Wei Ran integrated the scene of this mob, which surprised not only general Zhao Xuanqing, but also some knowledgeable officers in Wuwei army.

Even the people in Wei Ran's own team didn't expect to form an array so soon. The selected Jianghu people next to him are still in a mess like dog shit. They are severely beaten by the officers of the Wuwei army with military sticks and can't stand out of a whole square array.

Wei Ran has long expected the situation of his men and has full confidence in his means. After all, after learning the art of war with Li Chengye for so many years and experiencing cruel practical tests, he couldn't even handle this small matter well, so he came to the world in vain.

So he gave a military salute to the direction of the review platform and reported loudly: "general, the new barracks of the dare to die camp have been integrated. Can you order us to go to the station first? There are still veterans to be convicted and need to be fully integrated with our recruits!"

But Zhao Xuanqing said, "your name is Wei Ran, isn't it?"

Wei Ran Lang replied yes, and didn't say that it's insignificant to have a cheap name.

"Very good. You are very capable. Give me a collar! You are in charge of everything in the dare to die camp. I don't want me to send someone here for military training. "

Wei Ran is not polite. There are not so many hypocrisy and politeness in the border area.

"When my subordinates served as regiment training leaders in dujidao, they personally supervised the training."

"How long will it take to train a crack soldier?"

Wei Ran smiled. "For pure recruits, enough food and pay, the golden drum order can be given in March, and they know the advance and retreat. You can climb the battlefield in half a year to defend the city and resist the enemy. It takes a year to march in the field and run for hundreds of miles.

If you want to be a good soldier, it's simple. After understanding the golden drum order, they go to the battlefield. Those who survive will naturally become elite soldiers. Elite soldiers cannot be trained by training. Only the blood and fire on the battlefield can achieve real elite. "

Zhao Xuanqing's problem is the last test of Wei's burning ability. He is not a real old soldier in the army. He will not have such insight.

She looked at Wei Ran and knew she had found treasure, but she didn't show her thoughts on her face. She just nodded and recognized Wei Ran's words.

"The old soldiers in your army know the location of the dare to die camp very well. Take your armor and let them take you. "

Then he ignored Wei Ran.

Wei Ran got a pair of scale armor. The workmanship is much worse than that of the Zha armor and Mingguang armor of the left Shence army, but it is still an iron armor. Naturally, its defense will not be poor.

After that, Wei Ran took this part of the army, took the weapons and uniforms, and took the food and grass for these days.

Led by the veterans in the camp, go to the place where the dare to die camp is stationed. Now Wei Ran has obviously gained the trust of the Lord general and showed enough ability.

This made his subordinates dare not obey him. The old * * flattered one after another, but it was too rough for Wei Ran to listen.

The camp of the dare to die camp is a separate area, which is no different from other camps, but the atmosphere inside is different.

Unlike other places, the soldiers here have committed serious crimes and have been stabbed in their faces. They need to perform the most dangerous tasks in war.

Moreover, they were not soldiers of the Wuwei army, but formed a complex army. Some came from the fierce soldiers who had violated military orders in the Zuoshen CE Bian army, and some were criminals exiled from the imperial court and the mainland, just like Wei Ran.

The total number of soldiers in the camp reached more than 500. When the left Shence border army was stationed here, these soldiers were organized. All grass-roots officers were from the left Shence border army.

Now the Zuo Shence army returned to the capital, and those grass-roots officers naturally left with them. These people have no organization and are guarded by regiment training on weekdays.

There is no freedom at all. It is not allowed to leave the camp. In order to prevent mutiny, the camp is not even equipped with weapons and eats the worst food.

It was often not enough to eat. Therefore, the soldiers were unconvinced by each other and divided into many mountain organizations to compete for narrow territory and food. They respected the strong and were in danger.

In such a hellish place, each person still needs to gain five heads to get out of trouble. The natural soldiers all look angry.

When Wei Ran led a group of subordinates in, all the soldiers in the camp turned their heads and looked at him with indifference in their eyes.

Most of Wei Ran's men are ordinary Jianghu people. When they are watched by these fierce and murderous soldiers of the dare to die camp, they inevitably feel flustered. However, the ambitious soldiers who volunteered to join the dare to die camp in the Wuwei army stared back one by one, as if they were not afraid of making things bigger.

Wei Ran swept the layout of the camp and the distribution of the soldiers. At a glance, he saw that some of them had good factions. This is a faction that was divided before he came, which is not a good thing.

It means that he needs to make a certain compromise with those soldiers in order to control these soldiers, which is not conducive to Wei Ran's effective control of the whole army, so he needs to solve it immediately.

Wei Ran ordered all the soldiers of the dare to die camp to come out and assemble. Sure enough, they were ridiculed by these soldiers. They were not afraid, just to embarrass the new battalion officer.

Wei Ran did not directly conflict with them, but ordered them to release food and cook. He had seen that the veterans of the dare to die camp were all green, and only a small part of their nutrition remained good.

Nearly 200 of Wei Ran's men started cooking before they assigned barracks. It was very strange. What they don't know is that although the barracks are large, they should have been divided by the Veterans' respective factions according to the land.

Once you go to decorate the barracks, you will inevitably conflict with the veterans of the dare to die camp. Wei Ran doesn't want his future men to hate him. He just wants to clean up a few soldiers.

When cooking, it naturally attracted the attention of veterans, and those soldiers arranged their subordinates to come for food.

Wei Ran glanced. The soldiers were hidden deep and had not revealed their secrets.

So they generously distributed grain and grass, but only a part of it was not enough for 500 veterans.

Although these dare to die camp veterans were not satisfied, Wei Ran and others were all armed with knives, and there were plenty of reasons, because Wei Ran lied that this was the food and grass for three days, which was gone after eating, so they couldn't distribute them all.

The veterans are helpless. Finally, when they cook by themselves, they naturally fire according to their respective factions, and the core characters will naturally get the most food.

Wei Yan observed the past quietly one by one. He clearly distinguished how many mountains there were and what the core of the mountains was. A cruel idea came to his mind.

After dinner, Wei Ran ordered everyone to gather again. Most of the veterans were not full. Only those soldiers and core members were full. Most of these veterans were controlled by their own soldiers and dared not resist them. At this time, they turned their dissatisfied eyes to Wei Ran and his less than 200 men.

Because everyone here in Wei Ran is full, it seems very unfair in contrast. Moreover, in order to maintain their authority, those soldiers secretly sow discord and incite the flames of many veterans.

If we can't intimidate the morale of these people, Wei Ran's mess will be a big problem sooner or later. If we don't unite, it will be light to put him on the air.

Wei Ran, who is familiar with the art of war, can't let this happen. He proposed on the spot to break up the Veterans' original military establishment and reorganize them.

This directly affected the interests of the military leaders. Now, more than 500 veterans began to secretly surround the two hundred people in Wei Ran's core. If they were not afraid of Wei Ran's soldiers, they would start to fight.

Wei Ran threw away his weapon at this time.

"I know that a new official of Lao Tze has no qualifications or ability. You bastards are very unconvinced. Yes, I'll give you a chance to turn me over! "

With that, he stretched out his hand and directly pointed out those soldiers, as well as several obviously important core guys, and asked them to come out and fight with themselves.

He can see so accurately, thanks to a meal just now. After all, there is not enough food. Naturally, the priority is the soldiers and the core, so one point is accurate.