Iron doors, iron windows, iron chains.

Inside, I can't see my fingers.

Outside, there are Dementors floating to kiss themselves.

Voldemort's eyes were dull.

He felt that this must be the legendary hell.

Oh, No.

This is certainly not hell

This is the prison of the Ministry of magic, Azkaban, a place more painful than hell!

"Hoo ~"

Barely recovered from the Dementor's kiss, Voldemort spit out the stagnant turbid air and looked at the gray fog outside the iron fence.

People say that life is full of ups and downs, reaching the bottom, and every step forward is a bright way to go up.

How come to him, life is full of ups and downs.

After the abyss, or the abyss?

Fate is too aimed at the Great Dark Lord!


In a trance, a young and handsome face flashed in his mind. Voldemort's breath suddenly became heavy, and even his expression became distorted.

If it hadn't been for Sauron, now he had taken back his power and began to summon his old subordinates to re sweep the magic world!

And now?

The villain who killed thousands of knives actually hid him in this dark place!

He hates it!

If this revenge is not avenged, he is not Voldemort!

"Cough, cough, cough."

Perhaps it was because he was too excited and pulled the wound on his body. Voldemort couldn't help coughing violently and pulled his thoughts back to reality.

Alas, let's talk about the future later.

Now he has to think about how to get away from Azkaban.

"Ha ha, Azkaban..."

The thought of this name made Voldemort feel sad, as if he was more than ten years old.

It's not easy to escape from Azkaban.

If he still has hair, he may be all white now~


"If I can get out, I'll tear you to pieces."

The crazy woman in the prison smiled and her hair was in a mess like a chicken nest. She pointed to the Ministry of magic officials passing by outside the prison and unconsciously licked her thick, blackened lips.

"Well, Bellatrix, Lestrange, you'll have to wait a long time."

Azkaban holds some crazy black wizards. Naturally, the officials of the Ministry of magic will not have a good face for these prisoners.

He smiled recklessly without paying any attention to Bella's threat - in fact, every time he was ordered to come to Azkaban, he was the most active and cruel woman.

"Haha, I'm just stating a fact, ignorant fool, your good days are coming to an end."

Bella laughed and burst into tears.

"I can have a hunch that the Great Dark Lord has not fallen. One day, he will come to this cursed place with supreme power and pick up his most loyal servant. He will wash away all disrespect with magic and blood!"

Bella is a "Death Eater" and an extremely crazy "Death Eater".

Her obsession with Voldemort trumped everything!

What Dark Lord has fallen.

What son of fate will bring light.

It's just a scene imagined by those poor people.

Just ask.

Who in this world can kill the Dark Lord, and who can stop the Dark Lord from ascending to the supreme throne?

Bella touched her rough face with crazy and dangerous eyes.

"Baby, I've remembered your face. You'll be the perfect decoration in my bedroom."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Not wanting to waste words with a crazy woman, the official of the Ministry of magic nodded perfunctorily.

Walking past her cell, he suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, and turned back with a funny smile.

"Hey, Bella, for the sake of being your bedroom decoration in the future, I'll tell you a message for free."

The Ministry official blinked.

"Even if your dark lord is really not dead, you can really leave here with him. You are nothing.

"Devil" Soren, is the real... "

At this point, he won't say.

Leave Bella infinite reverie.

What dark lord, what "Death Eater".

That's the old calendar.

Now, it is the "Lord" world!

The magic ministry official who secretly took refuge in Sauron raised his mouth and felt that his life was bright.

"Soren, who is that?"

The person who spoke half was the most annoying. Bella was stunned and scratched her dry hair, raising infinite questions in her heart.

She's been out of touch for too long.

Too long to understand any changes outside.


"Demon king"?

Sounds arrogant.

After careful consideration, Bella's eyes showed a look of resentment.

In this world, only the Dark Lord can be so arrogant. Who is Soren who doesn't know where to come from!

Wait, when she gets out of prison, she must show that Soren!


Eat, be "kissed" by Dementors, and be in a daze.

This is Sirius Black's daily routine.

Well, it's not appropriate to say every day.

Azkaban's dark environment made him forget the passage of years.

Life is better than death.

Maybe it's the best expression of his mood now.

Once anger, remorse, remorse

Up to now, only the endless emptiness of life is left.

"When on earth can I die?"

Sirius, a lean, non adult, is thinking about the same problem every day.

But this question has never been answered.

"Da Da."

A burst of footsteps came, and black, lying in a "big" shape on the cold floor, pricked his ears.

Azkaban's jailers are Dementors, but this does not mean that there are no wizards in them. From the dialogue of these wizards or the Daily Prophet they hold, he can often get a glimpse of some external news.

This is the only spice in his life.

"The recent days are very sad, and the salary has become less."

"Alas, we are still good. We are sent to such a ghost place. Although we don't earn much money, we are safe. The brothers in the headquarters have been miserable recently."

"Didn't the Gollum who broke into the Ministry of magic get caught? What's unsafe?"

"I tell you, don't spread it. It's said that Soren, the" demon king ", was found by" backtracking "magic afterwards. That's why

In other words, our minister is really useless. Now many people are considering whether to resign. After all, even people can go in and out of their hometown at will. There is really no sense of security when working. "

"It's terrible. We'd better do our own thing. Fortunately, there are not only us, but also Dementors."

"Hey hey, Dementors are not necessarily safe..."

The two patrolling Ministry of magic officials walked away, and black couldn't hear any more.

However, he kept the name "Soren" in his heart.