At this time, Li Chengye quietly came behind Cheng and patted her on the shoulder. Cheng Shi was startled. He looked back and saw that it was his husband. They made fun of each other for a while.

Finally, Li Dingguo, who was worried about falling asleep, stopped.

Cheng's mind is sharp. Although he usually fights with his husband, he always feels that his husband seems to be in a state of wanting to talk and stop.

"Husband, do you have something to say to my concubine?"

Li Chengye nodded as if he had made up his mind: "I want to take advantage of the power of the Wang family in Taiyuan to seek a high position and become a prime minister!"

Cheng's merchant family was born and didn't know much about the court. "The Wang family in Taiyuan is the door valve of the world and the pillar of the court. Since the husband has the determination, my concubine will do her best to help."

Li Chengye paused for a moment, his tone was a little dry, and said, "I want to marry Wang's concubine and treat each other with a flat wife."

In short, it's marriage, but with Li Chengye's head and ability, it's not too much to marry Wang's legitimate daughter, but there's another story.

The little fox was next to Cheng. He was shocked, then lost his head. Finally, under the guilty eyes of his husband, he forced to smile: "concubine, congratulations for my husband!"

The little fox scratched the bottom of his neck with his front paw, and then looked at Wei Ran, or Li Dingguo, who was sleeping.

He thought to himself: what's the purpose of that unreliable boss to arrange a guy who has just stepped out of the recruits in such a complex family?


In the sixth year of the Tang Dynasty, at the end of the summer, Li Chengye, lieutenant of the left Shence army, married Wang Zihan, a common daughter of the Taiyuan Wang family.

A few months after marriage, Wang became pregnant and gave birth to a son the following year, named Li Guangsi.

Although the Li family had two mistresses at this time, the Wang family was born into a family of aristocrats and had a distinguished life experience. When they married into the Li family, they gave birth to lin'er for Li Chengye, making the Li family have successors.

Therefore, even if she did not deliberately target, the Lieutenant's family respected Wang.

Shortly after Li Guangsi's birth, the northwest Huihe united with Tubo to invade Qingtang and disturb Guanzhong.

Hexi, Longyou Jiedushi, weak resistance, defeat, Guanzhong earthquake! Both the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty wrote to make amends to their relatives to appease the enemy and make him retreat.

Li Chengye is the only one who dares to speak out!

Above the court, Li Chengye argued against Confucianism and explained the advantages and disadvantages.

Considering that the authority of the imperial court was established soon, if the emperor bowed before the foreign enemy, his authority would be lost, and the frugal envoys in various places would regenerate their treachery.

Therefore, it was ordered that Longyou and Hexi Jiedu envoys should be revived, and Shuofang and Hedong Jiedu envoys should send troops to serve the king. Then give the guard Lieutenant Li Chengye fish amulet and lead the left Shence army to ride 40000 steps to meet the enemy!

This battle is five years

Wei Ran is eight years old. He has been able to practice martial arts by himself since he was five. However, according to his own experience in martial arts and the general method of the Yu family, although he had to practice martial arts hard when he was young, he could not squeeze it too much, otherwise his potential would be exhausted without any harm.

So when Wei Ran was six years old, he only did some basic exercises in the house every day according to the method of Yu's generals.

After strictly practicing the basic content of Jiangmen's method, he will continue to exercise his fighting skills according to the modern fighting training methods, and the fighting he is practicing now is Sanda. It is also an entry-level technique for Wei Ran to enter professional fighting in his previous life.

Sanda has comprehensive technology and high flexibility, and can comprehensively exercise the coordination and practical awareness of all parts of the body.

After his reincarnation, although he has fighting consciousness and experience, he lacks the most important muscle memory, which can only be realized through boring and repeated training.

From the age of six to eight, Wei Ran worked hard every day, which surprised the people in the house.

Of course, you can see that he is forging and is still learning hand Stroke by himself.

Even at the beginning, there were guards skilled in hand fighting in the house who wanted to teach Wei Ran to practice martial arts. Wei Ran was also curious about the fighting system in this world, so he practiced for some time.

It was found that the method of hand stroke was a bit similar to Japanese karate. No, it should be said that Japanese karate originated from this, also known as tang hand.

Wei has the foundation of karate. Although he is not proficient, he learns quickly. He knows the key points of action and even the precautions in actual combat better than this guard.

This surprised the guard. Even when teaching boxing, Wei Ran pointed out the flaw in the technique.

