Jiang Kang and others chose to break out of the snow field for a very simple reason. The snow field is too cold to eat.

It's about 60 or 70 miles away from the snow and ice area of Qi Mountain. The weather is still cold, but there is no wind and snow, and the terrain is gradually lowered, without the peak of seizing the moon.

More are the small hills hidden behind the tall Qi Mountain.

"Jiang Kang, why do you say that it is not far away, and there is continuous wind and snow in Qishan. Although the weather here is also cold, there is no wind and snow, just like early spring."

Wang Zhaojun lifted the curtain of the car and asked the horseman next to his car.

Jiang Kang smiled and said, "there will be a wind in the far north, called winter wind, which symbolizes cold. When the winter wind blows to the place, it will bring cold air, accompanied by wind and snow weather.

Qi mountain stands in the north and is extremely tall. This winter wind is blocked all year round and lingers between Qi Mountain and its birthplace. And here, it happens to be convenient for Qishan to be tall. As soon as Qishan stops the winter wind, there will be no ice and snow here. "

Wang Zhaojun's eyes brightened and asked, "as you said, why is the weather here cold and not as warm as the south?"

Jiang Kang smiled and said, "as I said just now, although Qishan is tall, it is impossible to cover all the winter wind. The leaked winter wind blows here, so the weather is cold."

"It sounds strange, but it seems to have some truth."

Wang Zhaojun smiled and said, "who gave you these crooked things?"

"This is not a crooked thing, this is science!"

Jiang Kang replied proudly, "but if you ask me who handed it in, there will be more. There were science teachers in primary school, geography teachers in middle school and TV... "

"Nonsense again."

Wang Zhaojun said helplessly, and Jiang Kang was more helpless.

"This area is located in Tianshan county. Although it belongs to Wang Hua, it is difficult for the king to live because of the high mountains, far rivers and hills. Although there are sheriffs, their power is limited. Among them, there are many large villages in the mountains, which are self righteous. In the meantime, there are many mountain bandits. They occupy the mountain and become the king, which can dominate one side.

Because of the lack of terrain and strength, the sheriff can only turn a blind eye. "

Jiang Kang began to recall the memory in his mind. The reason why Xiang Yu knew so much about this place was that Tianshan was the hometown of Xiang Yu, the king of the mainland!

It's just that Xiang Yu's home is still some distance away from here.

The king continent is much larger than the earth. This Tianshan county has a territory of nearly 300 miles.

Outside the Tianshan Mountains, the northern desert area is connected to the north, the Central Plains can be entered to the East, and the Cangshan dark river area to the south, with a very dangerous terrain; To the west, across the Tianshan Mountains, you can break away from the land of Daqin.

"There are many mountains in Tianshan Mountain, which is just suitable for us to garrison. Find a mountain to hide and see the news later."

Jiang Kang sighed.

Xiaoxue tiger rode around the neck of the female tiger, just on the other side of Wang Zhaojun's car, like a guard.

A group of people meandered forward. Suddenly, Jiang Kang turned over and fell off his horse on his left hand.




A dozen arrows flew out of the trees on both sides of the mountain.

"No, there's an ambush!"

Jiang Kang's face changed and waved down several arrows.

The other black armour troops were stern and set up their own small shield.

"Money and beauty stay, others get out!"

Several figures fell from the trees, and many people and horses sprang up on both sides of the hillside. I'm afraid they look like two or three hundred when I sweep my eyes.

Red scarves wrapped around their heads, and their clothes were no different from those of the common people. They were far worse than the seriously dressed black armour army.

The leader was holding an iron bar with a rope wrapped around him. He hung upside down on the branch like that. The iron bar in his hand pointed directly at Jiang Kang's face door and said arrogantly.

"You have a bad mind. We are the imperial army."

Jiang Kang sneered and asked someone to carry the sergeant who was shot.

The shot was at the shoulder blade. It should be fatal.

"Imperial army? There is no imperial court here! "

The man gave a loud cry and said, "either get out now or leave your life!"

"There's a lot of nonsense. Fuck him!"

Jiang Kang gave a loud drink. As soon as he stepped on the horse's back, the man rushed out.

"Fearless charge!"

"Frost imprisonment!"

At the same time, a white hand stretched out from the car. With the whirlwind, the arrogant guy even people and trees were frozen.


Jiang Kang arrived in an instant, with a steel gun in his hand.


The surrounding voices shouted loudly, and the two figures jumped over directly.

"Go away‘

With a swing of the long gun, two gorgeous blood lines were brought out. The people who rushed over immediately turned into bloody corpses and flew out, and then fell hard, hitting a piece of smoke and dust.

The thief captured the king first. Jiang Kang dared not delay. His long gun was aimed at the frozen head.

Suddenly, with a click, even the human algebra cracked, bright red and dazzling.

"Two leaders!"

"Avenge the second leader!"

The roar came up, and the mountain bandits rushed up angrily, but one of them suddenly stopped.

"Stop and go back!"

Other people wear robes, while this person is wearing armor, which is obviously a bit more noble.

Hearing the speech, the mountain bandit stopped.

"Hum, today's revenge, I have remembered it in gouyu villa. Come back for advice tomorrow!"

With an angry hum, the man waved his big hand and retreated slowly with his men and horses..

"Brother Jiang, do you want to keep them?" Lian Chengyue came up and was eager to try.

"Well, after all, the other party is crowded, and we are not familiar with the territory here. If we disturb their people, I'm afraid it's bad."

Jiang Kang shook his head. Seeing that the other party had gone far, he asked, "what happened to the sergeant just now?"

"It doesn't matter. It's no big deal to take out the arrow." Lian Chengyue replied.


Jiang Kang nodded slightly and said, "let's find a place to hide quickly, or have a rest."

"I think we might as well find one nearby."

Wang Zhaojun looked around and said, "those people would ambush here. It must not be the territory of the mountain. It's all right to settle down."

Jiang Kang nodded slightly, looked up and saw fireworks in the distance.

"If there are fireworks ahead, there must be a village, or let's go and have a look?" d

"Is it too dangerous?" Wang Zhaojun asked with a frozen eyebrow.

Jiang Kang waved his hand and said with a proud smile, "it doesn't matter. The reckless and wasteful army can kill them. Don't worry if his little thieves annoy me and unify the whole land of Tianshan Mountain."

"Will boast." Wang Zhaojun shook his head, smiled and put down the curtain.

"Whatever you want."