On the night when Zhang Chonghe arrived at the Daming Palace, evil spirits ran rampant in the back palace, killed several palace maids and went directly to the emperor's bedroom.

Wei Ran has been living in the other hall on the east side of the Daming Palace. With his ability at this time, he has naturally felt the abnormalities in the harem.

He and a Li nodded to each other. Wei Ran carried the halberd back to the source. A Li rushed straight to the back palace and acted separately.

When a Li arrived at the Penglai Pavilion where the emperor lived, the officers and men of the Fenglin army had surrounded the emperor's bedroom and looked nervous outside.

Just now, several palace maids died in a strange shape. They either strangled themselves or twisted their bodies into a strange twist and killed themselves.

Then there was a dark wind. Once someone was shrouded in the dark wind, his eyes would turn white and he could not help attacking the surrounding people.

So the officers and men of Fenglin army had to try their best to stop those crazy companions and keep on guard against this evil wind.

There are no monsters in this world. Even if there are, they only appear in folk stories. Today, people were terrified when they met such a strange event for the first time.

Seeing the arrival of ah Li, who often goes in and out of the general's side, all the soldiers can't help but boost their morale. They all know that this person's martial arts is no less than the general, and has surpassed the four great masters to become the legendary land of heaven and man.

If such a master is here, he will not be afraid of this strange evil wind.

A Li is proficient in the art. Naturally, he knows that this is the art of nightmare. He calls evil spirits and nightmares and is not afraid of any physical destruction. He is the biggest nemesis for mortal warriors who do not know the principle.

But ah Li knew how to deal with this ghost. She said loudly: "those who connect the four veins can gather their blood essence, Yang Qi on their fingertips, wipe it on their eyes and sharp blades, and then they can see the evil and hurt their body!"

Among the soldiers, there was the warrior who had more than four veins. He used the mental method to force the blood essence from his heart to his fingertips, wiped it on the horizontal blade, and there was a shocking bright red blood stain, and then wiped the residual blood on his eyes.

In the bright red line of sight, I saw several twisted, strange, ugly and terrible evil spirits suspended in the air, looking at the crowd below with ferocious eyes.

Now that the military can see them and know the way to hurt these ghosts, the fear in his heart immediately dissipated without a trace. He raised his sword and shouted, and then rushed up to fight with these evil ghosts.

The number of sergeants was absolutely dominant, and they were killed in a moment.

However, the blood on the sharp blade in the hands of the sergeant involved in the battle dissipated in the battle. It was not the sword that could hurt these ghosts, but the blood on the sword.

Ah Li didn't explain to these soldiers that the martial arts practitioners who have passed the four-way classics already contain their own original divine power in their heart blood essence. They are full of Yang Qi and can best restrain Yin and evil.

However, the more powerful a ghost is, the more blood essence it needs to consume. Even martial artists have a limited number of blood essence. Therefore, many soldiers have used several blood essence continuously in a fight, so they will be particularly tired and depressed after the war, just like those days and nights.

Ah Li nodded and said, "you've done a good job. Chaos is coming and demons are rampant. You must publicize these methods to fight Yin and evil and let everyone know, so as to protect yourself and the people around you!"

A can't do without it because the level of the evil spirit is not high and it's not worth her doing. It's also to hide her strength and not be perceived by the people in heaven.

Wei Ran went all the way to the Western Hall where Zhang Chong and his recuperation were. He saw the sword gas rushing into the sky. Zhang Chonghe's Zhou Tianyan sword has been used to the extreme. Most of the other halls have been destroyed, and eunuchs and palace maids have fled.

Even if it caused extensive damage, Zhou Tianyan sword could not directly hit the mysterious opponent. On the contrary, as the surrounding heaven and earth aura were gradually controlled by the other party, Zhou Tianyan sword only left the intentional damage of the sword, and the damage of genuine Qi became less and less.

As soon as Wei Yangang entered, he found the man at a glance. With a cold hum, the halberd was thrown out. The only intact house on the north side of the hall immediately turned into a pile of ruins.

A figure rose into the sky. Under the starlight, the man was dressed in blue tight clothes and had a pair of extremely narrow Danfeng eyes. Although he was very handsome, his smile was very strange.

He fell in front of Wei Ran and had no weapons in his hands. He just looked up and down at Wei Ran in civilian clothes and was quite curious.

Zhang Chonghe walked out of a pile of ruins. What he held in his hand was no longer a dust brush, but the pure Yang Gang fighting sword handed down by the pure Yang sect from LV Zu, emitting bursts of cold light, emitting aura all the time. He knew at a glance that it was by no means ordinary.

"Prime minister, be careful of this person's body method. It's quite strange. It seems that you can plunder the heaven and earth aura controlled by others."

Zhang Chong and his current situation have no fear of being chased. After a fight and a little understanding of the characteristics of his opponent, he gradually gave birth to some confidence. It seems that he already knows why the two old friends died in this person's hands.

The man in blue glanced at Zhang Chonghe and sneered, "after cleaning him up, I'll take your life again."

Wei Yan walked towards each other step by step, "from heaven?"

The man in blue was also startled when he looked at the flame burning around Wei.

"Oh - as expected, you have really reached the spiritual state in terms of physical cultivation."

Wei Shao disdained and said, "it's just the realm cultivated with resources and magic weapons. Just now, you didn't even master the basic true meaning of martial arts. Your mental state is so low. If you didn't have huge resources, how could you be the opponent of the Taoist priest? "

"Mind? It's a fart in front of massive resources! Today I will teach you, the hunter of the heavens, what is the power of resources! "

The other party jumped into the air and a mirror appeared in his hand, from which a great deal of aura poured out.

Zhang Chong and he were surprised when they raided the array, which was ten times larger than the gathering place of aura in Zhongnan mountain where their Chunyang sect was located!

If this spirit of heaven and earth can be used, a person with ordinary qualification can easily break through to the congenital environment without encountering any bottleneck. There is no need to experience the spiritual cultivation spirit and make auxiliary breakthroughs from other aspects.

This massive aura gathered, like a giant hammer with dozens of tons in the air, smashed Wei Ran with pure power. The other side's mouth overflowed with disdain, "what bullshit mind, as long as there are enough resources, you can do whatever you want!"

Just as the aura like a sledgehammer was about to fall, Wei Ran's momentum instantly climbed to the top, and others were still approaching each other step by step, but the hegemonic truth mixed with magic was like a lightning bolt, straight into each other's heart.

Just like a child, even if he holds a sharp blade and faces a strong adult, even if he knows that he can stab each other with a knife, he will also feel afraid and tremble.

This man in blue is like this. Even with a huge amount of resources and power, he feels uncontrollable in the face of Wei Ran's real strong will.

In this moment, he was in a trance, which made the power gathered in his hands slightly frustrated. Only the flaw of the moment was accurately grasped by Wei Ran.

He seemed to move in an instant. In less than a blink of an eye, he came in front of the man in blue and hit his Dantian core with a heavy fist. The real Qi condensed into the magic weapon in his hand to run his skills stopped getting out of control, and the whole person also flew out.