At first, he thought Wei Ran would laugh again until they simulated actual combat, that is, they only showed technology without strength and did not touch each other's body. This is called Cunzhi in karate.

The guard was found to be flawed and crucial by a child's repeated inch stop. Only then did he know that all what Wei Ran said before was true.

Fortunately, no one else was present during the duel, otherwise the guard would have no face to see people. However, he was ashamed and couldn't teach Wei Ran any more. The more he taught, the more he felt that his proud hand fighting skill was worthless.

Seeing that he was no longer willing to teach boxing and was not forced, Wei Ran continued to practice his Sanda, and then cooperated with the Yu family to forge his body.

The other guards and servants were surprised to see that the guard no longer taught boxing. They couldn't find out the reason. They just thought that the urchin's mind could not last. Wei Ran felt hard and gave up.

However, unexpectedly, even if the guard no longer taught boxing, Wei Ran continued to practice the hand Stroke skills that he couldn't understand every day. No one urged him to do so for more than a year.

Even adults rarely have such temperament and perseverance, let alone a child.

At first, the guards and servants in the house always secretly gossip about Wei Ran because of his ominous origin. They don't treat him as the actual master. Even if Cheng strictly forbids it, they haven't stopped it.

However, these people admired him when they saw that he could have such perseverance and practice Kung Fu hard all day. After the cold and heat continued, those rumors about his life experience in the government completely disappeared six months ago, and no servant dared to disrespect Wei Ran.

This person's face can be given or not given by others. Whether he can earn it back depends on his own ability.

Wei Ran practised Kungfu hard, which led to his appetite being much higher than that of ordinary people. Eight year old children ate more than an adult man. Therefore, he doesn't look like an eight year old child at all. He is tall enough to catch up with a teenager of 12 or 13 years old, and his body is strong and amazing.

These years, there are two mistresses in the general's house. Naturally, there are some frictions and struggles, but they are deliberately controlled to a more harmonious level by the two mistresses.

Wang was born in an aristocratic family and had a noble status. He did not catch the problem of being arrogant and domineering.

On the contrary, he is very cultured, elegant in speech and polite to everyone. But it has some means to hold the scene.

In the back house, Yan Ci and Shi, not to mention the original servants of the Li family, but also the servants married by the Cheng family, were all obedient to her.

Even if they used some means to encroach on some of the rights originally belonging to Cheng, they did it openly and aboveboard, leaving people speechless.

After all, Cheng came from a merchant's family. Although he was rich and good at business calculations, it was certainly no problem to play some small tricks.

But everyone is the mother of the Li family, and Wang's family background is more noble than her. Some small tricks are only for children's play, how can she be shaken? On the contrary, compared with Wang's generosity, in Wei Ran's view, Cheng still seems to be a little jealous.

Perhaps because there are fewer and fewer rights and responsibilities in recent years, and the servants are more and more obedient to Wang, Wang's domestic slaves gradually become arrogant. Although they rarely make arrogance in the open, they have never had many small means in private.

It is like a doggerel that maliciously compiles and ridicules Wei Ran's birth: the dead have a fetus, the evil fox has a birth, the long star crosses the sky, and the family goes to the yellow spring.

The long star refers to the comet, also known as the broom star, which indicates that he killed the whole family at the beginning, brought disaster from his birth, and will also bring disaster to the Li family in the future.

And privately, they always call Cheng's the second mistress and Wang's the mistress, and make fun of Cheng's infertility. They can only take a disaster star as their son and accompany them all day.

These words are rumors. It's hard to catch who sent them. Cheng knew that he could only be angry and bitter, but he had nothing to do. Wei Ran practiced martial arts all day and didn't care about it at all.

Seeing that his prestige at home was getting weaker and weaker, Cheng was helpless, so he put all his energy on Wei Ran.

She dotes on Wei Yanji. No, it should be said that she dotes on Wei Yanji. It's almost to the extent of responding to every request.

Even seeing Wei Ran practicing hard and sweating heavily, he would often show an unbearable look. In order not to let Wei burn work so hard, he couldn't dissuade himself. He simply used shadow puppets and other things that children like in this era for temptation. Even Wang's son Li Guangsi couldn't help coming to watch.

It is said that a loving mother is a loser. If Wei Ran doesn't have the heart of an adult, under such excessive care, he will sooner or later become a loser dandy.

However, because of this, even if Wei Ran asked for some money to buy valuable medicinal materials for auxiliary cultivation, Cheng did not hesitate to give them, which saved him a lot of thought.