gave his command. "You train yourself night and day for switching Attack and Defense Stances. Do not stop until you perfect the position I taught you. I will be gone for a month or so and I will send someone, a friend, to help you out in your training while I'm away. I will fix this thing up, I promise."

With a nod from Lime, he dashed on almost blinking away into the dark forests of the night. Lime was worried for his master. His eyes were filled with rage that it introduced a new image contrasting the kind, funny, understanding friend he thought him to be. His eyes are the eyes of a man who knows no fear, knows no boundaries, ready to do anything to exact retribution that she knows he can never quench.

She knows revenge can never be achieved, and she knows he'll never get it. Only forgiveness quells the lust for reprisal, but she knows Karus cannot feel anything near this at the moment for his eyes mimicked the cold lonely eyes of mourning, the fiery eyes filled with fury wailing for the murder of a great friend.