Jade is a kind of black jade. Its texture is warm and cool.

It was engraved with some symbols that Evelyn couldn't understand, which was very similar to the mysterious symbols she had seen in the British Library.

"That child, is it..."

A handsome little face flashed in her mind. Evelyn sighed and took good care of the amulet.

If you can't think clearly, don't delve into it for the time being.

Now, hamneptra's business is the top priority.

That night.

A small boat approached quietly

The secret believers covered with black cloth quietly climbed onto the steam turbine with machetes in their mouths.

"Chief, it's clear that the Yankees and Pagans are on this ship."

Waiting for the boat, one of them whispered to the leader.

A dozen other mystics were silent.

In the moonlight, these people are like cold-blooded killers in the night, quiet and terrible.

"Brothers, find that map and destroy it.

Hamneptra's secret must not be revealed.

The guys who stop us are enemies of the sun god.

Praise the sun, brave soldier, follow me! "

The leader of the secret sect whispered the real name of the sun god "La", made a strange gesture, said, and took the lead to rush out.

But he just made a step, but his body strangely stopped in place - except for his eyes, he could no longer move anywhere on his body, just like frozen!

"What do you want to do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Klein walked out of the dark, looked at the members of the mystics who had seen ghosts, and scratched his eyebrows wordlessly.

He snapped his fingers and held all the secret believers in place. He yawned.

"Even if you don't want to sleep, you should also consider for the children. If you are not tall, you are responsible

I'll punish you to stand here all night. The magic will be lifted automatically before dawn. If you're dishonest at that time, don't blame me for being ruthless. "


Evelyn had a good rest.

I don't know if it was psychological. After getting the mysterious amulet, she didn't even dream at night and slept until dawn.

"Hmm ~"

After stretching, the lady from England began to dress up simply.

If there is no accident, they can get off the ship today and officially embark on the journey to find hamnaputra!

"Good morning, Jonathan."

Facing the rising sun, she walked out of the room and just saw her brother chatting with strangers.

Seeing his sister get up, Jonathan and the stranger with glasses nodded, ran quickly to Evelyn and whispered.

"We're in trouble. These Yankees are also looking for ham neptra!"

Hearing the speech, Evelyn's face flashed a trace of panic.

"Well... They don't know that we are also looking for hamnaputra."

In her mind, if they can successfully hide the past, they may also take the lead and gain some small advantages in this matter.

But Jonathan's face collapsed at this.

"Well, I was careless when I played cards yesterday..."


Brother, how useless you are!

Evelyn opened her mouth and thought for a long time without knowing what to say.

"Next, we have to be careful."

Just then, a third voice suddenly sounded, startling Evelyn and Jonathan.

Turning around, it turned out to be Richard.

He stared playfully at the Yankees and unconsciously touched the gun bag under his arm.

Near noon, the three reached their destination

When getting off the ship, Evelyn also deliberately looked for the mysterious children, but she didn't find anything.

The yellow sand is long, and camels are the best means of transportation.

Jonathan, Evelyn, Richard and the fat warden rode their bought camels through the vast desert.

No words all the way.

They walked day and night for four or five days.

Just when Evelyn felt that her underwear was full of sand, they finally arrived at the legendary hamnaputra.


A group of people arrived with them outside the ruins of hamnaputra almost at the same time.

"Isn't this Richard? You're here."

The thin man with sharp nosed monkey cheeks smiled maliciously. He felt a little funny riding on the camel.


Richard curled his mouth.

The thin man was the despicable man who left him on the battlefield and ran away.

If you really count, their hatred is quite deep.

"Richard, you didn't believe in hamneptra before. Why are you here now?

Go back, old friend, and sell me a favor. "

Bangui is now the leader of the American expedition.

He knows how good Richard is.

Although a little whimsical, he shouted from a distance with the idea that it would not cost money to try.


If he could, Richard just wanted to shoot the villain now, but looking at the greedy Yankees behind him, he rationally gave up the idea.

He winked at Jonathan and others around him. He drove the camels and led the team to the hamnaputra ruins on the other side of the horizon.

"Damn it, I was preempted."

Secretly scolded, Bangui and those from the American expedition rushed to the ruins of hamnaputra.


"Chief, they..."

On a dune somewhere, a group of black clad mystics looked very ugly.

Although they have tried every means to stop it, they finally let the greedy foreigners step into the holy land they have guarded for generations.

"Alas ~"

The leader of the mystic with an odd inscription sighed.

But in the twinkling of an eye, he regained his normal serious expression and pulled out the machete at his waist.

"Brothers, foreigners have entered hamneptra, which is our dereliction of duty. As descendants of Pharaoh's guards, we must fulfill our sacred mission."


The roar shook the sky. The courage taken away by the exotic devil a few days ago seemed to return to the body at this moment.

They are the warriors of the sun god, the descendants of the Pharaoh's guards, and demon watchers.

This desert is guarded by their machetes!


"Well, where are you?"

Klein, who played with Draco and others in an unknown pyramid, suddenly raised his head.

A fine light flashed in his blue eyes. His eyes seemed to pass thousands of miles away and saw a mysterious relic under the sunset.

As he thought, after such a "mysterious" event, Evelyn really carried his beacon well.

"The black Scripture of Osiris."

With his hands behind his head, Klein narrowed his eyes and smiled brightly.

I didn't expect to be able to start this level of treasure at random.

It's a big profit~