Don't say, there are still models in this class.

Remus mingled with the students Lupin couldn't help looking up at Klein.

Many people may have mastered a lot of knowledge, but it is difficult to teach this knowledge to others - teaching is also an excellent ability.

Look at it this way, Klein Greenwald has great potential as a professor~

Lupin smiled bitterly.

God is really unfair. Why do you favor a person so much?

"OK, the break is over."

Klein didn't know that he was unknowingly called the object of envy of others.

He clapped his hands and continued to teach the key points of the "patron saint curse" according to the plan made in advance.

As time went by, the activity of "Mutual Aid Association" came to an end.

But those little wizards are still in high spirits. No one wants to go.

Klein was "very relieved to be old".

After such a long time of efforts, his classmates finally realized the fun of making up classes.

The learning model of the Far East bloomed the flower of hope on the land of England for the first time.

The simple learning mode has built a magnificent bridge between the two cultures

Cough, cough, pull away.

In short, this is a very novel experience, whether for those little wizards or Klein.

Everyone enjoyed the short 80 minutes.

Moreover, the new teaching mode, which is obviously different from ordinary teaching, has also aroused the illusion of little wizards - if every professor can be like Klein, their chances of failing will be greatly reduced.

God testifies that sometimes it's not that they don't want to learn, but that the teaching methods of those professors are too dull and serious!

"I saw some amazing things."

At the end of the activity, Lupin's curiosity was satisfied and he didn't intend to stay here any longer.

Before the students went out, he got up first and quietly left Slytherin's secret room.

Unexpectedly, just outside, I accidentally saw a sneaky figure

"Principal Dumbledore, why are you here?"

Lupin was stunned. He thought he was interested in Klein's teaching alone. Unexpectedly, the school carried a handle. Oh, no, the headmaster secretly mixed with the students.

"Cough, this."

Dumbledore was found to be a little embarrassed.

But after all, the old man is a man who has experienced great storms and waves. His mental quality is simply a wild horse.

He coughed, pushed the half moon glasses on the bridge of his nose, and answered naturally.

"I'm just passing by."

"Passing by..."

Lupin was speechless.

The headmaster's office is on the eighth floor. How did you pass by on the second floor of the castle?

But Mr. Dumbledore did not want to elaborate on the reason. As a mature man, he should not continue to ask questions.

He leaned slightly. Lupin wanted to pretend that nothing had happened and say goodbye to Dumbledore.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Dumbledore seemed to suddenly think of something and called him.

"Don't go, Remus. I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

Lupin's heart beat violently.

After savoring it carefully, a bitter smile arose from the corners of his mouth.

This day will always come.

But he never thought he would come so soon and so directly.

It's only a few days since school starts

"All right."

When things come to an end, you can't hide.

Lupin straightened his suit with big patches and nodded very calmly.

Being able to teach at Hogwarts has been Dumbledore's responsibility for him at great risk. What else can he ask for?

Walking all the way from the second floor to the eighth floor, they came to the principal's office.

After entering the office, Dumbledore waved his wand directly and put the portraits of the principals on the wall into a deep sleep.

Lupin was a little surprised.

Why does Mr. Dumbledore look so skilled?

"Tea or coffee?"

After everything, Dumbledore seemed to relax and asked back.

"Oh, tea, then. Thank you."

The old headmaster became almost unknown to him. Lupin doubtfully touched his sobbing moustache and sat down on the only sofa in the office.

Dumbledore made tea quickly: two pieces of Percy tea, five tablespoons of Purified Honey, three pieces of crystal hard candy, and 80 degree hot water.

A cup of sweet honey tea is ready~

Looking at the enigmatic drink like a honeycomb slice in front of him, Lupin's Adam's Apple moved up and down, or chose to put the cup at hand.

"Headmaster, just tell me what you want."

He took a deep breath.


Dumbledore took a sip of "happy tea" and his expression was a little complicated.

"It has something to do with Sirius Black."

"Well, I can understand. After all, my identity for students is... Huh?"

The identity of a werewolf is a burden. He is unpopular everywhere. Lupin knows.

He appreciated Dumbledore's willingness to give himself a job.

But he also knew that he was not fit to stay in school.

So when Dumbledore said he had something to talk to, he was ready to resign from Hogwarts and find a job outside.


Sirius Blake?

Why suddenly mention the name of the scum who betrayed his friend!

Lupin's thoughts fell into a moment of stagnation.

But he quickly reacted.

Recently, there was a big riot in Azkaban prison. According to the list of fugitives in the Daily Prophet, Sirius Black is one of them.

Does the headmaster mean to hunt Sirius himself?

"OK, headmaster, I see. I will solve this matter as soon as possible."

Lupin might not be qualified to intervene if it was another prisoner, but Sirius Blake, he must be arrested himself.

The traitor who betrayed Mr. and Mrs. Potter, he wanted to cut each other!


Dumbledore looked puzzled.

I haven't said anything yet. What do you know?

"Remus, did you misunderstand something?"

The old man put the teacup on the table with a serious look.

"I mean, if I told you that Sirius Black was innocent, would you believe me?"

"How is this possible!"

Upon hearing this, Lupin became excited.

He stood up and almost didn't touch the cup on the tea table.

"Calm down, Remus, calm down."

Seeing Lupin's appearance, Dumbledore understood very well. Before entering Klein's magic, he was as suspicious of Sirius as lupin.

But he believed in Klein, in Klein's magic.

Sirius is innocent.

The poor man has been alone for thirteen years.

"Headmaster, I can't calm down!"

How beautiful the memory was, how painful the scars left.

Lupin's eyes burst with blood.

Sirius is the enemy of his life!