Shen Youran is waiting in the parking lot of Zhongsheng group at four o'clock. She is afraid that she will be seen by mature hair. She hides in the corner and keeps her eyes on Ji Jinchuan's car.

One hour, two hours, three hours later, Ji Jinchuan has not yet appeared.

It's getting dark, the lights in the parking lot are dark, and it's cold.

She wrapped her overcoat tightly and curled up. After squatting for a long time, her legs felt numb. She stood up and took a few steps, then continued to squat.

There was no light in the parking lot all the year round, and the cold was heavy at night. She shivered with cold and wanted to go home, but she felt unwilling.

Why did he do this to her?

Even if you want to be angry, you should let her know where he was offended or what she did not do well.

Although he had known before that he was uncertain, but suddenly angry not to go home, ignore her, there must be a reason.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. The corner of her eyes was dry and uncomfortable. She sucked her nose and lowered the air pressure of the fog floating up her eyes.


Ji Jinchuan finished his business at nine o'clock. He rubbed his brow and took the coffee he was holding to his mouth to drink, but he found it was cold.

he got up and took a cup of water to the water dispenser and took a cup of water. He went to the French window while drinking the water. The outside was covered with colorful black neon.

The whole building is only the floor of the president's office with lights on. The tall figure is printed with a black shadow on the ground glass. He overlooks the city night outside, and his heart is cool and silent.

At this time, she should take a nap. Wu Ma said that her sleep quality is good these days, and she will take a nap for an hour at noon.

Although I haven't seen her for half a month, Ji Wenqing sends some photos of her to him every day.

Above her dimple like flowers, looks very happy, every time the end of work is very tired, looking at her photo can alleviate his fatigue.

After a short rest, he sat back at his desk and processed some of the latest e-mails. When he looked at the time again, it was nearly 10:30. He turned off his computer and went to the rest room next door.

He didn't go home these days. He has been living in the company, and the company is about to become his second home.

As soon as he took off his coat, his mobile phone rang. It was the landline of South Bay. It was not Wu Ma who called him at this time. He put the mobile phone aside and let it ring.

After a while, it rang again. He didn't go into the bathroom to take a bath. After he came out, there were three phone calls on his mobile phone. He dried his hair and was ready to go to bed. The mobile phone rang again, this time from Xiao Li.

His eyebrows suddenly jump, vaguely feel that the phone calls in front of him are not Shen Youran, they should be Wu Ma.

He opened his mobile phone and connected it. Instead of Xiao Li's voice, Wu Ma said, "young master, little lady hasn't come home yet."

Ji Jinchuan frowned: "when did she leave the door?"

Wu Ma's voice with a faint anxiety: "about three o'clock in the afternoon."

His eyebrow heartbeat more fierce, he raised his hand to pinch the eyebrow heart, the voice was cold and cold: "why not let people follow?"

Wu Ma murmured, "the little lady won't let you follow."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Jinchuan calls Ji Wenqing. Ji Wenqing says that he didn't ask her out today. He calls Shen Youran again, but her mobile phone can't be connected.

He took off his bathrobe, quickly put on his clothes and left the rest room. He walked quickly to his desk, took the car key and went out.

He turned a blind eye to the papers left on the desk with his sleeve belt. He opened the door of the office and left quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!