Chapter 1175 - The Woman In His Past

Name:Lord Shadow Author:
He also found out that there are many small labs around here most of which is to examine and check the minerals, the animals and all kinds of thing that exist in this planet and classify, categorize it and examine it.

And then there are three big Lab which is responsible for Construction research, technology research and Planet Research. 

There are too many technologies that Azief knows that even if he could rememorize all of the technologies it would be useless.

It is not very good for humanity to advance to fast without the foundation being strong. It could easily collapse.

Little by little. 

After all, this method is simply an alternative method and could help more people that could not cultivate energy as efficiently as the earlier generation of the Fall. 

This is the reason why mystical method is faster in developing a civilization. Because unlike a technological leap it did not requires too much foundation

Of course, Earth is aided by the All Source making cultivation of energy easy and effortless in the earlier stages and only when one reaches Disk Formation that it becomes even more difficult 

He shoves that thought back in his head as his mind travel inside the directory. The terminal computer of the Orvanians is not like normal computer where you use mouse and keypad.

It connected to your mind. 

So, in Azief eyes right now he is inside a large space of blue. Below his feet is a flat blue surface. In front of his eyes there is floating orbs. 

Each orbs are a directory. Each time Azief choose a directory, he felt like he is swimming in a data of information

In a simple way to explain it, if this is Earth, it is like he is swimming inside the world wide web like he is part of the data.

A matrix like existence among the programming languages of Orvanians. As he chooses one of the directory, he sails through the data like he is flying and recognized something

When he stopped, he finally saw something that made him narrow his eyes. 

he saw an embedded code in one of the data

'This is interesting'

The code itself is not hard to decrypt. 

Azief mind is quite fast after his promotion to Divine Comprehension leveler. 

But he knows he could not just decrypt it at once. The reason he knows it was easy is because he did check some directory about programming.

He went back to that directory and his mind is soaking up all the information about programming language of the Orvanian network

Orvanians as it turns out have many programming language and this is one but many and one of the basic.

It did not take long but it does drain a bit of Azief mind. He felt almost lethargic after having the information crammed into his mind

While he could not say he masters everything about it, he had a basic understanding of how to decrypt the code.

He quickly went back to that directory and began decrypting the code. It did not take long for him to decrypt it 

The fact that there is no firewall and no attempt from the network to stop him shows that Qarliya simply left it there and did not care whether he could see it or not. 

The information that he got after decrypting the code is the information about the labs. Other than the direction of the labs, it also shows him the directive of each lab and the main objective of the Lab.

The main objective of the lab is very simple

Basically it is an order that when Katarina relinquish occupation control to Qarliya, the lab and all of its subsidiaries that has been in this planet is programmed to return back to Orvan

The moment when Katarina relinquish occupation is stipulated by her leaving the Seresian world. 

Basically, if Katarina never leaves, according to the main mission of the Lab, it will stay here. 

But while the main mission does say about leaving this planet, in the information it did not specify how the Lab would leave.

Is it like he expected by using teleportation? Warping technology? Magical transportation? 

Azief is quiet curious of this.

So, he seeks the directory on any hint of the method of leaving but there is no information of how they would return. It is a mystery to Azief how these labs will return to Orvan

Azief expected that it also has something to do with teleportation technology. 

At least Azief now knows that the departure of Katarina would enact a protocol Qarliya were to report back to Orvan highest chain of command and quickly return back to Orvan

Maybe this is a way for Qarliya to ease some of his worries. 

Orvanians are an ancient race. While their interaction with Earth has mostly been positive, it is hard for Azief to take their words simply at face value. 

He had always been worried that Katarina is schemed upon. 

Then he thought about the code and he understand something

No wonder the security of the code seems compromised. 

Qarliya must have compromised the security but the fact she did not go all the way shows there must be certain things she could do and certain thing she could not. 

Azief was also searching for something else in the sea of information in the terminal. He sighed with disappointment after not finding anything

He was looking at finding out where is the inhabitants of Earth Two went on. Even though years had passed, Azief still remembers Lee Na Eun. 

He had to let her go at that time. 

And his worries back then had finally proved that it was not unfounded. Some civilization could use the tear in space and time to create a channels between world. 

If he had been stubborn and insisted and stubbornly seek Na Eun, then in all possibility during the Multiversal Convergence, Earth Two inhabitant would also be attracted to the small scale of Multiversal War.

Azief called it small scale because he had seen some footage of true Multiversal War when he streams the information in his mind

It is nothing like what Earth had experienced. 

There is the fact that Azief had quickly close connection between world by swinging his sword and there is also the fact that Will and his teacher, an ancient speedster neutralizes many of the channels between world

Add Orvanians to the mix, the Multiversal battle between the people of Earth and other Otherworlders did not reach a point of a great war.

Azief had seen the footage and saw world conquering each other, waging great wars that spans hundreds and thousands of years across many realities and many dimensions

Great weapons of destruction were unleashed. 

It is because he sees what a true Multiversal War looks like he could say that the Multiversal War that happens on Earth is on a small scale that is almost unbelievable. 

Azief still had affection for Na Eun but the love he had has cooled down a bit. It is just the reality of it.

What they shared was special…...but it was also brief. Though, he doesn't know what will happen if they met face to face.

Still, Azief wanted to know what happens to her. He wanted to know that at least she survived. Azief had to believe that she had survived.

But it would be good to get some confirmation. Unfortunately, this lab doesn't store any information about the Multiverse in that details.

He is quite confident that the Orvanians must have monitored such a huge exodus of living beings transporting themselves from one world to another

It is just that there is no record of such in this lab. 

Though Azief is not too worried. There are still the directories of the lab embedded in his mind and there is a library in one of the Lab labelled Multiversal technology.

Azief believe that in that lab it would record the worlds in the Multiverse and it might even record such exodus of people from Earth Two to other worlds. 

'I need to check it later' he thought to himself.

He did not tell this to Katarina. Because he himself was not sure whether it is possible. Only after entering the lab and sifting through the information that he believes it is possible.

As long as he could confirm that she is fine, Azief would be satisfied. After seeing through the directories, he opens his eyes and he is now out from the terminal

His mind is now back on the real world. Azief then leave the terminal and began walking around the lab looking around.

There is many work station in the lab. And in each work station there is a computer-like terminal 

Azief walk to one of the terminal and he saw a three dimensional holographic projections of the world. 

Most of the other projection would be projected directly into the mind if you accessed it but this one is in public view

Azief come closer and he touches the projection and the map changes.
