The casino owner was so angry when the returning killer said what had happened.

"Lord Camilla, there are troublemakers who have killed many of my men. I have to see it myself."

Camilla smelled something wrong and said, "I'll go with you."

The casino owner is ecstatic. He is just an ordinary vampire. Although he is much stronger than ordinary people and has some strange skills, if the other party knows the weakness of vampires and can kill so many of his men with their bare hands, he is really not sure to clean up.

He led a group of people to take a bus with Camilla and came to the place of the incident. Originally thought Wei Ran and a Li should leave early, or ask people to ambush in situ.

Unexpectedly, these two guys are still leisurely in place, one smoking and the other enjoying the moon.

The casino owner and his men got out of the car and surrounded them. Camilla still sat in the car and looked on coldly.

"You two are the troublemakers? Yes, success angers me. I will make you regret being born in this world. " The casino owner said fiercely after getting off the bus.

Wei Huo, too lazy to talk nonsense, shot the pistol just picked up from the ground directly at the casino owner.

A bullet hit his head, a hole appeared in his forehead, and his fat body hit the door heavily. The casino owner's men looked at their boss in amazement. They saw the fat man struggling, panting and looking more and more fierce.

The hole in the corner of his forehead was squeezing out the warhead bit by bit, and then the damaged wound was recovering with the naked eye.

After that, the casino owner looked at Wei Ran with a cruel look on his face, "hehe, you're very accurate! I'll see what you can do. Kill me! "

In a word, the gunmen around opened fire one after another. Wei Ran and a Li drifted away from the edge of the battlefield and kept moving. All the bullets were shot empty. They only shot with the guns they just picked up, and immediately extinguished the mortals around the casino owner.

At the same time, he also shot several shots into the boss's fat body. Of course, there was no silver plated bullet, which had little effect on him. The bullet was quickly forced out and the wound recovered quickly.

"You have provoked the existence that should not be provoked. Guys who think they have good Kung Fu often die faster. This man, I will turn you into a blood slave, this woman, I will abolish your ability and let you pick up guests in my casino every day until you die! "

With that, he jumped on it quickly, not as fast as this kind of body.

But ordinary vampires, that's it. Wei Ran and a Li are still wandering and fighting. They seem to be waiting for something.

Camilla in the car held her glasses and smiled sarcastically at the corners of her mouth, but she didn't know whether she was laughing at the casino owner or at Wei Ran and a Li.

The fat man showed his ferocious fangs. When the two finished shooting, he would catch up with Wei Ran. At the same time, he shouted excitedly, "you can't escape, admit your life, fool!"

"Yes, I can't escape." Suddenly a strange voice appeared behind the fat man. Before he could react, a figure in a hat pinched the back of his neck, then the whole neck burst open and his head separated.

Ordinary vampires suffer such harm and die on the spot.

The fat man's head fell to the ground. The European man with a high hat, a cold look, a face of vicissitudes and white hair kicked the fat man's head next to Camilla's car like a child playing football.

Wei Ran and a Li stopped at this time. Wei Ran could judge that he was Gabriel only from the ancient god smell emanating from the man wearing a high hat, even if the other party turned his back to himself and couldn't see his face.

Gabriel held his hat. "Come out by yourself, or I'll catch you."

Camilla looked dignified. He naturally recognized each other's identity. This guy who can be comparable to his own master is a legend among demon hunters for a thousand years.

He stepped out of the car slowly, accumulated strength secretly, broke out at any time, and was ready to escape at any time. Head-on combat, it can't be this guy's opponent at all.

"Where's Dracula?"

"I can take you."

Wei Ran and a Li looked at each other. Did the surprise come too soon?

When Gabriel came to Camilla, he suddenly punched him in the heart. Camilla didn't resist at all. After receiving this blow, she immediately fainted. Without giving full play to her ability as a first generation vampire, Gabriel was captured alive.

Then Gabriel was about to leave with Camilla. Wei Ran immediately released his ancient divine power. At the same time, ah Li also publicized his aura.

Gabriel suddenly turned back, "I see..."

He fixed his eyes on Wei Ran, "your breath is not complete, but it should come from the same source as me. Who is it?"

"Van Helsing."

"This is my name."

Wei Ran sneered, "they say you often lose your memory. If so, come with us before looking for Dracula."

Gabriel covered his head and seemed to resist recovering his lost memory, but he instinctively knew that the man opposite who could exude his own homologous breath must have the ability to destroy Dracula.

So I couldn't help but follow the footsteps of Wei Ran and a Li and leave together.


A week later, in a village in Texas.

Camilla was nailed to her joints by a silver cross and locked on her seat. She couldn't show any ability, and he didn't seem to want to resist more, so he looked at the people without expression.

In addition to Wei Ran, a Li and Gabriel, the three leaders of Kaitian organization and Suxin Xue with some special status were present.

In addition to Ouyang Zhengping, the other two leaders of Kaitian organization met for the first time today.

A man is a monk. He is quite old, with a white beard. His eyebrows extend to his cheeks. Although he looks old, his eyes are especially divine. From time to time, he will emit a blue light, which is a sign of the power of the yuan God.

The other was a nun who looked very young. It was very strange that she always held a long stick in her hand. Wei Ran sensed the familiar wave from the strange stick, but asked directly without offense.

Ouyang Zhengping is the host. He first introduced Wei Ran and a Li to the leaders of the other two Kaitian organizations.

The monk's name is master Chengkong and the nun's name is Mitra. Both seem to be outsiders. They rarely participate in Kaitian organization. Unless they hunt some powerful vampires, they rarely do anything.

"Well, everyone is gathered. Now you all know the extraordinary situation. I don't need to elaborate. It's impolite to say that on the extraordinary side of human beings, we can basically represent the whole peak. "

He looked at Gabriel and seemed to know that this man's strength was above the peak

"Plus van Helsing, Little Red Riding Hood and the existence, as well as their heirs, we should have the strength to fight Dracula."

The nun then said, "van Helsing, we all know that it was really beyond my expectation that he could unite with us. But where is the Little Red Riding Hood you said and the legendary existence? "

Wei Ran's Noumenon was controlled by a Li and followed to a temporary residence nearby. Before finding Dracula, Wei Ran did not intend to use his noumenon, but only as a hidden trump card.

Everyone looked at Wei Ran and a Li. A Li said, "Little Red Riding Hood, don't look for it. It's me."

Everyone was stunned. It was said that little red riding hood was a girl Laurie. How could she be such a charming and mature woman?

When people questioned, ah Li was helpless. While spreading his strong momentum, he changed back to Lori's state, which was believed.

Then he looked at Wei Ran.

"My master's situation is very special. He will appear only when he sees Dracula."