When he got into the car, he said to the driver, "follow the two cars ahead."

After walking some distance, he recognized that this was the way home.

More than ten minutes later, he saw the car in which Minan was sitting stopped at the entrance of the lane. He was afraid that Minan would find himself following her. He immediately told the driver, "back up, back up quickly."

The driver backed back at his request and then turned around.

Seeing that Minan is home, Xu Chengyan is relieved. Fortunately, she did not ask Dai qingrang today, otherwise he would have to beat Dai qingrang black and blue.

The driver asked him, "Sir, do you want to get off now or go somewhere else?"

"Run around the road twice."


The driver looked at him, as if to confirm that he had heard something wrong.

Xu Chengyan received the look he couldn't believe and asked, "what's the problem?"

"This road leads to the center of the city. If you want to follow your requirements, it means running through the city of T. are you sure?"

Xu Chengyan replied simply: "I'm sure."

Minan just got home, if he went back at this time, with Minan's shrewdness, he would surely guess that he was following her.

So he can't go back at this time. He has no other place to go, so he can only go like this.

The driver is still hesitant.

Xu Chengyan smoothed the cuff: "you can rest assured that the fare will not be less than you."

This time, the driver readily agreed to get down and then started the car. On the way, he had nothing to say: "Sir, the girl who got off that car just now is your girlfriend. Did you two quarrel?"

Not waiting for him to reply, the driver said with a smile: "you see, although you quarreled, she went shopping and you protected her all the way. It can be seen that your boyfriend is still very intimate. If you coax her more, she will soon get angry."

"She is someone else's girlfriend," Xu Chengyan muttered indignantly

Driver a Leng: "then why do you still follow her?"

"If she dares to date that man, I'll beat that man all over the place to look for teeth," Xu Chengyan said

The driver's face was startled. He took a look at his dark face in the rearview mirror. He was afraid that he would encounter violence. He was so quiet that he did not dare to speak again.


When Minan went up the stairs, she met Zhou Mo and her sister, who wanted to go downstairs.

Zhou Mo's sister Zhou Chu held Mi Nan in her arms: "sister Nannan, I heard that you came back as soon as I came back today. I went to your house just now. My uncle and aunt said that you were not there. How could you go shopping alone? Don't you say you have a boyfriend? Why doesn't he go with you

Minan put the things in his hand to another hand, took out the arm which was held by Zhou Chu without trace, and then gave a faint smile: "if you come back earlier, we can go shopping together."

"I'll stay at my mother's for a few more days, so there are plenty of opportunities." At the beginning of the week, he pretended to be dissatisfied for her, "by the way, where's your boyfriend? How can he let you carry so many things by yourself? I don't really care. "

Zhou Mo also followed: "Nannan sister, did not Mr. Xu come back with you?"

Minnan blinked her beautiful eyes. "He didn't go out with me again."

"Oh, well, he's not at home. I thought you went out together."

Hearing that Xu Chengyan didn't go out with Minan, Zhou Mo's heart was filled with faint joy. Did something happen yesterday, Mr. Xu didn't want her?

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