Klein Greendevo is a laughing man.

This is Astoria Dean of Greengrass, this is Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass, this is my classmate Daphne, and her sister Astoria. "

Seeing the scene a little awkward, Klein had to stand up and round the scene.

Alberto Hank swept the faces of the Gringos, then fixed his eyes on Astoria, whose skin was unusually pale.

"Thank you for your kindness, Klein. But it's not the first time I've met Mr. Greengrass."

How can "blood curse" be said, Alberto Hank had thought it was the gringoslas.

As early as seven or eight years ago, the family came to the hospital once.

At that time, he regretfully refused them.

Because the "blood curse" is not a disease.

It can't be cured.

Alberto Hank guessed that the family should see from the Daily Prophet that Klein had cured many difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and hope rose again in their hearts.

Thinking of this, the old man sighed.

He's a therapist, not a God.

The "blood curse" has never been removed successfully since the records of magic history.

Blood curse involves soul and mystery.

Maybe later Klein can achieve real transcendence, open a real corner of the world and untie the "blood curse". But now, considering the outside public opinion and those hate eyes, Alberto Hank must stop it.

"Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass, I made it very clear seven years ago that there is nothing the therapists in our hospital can do about the" blood curse ".

Although Klein has great talent, he is still a child after all. I can understand your feelings, but... "

Alberto Hank shook his head in a tone of regret.

Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass looked at Alberto first Hank, then look at Klein with a wry smile. He's a little confused.

What does that mean.

The therapist said he was 70% sure, and the dean said he couldn't cure it?

"Well... Dean... I can cure this disease. I really understand..."

The embarrassment visible to the naked eye spread in the room. Klein coughed and couldn't help but say.

"Don't talk, I'm helping you!"

A low roar, Alberto Hank is in a hurry.

Young genius, young and energetic, like challenges.

He can understand.

But is the "blood curse" easy to touch?

Do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring here now, and how many people are waiting for the name of "greendevo" to fall into the world from the sky.

If he didn't really appreciate Klein, he wouldn't offend people because of it.

"Dean, I really understand this."

Klein scratched his eyebrows and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Who is he?

Empire builder, enslaver of the dead, black emperor, son of magic, villain Savior, Laurie harvest Cough, this is not!

In short, his knowledge has reached a rather terrible level after two years of accumulation.

Witches really can't do anything about the blood curse, because ordinary witches can't touch such abstract mystical concepts as "soul", "oath" and "time".

But Klein is different.

He'll do too much.

European spells and potions don't work.

What about the Far Eastern magic, the Egyptian soul contract, and the Nordic sacrifice that is older than magic spells and potions?

There is always a suitable one~

Besides, according to Klein's preliminary judgment, the problem of Astoria should not be so serious. At most, it's just the devil's blood oath.

Hey, speaking of demons, he's not sleepy!

"How to drive demons without cost" is one of the topics Klein has studied for a long time.

King Solomon's method of summoning the demon God of the seventy-two pillars was very clear.