Zhang Zhen and the crown prince looked at each other. The crown prince probed the emperor's breath to make sure that he was dead and sat down to the ground. On the contrary, Zhang Zhen gradually calmed down after he gasped violently.

The emperor was his heart barrier all his life. After killing the king himself, if he broke his heart barrier, he became more decisive and capable than before.

He first massaged the emperor's whole body and dredged the meridians with genuine Qi, so as to relax the stiff muscles caused by the emperor's painful struggle before his death. Then massage his face to make his expression peaceful. When the people in the palace find his body, they will only think that the emperor died quietly in sleep.

After all this, he didn't look at the waste prince. He went straight to the desk and sat on the chair where the emperor usually sits. He felt the taste of sitting on the chair carefully.

It wasn't very comfortable. On the contrary, there was always a cold smell from the dinner, which made people feel creepy. After Zhang zhenyungong adjusted his mind, he took down a volume of blank imperial edict and began to grind his pen.

He closed his eyes first, picked up his pen and painted in the air, as if he were imitating writing. In fact, it is a special mental method to stimulate people to learn from heaven. They can hypnotize themselves and substitute themselves into someone.

When the level is high, you can even feel the strategies and responses that the other party will make in this substitution, and even simulate the other party's skill moves.

But now he doesn't need to do so complicated things. He just needs to simulate the handwriting of the emperor. Therefore, after substituting it into the Emperor himself, he soon wrote a sacred edict.

The content is to order the crown prince to ascend the throne as Emperor today, with the current prime minister and Zhang zhenzuo as assistant ministers, one Wen and one Wu. At the same time, several Taifu and eunuchs in the prince's Qiandi have been transferred to certain posts.

He transferred several people who were more threatening to himself out of the capital. These people happened to be people the crown prince didn't like very much. Presumably, the crown prince won't have too much dissatisfaction when he saw it later.

Other positions that are not threatening and have a general relationship with the crown prince will be granted to satisfy them and will not threaten themselves in the short term. They will be left to clean up slowly in the future.

As for the other servants around the crown prince, these people pose a great threat to Zhang Zhen. However, they are valued by the crown prince and cannot be transferred out easily. After thinking about it, eunuchs all love money, so they awarded several positions in the work department. All of them have existing projects for them to supervise the work. This is equivalent to temporarily stabilizing them with money and transferring them away from the prince. Bought myself some time.

Finally, Princess Shouning and the national teacher are both thorns in Zhang Zhen's eyes.

The national teacher is not involved in the government, has no appeal for power, and has very high martial arts. He can only deal with it a little slowly.

Princess Shouning now has the fish charm in her hand, or she can't accept the military heart of the border army's divine plan in a short time. This is her weakest time.

Therefore, in the imperial edict, he directly ordered to take back his military power and scolded him. He blamed him for being a woman, but he had no gentle and virtuous appearance of a woman. He was with swordsmen all day, damaging the reputation of the royal family of Li Tang. She was asked to return to the palace immediately, read the women's commandments, think about it behind closed doors for a year and not leave the palace.

A year later, he realized the prince's intention and married this troublesome woman to a tribe of Tubo on the grounds of making peace!

After writing these, I picked up the national jade seal and looked at the seal character "ordered by heaven, I will live forever" on the jade seal, which made me feel hot. What if I'm a eunuch? What if I didn't put it down? Lao Tzu can hold this jade seal handed down to the great Qin Dynasty and give orders, which many so-called famous officials and fierce generals can't do in a lifetime!

After the seal is sealed, the privately imitated edict has legal effect.

He showed the imperial edict to the crown prince. The crown prince read half of it. He was not interested in many personnel arrangements in the court, but only concerned about the arrangements of some old people in his hidden residence. He was particularly concerned about several close eunuchs and was dissatisfied with the fact that they were only sealed to the post of the Ministry of work.

Zhang Zhen explained a little. Under the rhetoric, the prince who didn't understand anything soon agreed.

Then there is the last thing, the edict he forged, although it can't show any flaws even to the prime minister's close ministers. However, as long as you touch the secret edict in the hands of empress mu, it will cause an uproar. Therefore, you have to find a way to obtain the secret edict from empress mu. You must do it before dawn!

Therefore, Zhang Zhen continued to urge the prince to take action. On the pretext that the emperor had slept soundly, they left for a while to meet concubine mu.

Concubine Mu was just a woman of civilian origin. She had always been bullied in the palace. If she had not given birth to dragon girls and dragons, she would not even live to this day.

Zhang Zhen and the crown prince made a hard and soft joint move, and empress Mu couldn't resist. She originally wanted to hand over the secret order when the princess came back. Now, in a moment of fear, she exposed the storage place of the secret order and was found by Zhang Zhen.

After reading it again, Zhang Zhen's face changed dramatically. He was glad to strike first, otherwise he would become a prisoner of others in the future!

In front of the prince and empress mu, Zhang Zhen rubbed the secret decree into powder and threw it into the fire. It must not be found by others!

So far, Zhang Zhen, through his own struggle and struggle, completely reversed his inevitable defeat with such a crazy move as regicide. In the early morning, he and the prince entered the emperor's bedroom together.

Finally, at the beginning of the sun, he said, "Your Majesty has died!" Completely shake the capital!

When the national division received the imperial edict from the emperor, it had a hunch that something big would happen in the capital. On that day, it went down Zhongnan mountain and rode to Chang'an. If there were no accidents, he could arrive at Daming Palace that night.

But when he was near Chang'an City, he was suddenly ambushed by dozens of people, and all kinds of insidious mechanisms and concealed weapons attacked him in the dark. Such a killing method can only be said to be sudden, not very clever. It can't hurt the national teacher at all.

But walking all the way, they were so harassed that it was enough to delay the National Teacher's time to go to Chang'an.

After the National Teacher Zhang Chong and found the other party's purpose, they no longer kept their hands, went out with all their strength, and no longer gave the other party a chance to escape. The dozens of top killers in ambush could only rush out together and fight with one of the four great masters.

The national master destroyed all the killers who besieged him. They wanted to catch one or two alive, but they saw the opportunity very quickly. They all bit the poison bag in the breach, swallowed the poison and killed themselves, leaving no alive.

These killers are very decisive, have excellent assassination methods and first-class martial arts. It takes a lot of resources to cultivate one. They only used them to intercept the national division's trip, and the other party obviously paid a lot of money. With so many top killers dying here, the killer organization can almost be completely destroyed.

The national master noticed something strange from the killers' unusual actions, and it was already dawn. When he arrived at the Daming Palace, he heard the news from the palace that his majesty had died!

Zhang Chonghe could only sigh. Although he didn't know what happened in the Palace last night, his Majesty's death must be strange. However, now he can't do anything. He can only wait silently for his Majesty's future and the new emperor's accession to the throne.

The Tang Dynasty, a big ship full of holes, has lost an experienced helmsman. It is impossible to estimate where it will go in the future, even if it is an accurate national teacher.

In the 22nd year of Keding, the former Emperor collapsed. The prince negotiated with his ministers and decided to take the posthumous title of Emperor Xuanzong Shengwu xianwenxiao.

In November that year, Gaiyuan Xiantong.