But it doesn't mean that Wei Ran doesn't understand the upper limit of strength at this time. Others are on the ground and the halberd is dragged behind him. The power of those entangled laws disintegrated when he urged the vigorous Qi of his whole body to hurt himself. However, such self mutilation will certainly bring great harm to itself.

He wants to use the severe pain of his injury to stimulate his potential and let him show his ability to exceed his current physical strength.

The killing moves of a li from the outside and the self mutilation and destruction inside him greatly stimulated the explosion of Wei Ran's potential under the dual pressure.

In his spiritual sense, a flash of light scattered all the blood on the scarred body surface, and they burned in the air.

Burning... It's too slow. I want to completely decompose and convert the material in my body from the most basic particle state into energy without leaving any material residue, so I need to be fast until it's too late to turn the material into another material!

This time, he broke his arm, rushed to the approaching ah Li, and then crossed the halberd. It seemed that he could not feel the fluctuation of power and the exertion of the power of law.

His broken arm burned and exploded in mid air, and most of the material became carbon powder and other things in the explosion. Only the middle of the last little finger was not converted into any material, but disappeared in an instant.

Then a Li's long sword pointed to an explosion that was comparable to the detonation of a large equivalent nuclear bomb!

A Li's Muye meteor didn't even stab Wei Ran. Both of them disappeared in the explosion.

The alien space created by Yuanshen collapsed and disappeared, and both returned to the real world.

Wei was paralyzed on the sofa, his muscles twitched, sweating, collapsed like a dead dog, and his head was particularly painful.

A Li's state was not much better. The yuan God overused it and was in a very weak state. He leaned against the sofa and couldn't lift any mana.

Wei Ran said with a wry smile, "at this time, Dracula's people came, and we are the lambs to be slaughtered."

"You're sick. How many nuclear bombs did you detonate just now?" Ah Li complained.

"Nuclear bomb? Do you think I can bring it into the space just now? "

"That finger, how can it explode such great power!"

Wei Ran pointed to his head and smiled proudly and weakly, "inspiration comes from the last world. Whether it's chemical energy, gunpowder, the principle of nuclear bomb explosion, or antimatter weapons. The core is to convert matter into energy with maximum efficiency in the shortest time.

If you can completely convert a matter into energy in an instant, that is, the annihilation collision of positive and negative matter, the released energy is naturally extremely terrible, plus the power of my law... "

Ah Li opened his eyes. "Do you put scientific principles on your personal martial arts practice?"

"No? I began to try to completely convert the material of a whole arm into energy, but I found it too difficult to do so.

I tried to use a little finger to verify it. In fact, I failed in the end. In fact, I only converted a small part of the mass of one finger into energy, which triggered a huge energy explosion just now. "

Ah Li said strangely, "how can this be done!"

"Physical training is not to exercise muscles without brains, but to constantly develop the power of the inner universe and understand the laws of the inner universe. The inner universe was born in the outer universe, and the two naturally have something in common.

Therefore, physical cultivation and practice are all of their own existence. You should be able to control everything about yourself, even to control all your basic particles.

This step, even a hair, can produce the lethality of a nuclear bomb explosion. Maybe this is what some strong people call entering the micro environment. "

Ah Li was depressed and said, "listen to you, I feel that I have been practicing in vain for a thousand years. Your talent is really envious!"

Wei Ran said with a smile, "you've been practicing for a thousand years. Why are you still like this. The last one just now, I said, can't it be maintained for a long time? It's very pleasant. "

A Li Ao Jiao said, "I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me and then give birth to some crazy thoughts, you know!"

For a period of time after that, they lived in a snail's house in the daytime and practiced martial arts. In the evening, he turns into a demon hunter in the dark night and travels through major cities in the United States to hunt vampires who come out to hunt at night in these cities.

Of course, in order to avoid being recognized by Dracula's people, they both went through a certain disguise. A Li can become an adult woman. Wei Ran's body is completely different from that in the past. Therefore, just like the superhero in the cartoon, he wears a unique outfit. Basically, no vampire can recognize them.

In less than half a year, their names have spread all over the dark world of North America. They have been watched by some human forces who have been secretly fighting against vampires, and have been noticed by vampire leaders.

One morning, Wei Ran made breakfast in the kitchen and turned on the TV to pay attention to the local news.

A local news caught his attention

"... due to the recent frequent terrorist crimes, all kinds of terrible cases have broken out across the United States, resulting in the death of dozens of innocent civilians. Therefore, the state government decided to arrange the local military and police to carry out an anti-terrorism exercise in the near future. Please don't panic at that time..."

Wei Ran didn't notice that the eggs in the pot had been fried and shouted at ah Li who was still in the lazy bed.

"Hey, ah Li, there's a counter-terrorism exercise. Maybe we're being watched."

A Li woke up from bed vaguely, "then move. Anyway, the fox nine caves."

"You haven't woken up yet! This is an opportunity. There must be a trap set by high-level vampires behind it. According to what we discussed before, we just took the opportunity to do it. If we hit the trap, we'll do what we want. When they are hurt, they will certainly attract Gabriel's attention. It's best to take this opportunity to form a team with him and guide this one tendon to have a head-on conflict with Dracula... "

Ah Li sniffed his nose and jumped out of bed. "Fool, the eggs are fried!"


Sure enough, it didn't take long. That afternoon, an air defense alarm sounded nearby. Suddenly, a large number of special forces soldiers appeared near the house.

Fortunately, a Li transferred Wei Ran's body to another real estate, and manipulated it with puppetry, pretending to live a normal life. After camouflage, he would not be found.

At this time, they were jointly attacked by special forces, armed helicopters and armored vehicles. Their current strength is more than enough.

However, in order to confuse the opponent, he deliberately pretended to be very embarrassed and reluctantly killed a way out of the siege. According to the calculation of the biological computer, Wei Ran knew that it was the road deliberately given up by these people.

He pretended to be shot several times, and he was really shot several times. He deliberately didn't force the bullet out, so that the injury looked more real. A Li pretended to be in a panic and dragged Wei ran away smoothly from the sewer of an alley.

Walking in the dark and dirty environment of the sewer for more than an hour, suddenly there was a great light in front of me.

Four blue eyed vampires in front of and behind blocked their way. After hunting for half a year, Wei Ran also roughly knew how to understand the purity of vampire blood according to the pupil color.

Red eye is the first generation of vampires, while blue eye is the second generation of vampires first embraced by the first generation of vampires. It is a generation away from Dracula, but it is a relatively pure blood family, and its strength is naturally very outstanding.