Klein scored.

Thunderous cheers~

Little Klein, I love you, little Klein, I want to give you monkeys!

Klein scored again.

Cheer again~

The chosen son, the star of tomorrow!

Klein scored again.

The cheers faded~

Come on, keep trying!

Klein scored again.

The cheering stopped and returned to peace.

What, Klein scored more than 200?

Oh, it's good, but we're tired of aesthetics, and we're hoarse. We don't have any drinks, so we'll just clap.

Score more than 250?

Not much, pop pop pop!

Two hundred and six?

make love.

Two hundred and seven?

Pop pop.

Two hundred and nine?


On that day, England fans found that even if their own team scored a goal, they would be tired of watching it all the time.

The main reason is that there is no suspense about the result of the game.

Even if the Lithuanian team caught the snitch, the final score was only 290-150, a full 140 point lead, enough for the English team to walk into the Quidditch World Cup.

And look at those Lithuanian players who seem to be playing badly


What a sin.

"Boss, do you think we're going a little too far."

Since retiring as captain, the English Quidditch players have called Gasol "boss". Now they have no tension at the beginning of the game.

While waiting for the Lithuanian Quidditch team to attack, a group of English Quidditch players even chatted with each other.

"Too much?"

Gasol blinked.

"It's too much. We're just defending normally."

The team members were stunned.

That's a good answer~

Who says the boss has a bad brain?

It's Klein who did all the evil things Captain Klein did it. It had nothing to do with them. They were just honest and defensive.

Yes, this resentment can't be counted on them.


Instinctively, he felt that his teammates looked at him wrong, but Klein didn't care too much during the game, just focused on his opponent.


If those people like walking dead can be regarded as opponents.

"It's been three minutes. The Lithuanian Quidditch team hasn't launched an attack yet. They're hesitating... Aside from the topic, in fact, I can understand their mood. After all, they haven't won a point yet, but their goal has been blasted into slag. In short, come on, Lithuanian boys!"

The highest level of misery is that even the enemy commentators can't help cheering you on. The Quidditch players in Lithuania are almost crying without tears.

But those words came into their hearts.

It's a shame to be zero sealed. Anyway, you have to win ten!

"This goal is a bet on our career."

Like Gasol, the captain of the Lithuanian Quidditch team is a strong man. He whispered to the players around him who were almost crying and took the initiative to ask for the ball.

A team of people broke into the defence of England's Quidditch team in a "wild goose formation".

This time, even Klein couldn't help being surprised.

The tenacity of the Lithuanian team is really good.

Based on this idea, he subconsciously let the Lithuanian player with the ball fly over his defensive area.

The captain has drained. What else to say?

Those people of England Quidditch team don't want to do things completely. They don't know that the originator has no future. They don't want to be humiliated one day.

One person put a little, there are loopholes in the airtight formation.

The Quidditch players in Lithuania were so excited that tears filled their eyes. Finally, they finally saw the wonderful goal.

"For the thousands of Lithuanian fans behind me, this goal... I want to score!"

The Lithuanian Quidditch captain with the ball showed a determined look and angrily sent out the ghost flying ball in his hand.

Red lightning reappeared, but this time, lightning attacked England's goal.


Many fans who had sat down for a long time stood up again and planned to give encouraging applause to the visiting team Lithuania humanitarianly to show the magnanimity of a big country.

Even Klein was ready to applaud.



A dull noise seemed to hit everyone's heart - the goalkeeper with thick leather gloves mercilessly stopped the red ghost flying ball outside the goal.


A whole game, there was such a highlight moment. The goalkeeper of Quidditch, England, was so excited that he couldn't help shouting.

But to his surprise, his teammates didn't seem happy.

Moreover, the full view is also a little strange.


The English Quidditch goalkeeper couldn't help scratching his head.

What's going on? What's this?

"Alas ~" Klein looked at the sky in the distance and couldn't help sighing.

Because the goal is too far away, the goalkeeper can't see the expression on their faces, so he can't understand the meaning of waterproof.

The luck of the Lithuanian Quidditch team

"Cough, jidrake excellently blocked the attack of the Lithuanian team and disintegrated their idea of breaking the gap. I can only say that he stuck to the goalkeeper's bottom line, but..... Well, let's get back to business. Now it's the England team's turn to fight back."

The goalkeeper's behavior made the commentary on the field a little more difficult to watch, and there was a smell of blame in his tone.

Jidrak, young man, you're walking narrow.

Don't travel to Lithuania in the future. It's easy to have accidents.

Anyway, as long as the snitch doesn't catch it, the game is not over. Klein took Gasol's pass and rushed to Lithuania's goal restricted area for the 30th time.

The 30th, the 300th.

Perfect debut.

"Come on, come on, Klein's one shot!"

In any case, it's exciting to get 300 points as a chaser, and the commentary gets louder and louder as Klein goes deep into the goal restricted area.

At the beginning, when morale was booming, Lithuanian goalkeepers couldn't stop Klein, let alone now.

The 30th "Tenth" is as simple as eating and drinking water.

"Scored! Scored! Scored! 300 points! Klein Greenwald scored 300 points alone, smashing the legendary chaser jix Harold. He maintained a record of 153 years and became the first person to score more than 200 points and 3% on his debut.

We have witnessed a legend! "


Just one game, Klein became a legend in Quidditch history.

Perfect flowering in sports~

"Hoo ~"

When he got 300 points, he was relieved and his momentum suddenly dissipated.

"Well, that's it."