Astoria had a dream. It was a long, long dream.

She didn't remember the specific content, but she could vaguely see the fire and hear a hoarse whisper.

In a trance, it seems that a faceless man riding a single humped camel is waving to her

It's weird!

"Wake up, Astoria, wake up."

Seeing the painful expression on the little girl's face, Klein gently pushed the little shoulder and quietly put a trace of magic in his voice.

Because of the soul mark, it is easy to be invaded by demons in such an unprepared situation.

However, with his personal care, baimeng will not be given any chance.

Before the demon God established a real connection with the little girl, Klein resolutely stopped the "soul separation" ceremony and awakened Astoria.

"Well, what's the matter? Is it dawn?"

At the call, Astoria's soul returned to the flesh.

A few seconds later, she slowly opened her eyes, but her consciousness was still a little confused.

"Hoo ~"

The Gringos were relieved to see that Astoria was all right, Alberto Dean hank also put a heart back in his stomach.

"Yes, it's dawn. You can get up."

Klein felt much better when he found out where Astoria's curse came from.

With a joke, he turned and said to Alberto Dean Hank and others blinked.

"Daphne, stay here with your sister."

After receiving the signal, the Greengrass couple gave Daphne an order, and then hurriedly followed Klein out of the diagnostic room.

In the corridor of "potion and plant injury Department", three adults slightly bent down and looked at the red robed boy eagerly, as if they wanted to get some affirmative words from him.

"I've learned about Astoria..."

Klein had no intention of selling off, and spoke slowly.

"The body is very healthy and all indicators are in the normal range, that is, the soul state is not very stable and needs patient conditioning.

I intend to use magic drugs and herbs to make Astoria's condition better first, and then carry out the next step of treatment. "

Klein is not going to reveal anything about the devil's mark.

Moreover, even if he really said everything about baimeng, the Gringos would not necessarily believe such a strange thing.

The reason is very simple. The once ancient magic family has declined

The ancient gringrass family had a contract deal with the devil, but as time went by, Mr. gringrass's generation had forgotten all about it.

Unfortunately, a little girl with high soul quality appeared in the grimgrass family, which aroused the covet of the devil and made the contract reappear in the form of "blood curse".

Klein felt it was better to hide it for the time being.

This is good for Astoria and the gringrass family.

"Dr. Greenwald, are you really sure..."

The reply that Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass had heard before was nothing more than "powerless" and "ask for advice".

Now, the young man directly said the treatment plan, and Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass couldn't help being overjoyed.

But at the same time, they had a feeling of disbelief.

"Little Klein, are you sure you can!"

Face up, Alberto Dean hank is nervous, too.

He knew that if Klein could not solve the "blood curse" on Astoria, the effect of everything he had done before would be greatly halved.

People will realize that the "son of magic" is not omnipotent.

At that time, the hidden hostility will gather again, and Klein's situation will become extremely difficult.

"Of course, Astoria, leave it to me."

What's so hard about dealing with demons?

Klein looked confident.

Seeing that his answer was so affirmative, he wanted to persuade abeldo of Klein again Dean hank couldn't say anything else, so he had to shake his head reluctantly.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!" "No matter how much money, only can Astoria get rid of the" blood curse ", no matter how much money we pay!"

Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass were very excited. If Klein hadn't been too famous, they both wanted to hold the boy around.

"That's what I should do."

The success of the magic summit has brought Klein a lot of fame. Working at St. Mungo's magic injury hospital is to turn these reputations into real reputations.

Now, he wants to put a shining halo outside his reputation - a halo that no one can ignore!

"Well, today we can have Astoria's first treatment.

In the future, you will bring her to me every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will specially prepare magic drugs and herbs for her. "

In the eyes of the couple, Klein spoke solemnly.

To be honest, he feels like a liar selling all kinds of secret medicines in the streets and alleys.

No, he's more advanced than a liar. At least his medicine is real

Although the symptoms are not the root cause, it can at least make the little girl healthy.

"Well, well, I'll trouble you, Dr. Greenwald."

Hearing this, Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass quickly nodded their thanks.

Early treatment and early recovery.

Their two greatest wishes are to see a healthy daughter, for which they can pay all the price.

"Dean, would you like to take a look at my recent progress?"

Boiling magic potions is not taboo. I'm not afraid of others watching. Klein asked, smiling at Abbott.

"Professor Snape is very satisfied with your pharmaceutical level. What can I see? Don't worry, I believe you."

Alberto Hank refused Klein's invitation, as if he had deliberately told the Gringos, unconsciously raised his tone and said the word "Professor Snape" very seriously.


Knowing that the old yard was caring for him, Klein smiled with gratitude in his eyes.

Sure enough, I heard Alberto Hank's endorsement made Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass smile brightly. They thought it was right to come to St. Mungo's magic injury hospital to find Klein today!

After saying hello, Klein turned and walked into the diagnostic room, which contained a complete set of crucibles and herbs.

Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass didn't go in. They were just chatting in the corridor.

The topic they talked about was always around Klein. After all, they talked about the strange "magic" Klein had just performed.

"Merlin, I've never seen such magic."

If Klein's abilities were not too amazing, Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass would not have so much confidence in him.

"I haven't seen it... Maybe Dumbledore taught it. After all, he is Klein's principal."

Alberto Hank thought about it and didn't get the answer. Finally, he had to spread his hand.

At this time, Dumbledore, who was far away in Hogwarts castle, suddenly sneezed