When Voldemort was ecstatic about his false rebirth, Klein was at Hogwarts castle for the first time.

The magic wave from distant bargelia didn't even make him frown.

Everything is under control.

"Syllable, action... Well, this spell needs so much attention.

Next, let's practice in groups. "

Put away his wand and Klein stopped his demonstration.

This is a sort of magic spell, which belongs to a kind of daily magic spell. According to those senior students, this magic spell belongs to the required content of each freshman exam.

Although simple, not every little wizard can master it. Klein started with this curse to see the specific level of his classmates.

Words fall, Salazar Fluorescence flickers under the giant statue of Slytherin.

Looking at the little wizards practicing magic spells in groups below, Klein suddenly flashed Dumbledore's words in his mind.

"Do you want to train your own army?"

Shaking his head and throwing out those messy thoughts, Klein murmured to himself in a voice that he could only hear.

"I won't do anything meaningless."

The army doesn't need to cultivate itself. When a person is strong enough to fight the world, countless people will follow you.

He has learned a lot about this.

"Klein, Klein, this way."

He was about to make a random inspection. Suddenly, a familiar cry came from his ear.

It's pansy and a bunch of Slytherin's little friends.

Klein smiled and walked forward.

"Hey, man, this is so cool."

Draco and pansy were very excited to see Klein return where he really should go.

This excitement is not only for their snake academy genius to shine in front of other colleges, but also for this place.

Salazar Slytherin's secret room - this is the treasure left by the founder of snake house!

"Klein, what's going on?" "How did you find this place!" "I saw from the book that Slytherin not only left the secret room, but also said that there was a monster that could destroy all non pure blood. What about the monster?"

The secret room is not secret, but it is not well known.

Fortunately, under the influence of Klein, snake academy has a strong style of study, so that books such as Hogwarts, a history of the school have been read back and forth. That's why Slytherin and his little wizards don't know a little about their founder.

It feels wonderful.

Out of reach, what only exists in books actually appears in front of you?

But for the dignity and reserve of the snake Academy in front of the other three colleges, they would have jumped up excitedly.

"This place is specially approved by headmaster Dumbledore. As for the monsters in it, it is estimated that the headmaster has destroyed them."

I understand the feelings of these little wizards who grew up listening to the legend of the snake house, but Klein did not take the secret room into his own hands, but deliberately played down the existence of the snake monster and pushed it to Dumbledore.

Now his performance is shocking enough. It's no use adding the name of "snake monster Conqueror".

Let the old man carry this pot ~

No one found that while he was talking, a strange light flashed through the silver snake hair ring used to bind his hair at the back of his head

"God, it's so cool. I must write to my father and tell him about it."

I can see that Draco is really happy.

The young master felt that he had witnessed a miracle.

As a snake yard man, what's not enough to enter the legendary secret room?

The only drawback is

In addition to snake academy, other colleges have also set foot in this "holy land".

"Draco, Hogwarts is a whole. You have to understand that the competition between the four colleges is fundamentally for common progress, whether it's us, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and hutchpatch."

Seeing Draco's face, Klein knew what he was thinking.

Reckless and courageous, gifted but narrow and conceited, intelligent and too rigid, hardworking and kind, but ordinary.

Each of the four colleges has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But how could Klein, who was once above the whole magic world, fall into such childish struggle and hostility.

As he said, Hogwarts is a whole.

There can be competition, but we should not be hostile to each other.

"Anyway, this is my first time as an organizer. As my good friend, you have to support me."

Klein smiled as he gently punched Draco.

The change of ideas does not happen overnight, so he does not force it.

And he knew that although these little snakes were despised by no one, they were still very tolerant and friendly to their own people.

"Of course, I will always be your strongest supporter, forever!"

Hearing Klein's words, Draco patted his chest and promised.

After a pause, he took Crabbe and gore and stood back in Slytherin's team.

"It's not just me, it's us. Slytherin will always stand behind you."

"Yes, we will always support you!"

Pansy was already in an impatient mood, almost subconsciously.

Daphne beside her also blushed and nodded.

"Come on, boss Klein, go to my place if it's useful."

"Snake yard is a family."

"Klein, do whatever you want."

Judge the situation and follow the strong.

Klein is the "potential" identified by Draco and others!

Klein is the "strong man" standing in the front!

So no matter what he does, even if he wants to coexist peacefully with non pure blood wizards in other colleges, they will be patient and unwavering support.

Because they don't have to understand the idea of genius, just support is enough.

"Thank you. I mean it. Thank you."

Everyone in the snake yard is sincere, which Klein can clearly feel. It was because of this that he took off all his disguises and thanked him sincerely.

"Well, people from other colleges are calling you."

Although Klein had said "thank you" to them before, Draco thought this "thank you" was particularly beautiful.

With a smiling face, he pushed away Klein and began to practice the spell with Crabbe and others.

But as soon as he took out his wand, the young master seemed to think of something. He quickly turned around and leaned close to Klein's ear and said softly.

"Well... You'd better go to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff first and then Gryffindor.

Remember, take that Harry Porter stayed last. "

Klein was stunned, looked at Draco's extremely serious expression, smiled and nodded.
