"Mr. Xiang!"

Looking at the majestic figure with his back to the entrance of the stairs in the hall, King Arthur had an undisguised happy look on his face, his steps accelerated and walked forward, and the golden cloak behind him was flying constantly.

The elder turned back and looked at King Arthur arched his hand.

"King Arthur, I don't know what's going on now."

"The enemy is already under the Western defense line, and tens of millions of people are pouring into Guanzhong. The situation is very critical."

The matter is urgent, and they don't have too much politeness.

"I don't know how much King Arthur knew about the strength of these enemies."

"I dare not hide it. Although Arthur was never afraid to fight, he did not make fearless sacrifices for fear that the enemy would ambush. He has been guarding the last line of defense in King Arthur's city. "

King Arthur explained.

His words are also reasonable. The enemy is obviously fierce and powerful. If he goes up rashly, he will certainly not be able to get well. If he loses in the front line, the whole western region will be in danger

"How about the strength of those blood families on weekdays?" The elder asked.

"The blood clan has two blood clan kings. Their strength is equivalent to Dacheng level. In addition, a sleeping blood Lord is taught above. His strength is equivalent to supreme Dacheng."

As he spoke, he glanced at the elder in front of him. He saw the other side's face calm, as if he was not moved at all, and his heart was secretly surprised.

"In this way, their blood uncle is our period of transforming God, and the blood waiting period is the period of uniting the Tao..."

Further down, King Arthur didn't say any more, because it didn't make any sense.

It is always the high-end players who decide the outcome of the war.

The elder was silent for a long time, then sighed: "the legendary blood emperor is the supreme realm of long live and seal the sky!"

King Arthur was silent.

"The supreme no longer exists, and the blood emperor has naturally dissipated in the dust of history." He said this as if to comfort himself.

The elder waved his hand and stopped worrying about this problem.

"This is their usual strength. Now they open the door, and the strength enhancement must not be a bit. I'm afraid there will be blood Lord level figures."

Then he looked at King Arthur and asked, "King Arthur, what about the power of the western regions?"

King Arthur was silent, with a guilty look on his face and said, "I'm ashamed. Although the thirteen countries in the western regions have a good reputation, I'm the only one who has entered the stage of maturity. In addition, Luna, the goddess of moonlight in the golden twelfth palace, is also in the stage of maturity.

As for other kings, they are at the later stage or peak of God transformation. The twelve palace masters of the golden twelve palaces are also at the time of God transformation, but their strength is not high. "

He shook his head and said, "I have three chemical gods at the peak and four chemical gods at the beginning."

The elder nodded when he heard the speech and said, "King Arthur doesn't have to be modest. This strength is enough. With the supreme weapon, you can face a blood Lord. "

Think of the lonely Xiang family. In addition to themselves, looking around, it's all the same way!

"The other party also has a supreme weapon." King Arthur smiled bitterly.

The elder was stunned when he heard the speech, and then he couldn't help nodding. He forgot this stubble.

"Let's go to the front and make a decision."


As they walked on, lacs walked outside the door.

"See my king! The moonlight goddess led the leader of the golden twelve palaces to help! "

Arthur and the elder were surprised, and then they both looked ecstatic.

"Please come in!"

Outside the door, a silver light came in.

The slender legs are wearing a pair of silver boots, but today's armor is different.

The person shining with silver light could hardly open his eyes and stood up with full pride in front of his chest. There was a white moonlight in the center, in which there was a flash of light, which was very eye-catching.

Behind him is a silver cloak, which is more heroic and shining than usual!

"Night moon god armor!"

Seeing the appearance of Luna's dress, Arthur was more happy.

This should be the first time Luna has put on this supreme weapon of the sword.

Since she came with this thing and brought all the leaders of the golden twelve palaces, her attitude was very obvious.

Behind her, there were six men and six women in line, all wearing war robes and high morale.

"Moonlight goddess."

"I've seen two."

The occasion was serious, the past events were all in mind, and the three met each other politely.

"Thank you for your support."

"The twelve palaces of gold have been in the western regions since ancient times, and they are duty bound."

"I'm going to the front..."

"Let's go together."

Luna nodded slightly, and the party directly set up a light and rushed to the Western defense line.

People in the air, overlooking the foot, there are many figures lying on a continuous mountain, with countless heavy crossbows and cannons.

At the back of the mountain, there are many tall towers, and the people above look at it carefully.

A mirror hangs from the top of the tower and can rotate below.

"What is this?" The elder is curious.

"This is Han Shuai from binglou castle. He sent a message saying that evil things are afraid of the sun. You can make this big mirror to stop them."

"I see."

The elder nodded slightly and felt relieved.

He naturally knows who founded the iceberg.


A king of the western regions walked in the air, bowed to several people, and then handed the above book.

"The Qin Dynasty sent 300000 emergency troops to the western regions. Let's open and close the door early so that they can suppress the dark forces."


King Arthur's voice suddenly increased and his eyebrows twisted.


Another figure came in a hurry. He handed over a document.

"Genghis Khan had 200000 cavalry soldiers, who traveled day and night. When he arrived at the pass early, he asked me to open and close the Northern Kingdom early and let them in."

King Arthur took the document in a hurry, frowning deeper and deeper.


Another figure came from the South and hurried.

"Liu Bang raised 200000 troops and came nearby. He immediately came to the door of our country and threatened to help us suppress the darkness. My younger brother is afraid of fraud and dare not let him go! "

King Arthur took a deep breath, took the three papers, looked up at them and smiled bitterly.

"What do you think of this, gentlemen?"

"The three are all insidious, deceitful and insatiable. Would they stand up against the dark forces at this time?"

Luna snorted coldly and said frankly.

"Since these people are uneasy and kind, they have the right to stop them outside and not put them in the pass."

"If you have evil intentions, I'm afraid you will lead the army to detain the customs!" The elder sighed.

"Who intrudes, stop quickly!" Suddenly there was a loud drink at the foot of the mountain, and several figures rushed towards a speeding black figure.

The man flew very fast and rushed towards the elder.


A palace leader gave a loud drink, hooked the xuanqin in his hand and directly played the wave attack.

The author yuan Daojun said: there are still two chapters, and the climax is coming! Tomorrow is the first! Ten flowers are still missing from the 15th place. Brothers and sisters send me up!