It is said that after the magic egg laid by a seven-year-old cock in Sirius is hatched under the toad, you can get a dangerous snake with extraordinary ability, that is, the "snake monster".

Any creature that dares to look at the snake monster will be killed on the spot!

of course......

This does not include Klein.

"It's beautiful, but it doesn't taste very good."

Holding the head of the basilisk, Klein frowned slightly.

Looking at the struggling giant snake floating in the air, he gently waved his magic wand, and a powerful current appeared out of thin air, pouring a transparent water on the poor "little guy" from beginning to end.


The water drenched snake monster screamed desperately, and the yellow vertical pupil was full of confusion and fear.

A young human who is not enough to plug his teeth has such power?

Up to now, it has never met such a strange thing!

"Well, it smells much better now."

After sniffing the air carefully, Klein nodded with satisfaction.

Clean water is his own decontamination magic. While cleaning the scales of the basilisk, it also washed away the lingering smell of dead mice in the secret room.

After all, you have to do it yourself. Too bad environment will affect your mood ~

"Good, it doesn't hurt at all."

A deep purple awn shot from the tip of the staff, centered on the head of the giant snake, Klein raised his mouth slightly, and put the snake monster that had been completely immobile under the Colossus of "Salazar Slytherin".

One step, two steps, three steps

He approached slowly and stared at the dark green jade like scales like appreciating works of art.


The giant snake howled weakly, trying to make a final resistance.

Unfortunately, the paralysis of the body made it unable to move for half a minute.

Great fear occupied all the minds of the monster. It instinctively wanted to beg for mercy and take the initiative to surrender to the strong.

But Klein didn't give it any chance.


The silver light flickered, and the tip of the red sandalwood wand was like a sharp scalpel, which cut off the neatly arranged dark green scales, cut into the elastic and wet skin, and touched the crimson muscles and blood vessels.

"Oh, that's right... What about here... It's no different from ordinary snakes... Wait, what's this, poison gland? No, it's..."

In the open basement, a handsome boy with a sunny smile is dissecting a giant snake with great interest.

The red blood and the black poison flowed all over the ground, but it seemed as if he hadn't heard it.

This scene

Some unspeakable strangeness and terror!

"Calm down", "restore vitality" and "light of healing"

The dissection was carried out in an orderly manner.

To some key parts, such as the brain and viscera, Klein will also be very considerate to curse the Basilisk to maintain its vitality.

He thought that if the Basilisk could speak, he would thank him very much~


Two weeks later.

"It's incredible!"

In the "transfiguration" class, Professor McGonagall once again marveled at Klein's perfect casting.

Who could have thought that the little snake shaking its head on the desk, trailing its tail and spitting out messages was still an ordinary rope more than ten seconds ago?

Professor McGonagall admits that even she can't do better than Klein.

"You taught me well."

Klein smiled modestly and looked very calm.

Anyone who is used to dismantling precision machinery and assembling building blocks later will feel handy.

After so many days of hands-on practice, he even remembered the distribution of every blood vessel on the "little cute" in the secret room.

I can't say anything else. At least in the field of turning items into snakes, he has graduated.

"Very good, slytheringa!"

No one has ever had such excellent deformation magic at Klein's age. Professor McGonagall waved excitedly and added another pen to the Scorebook of snake Academy.

Now, she believes that rumor

Klein is "Merlin's illegitimate son".

Of course, "illegitimate child" is just a kind of ridicule.

With the "Merlin jazz group" building momentum everywhere, the current magic world is more willing to call the 11-year-old genius who created four new spells the son of magic.

Magic's favorite child!

In this regard, the Ministry of magic has not expressed its position and remained silent.

"It's so handsome. How can it be so handsome!"

After class, looking at the back of Klein who left the classroom, pansy Parkinson held his cheeks in his hands and gave an obsessed compliment in his eyes.

No matter what time, he is always so excellent and charming.

"Uh... Pansy, we should go."

Although it is no secret that her good friend is infatuated with Klein in Slytherin, Daphne is still allowed to commit flower mania openly in the classroom Greengrass felt very embarrassed.

In the snake yard, no one doesn't like Klein, and she likes

Even many second and third graders have implicitly expressed their love for Klein.

But so explicit, pansy is really the only one~

"Listen, Daphne, we must not take it lightly."

When Klein came out of the classroom, pansy shook her chestnut short hair, her crazy expression disappeared, and suddenly became serious.


Daphne didn't understand. Her eyes blinked.

"Klein is excellent. Of course, I don't mean excellent is bad, but the more brilliant he is, the more girls in other colleges..."

Biting his lips, pansy raised his face and said word by word.

"You know, some girls of Hufflepuff have confessed to him!"


Daphne was also startled at this.

But soon, she found that her reaction was a little too extreme. She quickly pressed down her voice and asked eagerly.

"Did Klein promise?"

"Well, of course not. How could Klein be with the people of the rice bucket college?"

Pansy raised her eyebrows and smiled proudly.

In her opinion, only the girls in snake yard are the most worthy of Klein (such as herself).

"Oh ~"

Daphne breathed at the answer.

Facing pansy's eyes, suddenly she was nervous again.

"Over, exposed!"

Miss Greengrass was troubled.

"Come on, don't pretend. Everyone knows that you never stop giggling when you have potion class."

But what Daphne didn't expect was that pansy was not surprised at all, but showed an expression of "already seen through everything".

God knows how jealous she is of Daphne who can be in a group with Klein!

Daphne was speechless and bowed her head silently.

"I'm more worried about Gryffindor than hufflepuffi."

Remembering some bad rumors, pansy was in no mood to argue with his friends.

There are many people who like Klein, and Daphne is no worse.

But Gryffindor?

Absolutely not!

"Hermione Granger."

Gnashing his teeth and speaking of a name, pansy showed an angry expression like a little lion.

Rumor has it that someone saw a green robe with a nameplate of "Klein Ville Greenwald" in her wardrobe

If Klein knew what these love minded little girls were thinking all day, he would be very speechless and lament that Western children are precocious.

It's a waste of time to talk about love at a good age!

Study hard. Doesn't it smell good?