According to Gu Mingshen, Yu Qingwen only hurt his wrist and lower body.

Two bullet holes, even if the injury is serious, it is impossible to make the blood smell so heavy in the room.

"Be careful, defense."

Si HaoChen spoke coldly and took out his gun for defense.

When he Tao and he Qing heard Si HaoChen's words, they looked at each other and understood them. The three carefully entered the living room and searched around.

But there was no one else in the room.

What shocked the three of Si HaoChen was that even Yu Qingwen was not there.

"Someone has come."

He Qing frowned and opened his mouth coldly.

Si HaoChen nodded. He smelled the strong smell of blood and always had a bad hunch. That feeling was very subtle. He couldn't say it clearly, but he couldn't get rid of it.

After a while, Si HaoChen looked at He Qing and He Tao.

"You two, search the whole house for me. Search carefully to see if there is anything different. "


He Qing and He Tao responded, one downstairs and one upstairs, acting separately.

Soon, he Tao's voice came upstairs.

"Boss, there is a dead man upstairs with gunshot wounds and two wounds, one on the heart and one on the head. They are all fatal."

Si HaoChen listened and his heart sank a little.

Yu Qingwen just destroyed the lifeblood.

But in the blink of an eye, the people in the room were changed. Yu Qingwen is missing, but there is a dead body upstairs.

Two gunshot wounds were aimed at Gu Mingshen.

This is obviously a change of beam and column. Gu Ming Shen'an should be charged with murder.

I'm afraid it can't be covered up at all.

I was thinking, and the sound of the police car came from the door. Everything is like a premeditation, one ring after another.

Hearing the sound, he Qing quickly came to Si HaoChen.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"You call Gu Mingshen, talk to him and let him have a psychological preparation."


"He Tao, search the room upstairs where the body was found, inside and outside, and take pictures. Windows, carpets, walls, doors, tables, bed corners... Don't let go at all. "

They have to be fast.

Si HaoChen is a member of the military. In his capacity, he can intervene in the case, but once the police take over, he can't do whatever he wants.

All evidence should be retained in advance to avoid trouble.

Knowing Si HaoChen's thoughts, he Tao and he Qing did not dare to delay for a moment. They acted according to the instructions.

And Si HaoChen stayed at the door, waiting for the police to come.

"The police have received a report from residents that gunshots have been heard here. Please cooperate."

Si HaoChen heard this and smiled faintly.

"The military handles cases."

"The military?"

"Yes." Si HaoChen responded firmly and didn't explain much. He just stood at the door, waiting for he Qing and He Tao to come back.

Soon, he Tao and he Qing came down.


"I see. Since the police want to investigate, go in and investigate. The military is also very concerned about this case. Later, the military will contact you and cooperate in handling the case. Farewell... "

Si HaoChen said and was about to take someone away.

But the police didn't give in.

"Mr. Si, all I know is that you are the president of DB and a businessman, but I don't know you are still from the military. You also said that there are dead bodies on it, and your people have touched the bodies. It's inappropriate for you to leave now? "

"What do you want?"

"Please come with us to assist in the investigation."

The police officer who took the lead was polite, but his attitude was very tough.

Seeing this, he Tao took out his certificate. Without saying a word, he handed it directly to the policeman“ Your eyes are wide open. "


"Do you need our cooperation?" He Tao asked sternly.

The policeman looked at the certificate and shook his head. "No, Mr. Si and Mr. He, please."

"As I said, you don't have to be so careful that you will cooperate in handling the case in the future. Go in and check it out. I hope you can find out this matter as soon as possible and find out the truth. "

With that, Si HaoChen took he Qing and He Tao and left with a big step.

The police looked at the back of the three people and looked at each other.

Shit, what the hell?

Senior Colonel... When Si HaoChen's attendant, what will Si HaoChen's identity be?

I always see big guys when I go out.

This makes them little police officers. How do they mix?


In the car.

He Qing drives, he Tao and Si HaoChen sit behind. He showed the photos taken by his mobile phone to Si HaoChen one by one.

"The corpse was treated very cleanly. Judging from the wound, body temperature and rigidity of the corpse, the time of death should be before Mingshen and late snow. The body did show signs of moving, but it was handled cleanly and left no valuable clues. As for others, it is estimated that autopsy can be confirmed. "

And he obviously doesn't have the time to understand.

Of course, he doesn't have the ability of autopsy.

Si HaoChen is not surprised at all. You can play tricks under Gu Mingshen's eyes, which shows that the other party's strength is not weak.

"Did you find anything else?"


He Tao took his cell phone and called up a picture. He enlarged the photo as much as possible and showed it to Si HaoChen.

"There was a drop of blood on the window of the room where the body was located. It was in the wiping state. It should be that after the blood dripped, someone noticed it, so it was wiped. "

"Have you taken a blood sample?"

"Extracted, but few. I don't know whether it's useful or not."

"Go back and show Ruobing."

Fortunately, there was a Xia Ruobing. It was easier for them to find some clues secretly. I hope I can find something. Otherwise, Gu Ming is deeply involved in this case. I'm afraid it's hard to get away.

Thinking in his heart, Si HaoChen sighed a long sigh.

He rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little tired.

However, he had no time to rest“ He Qing, you call old four. What does he say? "

"He said he knew."

"Nothing else?"

"No, he is also confused. I guess at that time, he was busy comforting the late snow. He never thought that there would be anything else upstairs. It's a serial trick. He didn't stop it. "

What he Qing said is also what Si HaoChen thought.

His eyes darkened unconsciously.

He is looking forward to meeting Ye Jinyan tomorrow. He wants to see how many means Ye Jinyan has?

Do you really think that if you make a secret layout and use chess pieces to take the lead, he can hide behind his back and be watertight?

Si HaoChen doesn't believe it.

Thinking in his heart, Si HaoChen slowly opened his mouth.

"Don't let Xiao know about it for the time being. If she asks, say I work overtime in the company today. He Qing, let's inform Mingshen and Wanxue early tomorrow morning. Don't forget about it. "

If Su Xiaoxiao wants to know these things, he will be afraid.

If she knew that all this was manipulated by Ye Jinyan, she was afraid that she would not let him continue to go to Ye Jinyan's appointment tomorrow.

It's better to put it off.

He Qing also knows the importance of things.

Husband and wife should be honest and not hide and cheat. But there are exceptions. It's the best thing for Su Xiaoxiao to hide it from Su Xiaoxiao.

Without hesitation, he Qing nodded and agreed