Last night, he vowed to assure her that he had dissolved his engagement with ANN and even brought the agreement to her.

Now you say you forget?

Sure enough, I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that man's mouth!

Wen churan's heart was on fire, and he pretended to be nothing, but his tone was obviously cold. "Nothing."

Simply pick up the magazine on one side, hold it in your hand, read it carefully, and ignore him.

In fact, she couldn't see a word at all, and her thoughts were completely in a state of wandering.

At this time, Wen churan suddenly felt a dark shadow falling slowly overhead,

Before she could look up at the shadow, something similar to a document fell from the sky, directly covered the magazine in her hand and appeared in her sight.

Then, a man's voice sounded in his ear, "are you looking forward to this?"

When Wen churan was surprised, he picked up the document in his hand, opened it slowly, took out the paper inside, and saw the big words "marriage termination agreement".

Take out the whole piece of paper. There are only a few lines on the paper, which is the reason for dissolving the engagement. It is written very officially.

Looking down, there are two names in the lower right corner.

One is Sheng Shi Mo, and the other is an.

Seeing that Wen churan repeatedly checked the agreement in his hand, Mo couldn't help laughing "how? Afraid it's fake? "

Wen churan felt ashamed and hurriedly stuffed the agreement in her hand into the folder. Perhaps it was because of panic that her action was very rude.

After stuffing it, she handed the document back to Sheng Shimo and looked like she didn't care.

In his prime, Mo picked his eyebrows and deliberately asked, "nothing to say?"

Wen churan asked, "what do you want me to say? Congratulations on breaking your engagement and becoming a golden bachelor? "

After listening to the woman's words, Sheng Shimo suddenly laughed and kept laughing.

Wen churan thought he was laughing at himself, so he raised his eyes and glared at him angrily, "what's funny!"

She really can't get a man's smile.

Sheng Shimo stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead. It looked like punishment. In fact, it was no different from stroking.

"It's silly to laugh at you"


Wen churan glanced at the man.

He then laughed and said, "you're here. How can I be a bachelor?"

After hearing this, Wen churan's cheeks turned red in an instant, and even his ears were red as if they were going to drop bleeding water.

She became angry, slapped the man's hand and made an impatient expulsion sound from her mouth. "You're busy. You didn't sleep well last night. I want to sleep again!"

Even if he knew it was an excuse, Sheng Shimo didn't expose it and obeyed her words.

"OK, have a good meal at noon and come back to see you in the afternoon."

After the prosperous ink left, Wen churan couldn't sleep. After looking at the time, he didn't expect that it was already ten o'clock.

She continued to read the mother and Baby magazine in her hand and did prenatal education according to the above method.

The baby is almost three months old.

The doctor said before that you must be careful in the first three months of pregnancy. After three months, you can do some appropriate exercise.

Wen churan thought that after three months, he would visit some interesting places in the election of country v. the provincial people were bored in the presidential palace all day, almost moldy.

Sheng Shimo said before leaving that he would come to see her in the afternoon.

After lunch, Wen churan's heart added an expectation out of thin air.