The emperor's breath became urgent. The secret had been cut by thousands with Zhang Zhen and should completely disappear in the world. No one would know it or mention it except himself.

I just didn't expect that the warlord wouldn't open any pot? Does he know anything? No, I can't say what happened, absolutely not!

But an inexplicable impulse is to urge him repeatedly. He should not lie. Such concealment made him feel a deep sense of guilt, which was unbearable to him.

He clenched his teeth and fought between heaven and man. His brain kept reminding him that he couldn't speak, but his mouth didn't listen.

"When my father died, I did come to greet him, accompanied by my attendants."

He spoke very hard. To others, it was like a fierce struggle in his heart.

Wei Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, which was a little interesting.

"Attendant? But the Tian Lingzi who came out with his Majesty's Qiandi, Tian NEISHI? "

This time the emperor was silent for a long time. He knew that those two words were very important. Once he said them, he could no longer hide any secrets.

This silence, even Princess Shouning, who was listening outside her study, couldn't help being curious. A series of arrangements before the death of the former Emperor can be said to be prepared for the successful power of Princess Shouning, who knows everything.

But those arrangements, with the father's sudden abnormal death that night, everything disappeared. With the help of Zhang Zhen, the emperor used a series of means to confine Princess Shouning in the palace without any resistance.

At the thought of this, Princess Shouning could not help but silently recite a name - Zhang Zhen, and then her eyes widened and looked into the study through the doors and windows.

Wei Ran also thought of Zhang Zhen. Seeing that the emperor was silent for a long time, he was surprised that the secret was so important that he temporarily resisted ah Li's spiritual skills.

A Li was about to strengthen the technique, but Wei Ran said two words first, "Zhang Zhen?"

The emperor's mind was shocked, and all his fears suddenly collapsed with the emergence of the name.

He looked ferocious and clasped his hands around the edge of the desk. Fortunately, he couldn't master martial arts. Otherwise, would he have to crack the desk with his efforts?

"Yes... It's waiter Zhang..."

"Hehe, isn't Zhang Zhen the attendant of the former Emperor? How did you become your Majesty's attendant? "

The emperor gasped, "Li Aiqing, don't force me... I don't want to say any more."

"Although your majesty is the only son of the former Emperor, he is also the heir designated by the former Emperor. But the military power regime heard the emperor's first Royal Highness. Your majesty went to visit that night. Was it really just a visit? How could the late emperor suddenly die after his Majesty's visit? "

"My father... My father was very ill, and it was possible for the dragon to dominate the Bintian at any time. How could... How could..." his face became more ferocious, his breathing became more and more heavy, and his eyes looked around. He always felt that there seemed to be a ghost peeping at him nearby.

The ghost was the first emperor who died in pain and could not close his eyes after being stimulated by Zhang Zhen that night.

He couldn't help standing up and turned to look at the Dragon couch. Although the Dragon couch of the former Emperor was spacious and comfortable, it was not luxurious. Although the emperor's Dragon couch has never slept, it does not prevent it from being gold-plated, silver inlaid and jade, which is extremely luxurious.

His heavy breathing turned into violent breathing, and his eyes opened wide to the bed. He always felt that there was a person lying on it, and the luxurious bed became the bed that the former Emperor slept on weekdays.

"No, no, no! Not me! "

The emperor's voice broke and became very sharp. Princess Shouning heard more and more wrong outside, and could hardly help rushing in. However, he felt that Wei Ran didn't do any action and still sat in place, so he temporarily pressed down his boiling mood.

Wei Ran vaguely guessed something and sneered at the corners of his mouth, "isn't it you? Who is that? Zhang Zhen? "

"Zhang... Zhang Zhen?! Yes, it's Zhang Zhen! He knows martial arts. He has great martial arts. He sealed your dumb cave, not me! Everything is his hands. It has nothing to do with his ministers, nothing to do with his ministers!

You go find Zhang Zhen. He did it! I'm your own son and your only son. You can't find me. If I die, we Li Tang royal family will be the last! "

Princess Shouning couldn't stand it any longer and pushed the door in fiercely. Wei Ran held ah Li, sat in place and looked up.

"Princess highness, you can't help it at last."

"Yes, your martial arts are so high. How can I hide this little trick from you. But just now, what's going on?! "

"Your Majesty seems to have committed hysteria."

"Hysteria? What hysteria made him so clear about his father?! Li Shan! The father died that day. You must explain what happened today. "

The emperor turned his head slowly, his eyes were full of blood, ran fiercely, rushed to Princess Shouning and held her feet.

"Sister Huang, sister Huang, help me! The father came to ask for my life! I didn't kill my father, it was Zhang Zhen, it was Zhang Zhengan! "

With tears and a runny nose, he repeated all the things that happened that night under the outbreak of guilt, fear and uneasiness in his heart.

Princess Shouning was shocked when she knew that the cowardly and incompetent emperor's brother was the one who killed the former Emperor, and her hatred for Zhang Zhen was unparalleled.

She looked at Wei Ran with tears in her eyes. "I heard you cut Zhang Zhen 2800 knives?"

"He's missing a hand, so he can't get three thousand dollars."

"I suddenly feel that you have done the most right thing in this conspiracy."

Wei ran up and put her on her shoulder. "Princess your highness, great grief and great sorrow are not good for your health. Li went away first."

After Wei Ran left, Princess Shouning picked up the emperor's collar, "it turns out that the father emperor was killed by an outsider like you! He finally ZTE's Datang, which was corrupted by you. My Li family will not die in the people, nor in the towns, but in the hands of your unworthy son! "

Then he beat up the emperor and locked him in this study all night.

After leaving, Princess Shouning suddenly felt powerless. She was full of confusion about the future and staggered back to her palace

Wei Ran ordered all civil and military officials in Chang'an city to pay homage to Li Chengye's mausoleum. No one is allowed to ask for leave. Even if he is seriously ill, he must participate, otherwise the Fenglin army will not show mercy.

Just in front of the mausoleum, the emperor suddenly felt very guilty. As the emperor, he knelt down and cried in front of Li Chengye's tomb. All civil and military officials were surprised, but he was awed by the prestige of Fenglin army, and no one dared to stop him.

The three brothers of the Li family were indifferent to the emperor's performance. Wei Ran has informed his brothers about the role played by the emperor behind Li Chengye's death. Of course, they can't forgive the emperor.

But they also know the name of regicide. Even if they have invaded Chang'an, they dare not commit it lightly. If you do this, you will be an enemy to the world. If you are besieged, there is no way back.

Suddenly, the emperor suddenly shouted, "Xian Hou, I knew the conspiracy of Zhang Zhen's eunuchs and craftsmen, but I was too cowardly to stop them. I let them do what they ordered. I hurt you. I'm ashamed of my loyal minister. I have no face to continue to sit down in the Tang Dynasty. Only one death can comfort the loyal soul! "

When he said this, the emperor was obviously insincere and his face was full of struggle, but his mouth said it uncontrollably, with both voice and emotion.

The next action shocked the people present even more.