End badly

Obviously, it's just a story. Wen churan feels cold after listening to it, just like falling into an ice cellar.

It took her a long time to recover. She couldn't help sighing, "is this ending... Too cruel?"

"The death of the female Lord every life is cruel, isn't it?" Bai Youning asked with a sneer.

"God!" Wen churan suddenly exclaimed, widened his eyes, and said in surprise to Bai Youning, "this ending is great! Bai Youning! I'm really impressed with you! I didn't expect you to have the talent to write a script! "

Bai Youning immediately puzzled.

Just now I lamented the cruel ending. Now clap your hands and cheer?

Wen churan couldn't help laughing up and couldn't help his excitement. "Wow! The ending in this form has simply lost the appetite of the audience! More importantly, you can continue to shoot the second film! If every life will die... Then there's no problem shooting the third, fourth and fifth! "

She pulled her finger and her eyes glowed. "How much money do you have to make! It's a hair! "

Bai Youning couldn't help pumping out the corners of her mouth when she saw the appearance of a woman's financial fan.

After a long time, she didn't think about the ending. She just thought about how to make money!

Wen churan gave Bai Yuning a thumbs up and couldn't help admiring, "talented! Bai Youning! Your idea is great! "

She... She really doesn't have that idea

Alas... Bai Youning was too lazy to explain and waved his hand. "You write, I'll go."

With that, a burst of smoke and the white shadow disappeared.

Wen churan was excited. After brushing a few times, he wrote the ending, and finally showed a proud smile.

In the middle of the night, I was sleepy, and the bed suddenly shook.

Although the action was very light, Wen churan woke up.

A piece fell by the bed, and the man lay upright beside her.

I don't know if he was afraid of waking her. He didn't move again after lying down.

In the dark, Wen churan quietly looks at the man around her.

Deep outline, beautiful and smooth facial features, even such a vague figure is so perfect!

After watching it for a while, Wen churan took back his eyes.

With a sly smile, she suddenly kicked the whole quilt to the ground.

The man gently picked up the quilt, covered it again, and even helped her tuck in the quilt corner.

Wen churan kicked the quilt again and complained vaguely, "it's so hot... It's so hot... I don't cover it... It's so hot!"

When she finished, the man really didn't cover the quilt.

Hot? Hot fart!

The window was not closed, and the cool wind in the room was so cold that it was shivering!

no way! What is this cold for the sake of the whole ink?

Bear it!

Before long, she couldn't stand it. The whole person was tight in bed.

Of course, that's not over!

Wen churan then kicked Sheng Shimo "hiss... It's so cold! Can you bring some more quilts? It's really cold! "

Sheng Mo still got up in the dark and didn't talk to her.

She said it was cold to torture Sheng Shimo. How could she cover it by herself?

So she was very "kind" to help the man cover up several quilts.

While covering, he said with concern, "it's so cold. Let's cover it together. Don't be polite to me!"

As a result, Wen's first dyeing was so hot that he sweated profusely and even his pajamas were soaked.

She hurriedly kicked the quilt again, and then complained, "it's so hot, it's not covered!"

After a while, she covered the quilts again. "Curious... Suddenly I feel so cold!"