Chapter 1196 - Lost Memories

Name:Lord Shadow Author:
The helmet would not bring him to this projection if it does not mean something. It must mean something and that is why he is here.

By now, he is sure that this is what happens on the day he came to this world. 

He still had many memories of what had happened ears ago when he was in Earth Two. 

It takes him a few seconds to uncover back his old memory. 

Some of it is distorted a bit because of his attempt of trying to forget some of the memories but for most part his memory of Earth two remains intact

Of course, when he was at Earth two, he also tries to solve that mystery. 

At that time, he is a very rich and influential man and as such one of the things he did was to investigate about the mass disappearance of people during the meteor shower.

One thing that he did get was that there was a surge of energy happening during the meteor shower striking on Earth

But he had never experience that surge of energy before. 

If not for the device of the Orvanians, he would never have thought that brief surge of energy is so powerful that it is hard to believe it came from a primitive world civilization like Earth Two

In Azief eyes, Earth Two while is advanced a bit from Earth prime that is only true if it is compared to Earth before the Fall.

After the Fall, Earth prime technology had mixed magic and science into one. As such, some mind blowing invention were created. 

But today, he had experience the power surge of that energy spreading all over the world in that brief moment and he knows there is a bit of magic in there.

Not some kind of unnatural magic but it is natural magic. It is not a spell that someone had cast but a natural kind of magic, of energy

That is why what happens that day is nothing but weird. 

And the fact is clear now. 

The Vega Corp might be the one that have been able to harness a certain power or a power source to create a portal to transfer all of those people who play their game into a new world. 

By now, he could make some hypothesis of what happened that day. he did know that Vega Corp was using some kind of black technology in their game.

The Virtual reality world that they had created seems too complex to be made in a computer. It evolves, adapt and more than just artificial intelligence.

There was signs to believe that the two top guys of Vega Corp know that the meteor shower was coming and they might have try to warn some people about it

However, something must have happened and then on the day of the meteor shower people who plays his game all suddenly disappeared from the world without a trace.

This must be the world that they were transported to. Azief waves his hand and he could feel the laws that governs this area and he could sense this is not a complete world.

'A sphere. Data' he mutters to himself 

'I need to see more' he thought to himself and he look at the white robed man that is slowly sitting up. 

He seems a bit dazed. And the man also seems to recognize that he is in a completely different world.

On the distance there is a lot of people. Thousands of people, people just like him. Azief saw a few that have great fortunes but none like this man in the white robe. 

'I need to figure out where I am' the white robed man said to himself.

Azief observes this man intently, believing that following this man might lead to answer. 

'I swear I must have seen this man somewhere. But where was it I saw this face before?' 

Azief thought to himself. His entire being right now is translucent and could not be seen. All of this is just the projection and not real….in a way

But the projection itself is real in a sense as it just mirrors everything to perfection

Azief scour his mind but he had never seen this face in any humans he met. But he could not shake off the feeling that he had met this person before

And so he continues observing, 

He notices a few things about this person. Even though when this white robed person came here, he looks a bit dazed he quickly able to calm himself down. 

And even when he is speaking to himself, there is confidence in his tone and he kept a calm head 

Some people are not that calm. There are some that shouted and screams right when they appear in this area.

Well, that is the normal reaction for mortals. After all, they were just in avoid of utter and complete absolute darkness.

And then suddenly, they appeared in a flat land, plains stretching out to the distance. 

While the scenery itself is very beautiful and enchanting, it did not make everything suddenly feel alright

Instead, people would probably be more confused. 

Azief could see that this man in the white robe had great control over himself as the signs of nervousness in his body was quickly calmed down 

The white robe man also looks around him like he was assessing some threat. And the white robed man seems in and out of phase with the reality

Azief could tell why this happen but to the white robed man it must be something that is terrifying for him. 

'Argh' the men in the white robe writhed in pain while holding his head.

'I need to know more' the white robed men said to himself. Azief decided to see what this white robed man would do. 

It is clear that this man is the key to whatever this is. 

'I need to see more to make sense of this' the white robed man said to himself after being lost in some kind of state of contemplation

He seems to ignore all the people in the plains. 

But Azief did not. 

Every once in while he would teleport himself to another part of the plain to see where this place is and he could tell this is kind of like a test area.

It was never meant to be a permanent place. No wonder, the Laws here is very scarce and very desolate. 

'Though, it does make sense. Nobody would create such a flawed world' But there is something else that Azief seems to notice. 

The pain that the man in the white robe is experiencing does not seem to be something that only happens to him

Most of the people here also seems to be in pain, most of them clutching their head in pain, some trembled with their entire body shaking in pain

Some people felt pain more than the others and then there are also some that did not feel the pain as much

And from the conversation and the words that come out of the people in the plains, Azief could tell that these people lose their memories

'is that how the top people of Vega corporation did this?' Ah, one piece of the puzzle is completed.

Azief still did not understand how a game had managed to transport all of these people into this spheres that seems to be a flawed world but he had his hypotheses 

But he needs to see more and experience more before he could understand everything about this. 

Azief teleported around the plains and he could see these people are piecing their memories together

But Azief could also see that these people did not get their full memory. None of them seems to remember that this is not their world

Their memories seem to be fragmented

But he needs to be sure.

Azief suddenly appears in front of one of the players and he made himself solid. It is an ability that he could do inside the projection. After all he had read the manual the day before

'Whoa. What are you?' the man said, shocked seeing him. But the people around him is not able to see anything. And most of them are still clutching their head in pain

Azief only smiles at that man and said

'This would be brief and you would forget it later'

Even though they are projections of the real time and there is barrier between the two dimension of real and unreal, Orvanians technology could also replicate one hundred percent accuracy of the original copy.

In the real timeline, this person had not seen him at all. 

What is happening is happening in an alternate reality of the mirror dimension of the original copy of these events

It is confusing. 

But that is what you would sign up once you begin travelling around the Multiverse.

Azief try not think of it too much. Since time and space when hopping through worlds and multiple parallel realities does tend to skew your perspective on time

If one does not want to dizzy oneself with all things Multiverse, it is better not to think it too much since it would be just a distraction.

Everything slow down suddenly and then everything went into a halt. 

'Huh' he mutters

Orvanian technology had made this person that looks at him almost one hundred percent real with realistic reactions and expression

Azief even felt he wanted to laugh, looking at the person looking at him shocked. Fortunately, with all protection and measures in place what he is doing would really affect the timeline. 

Since this is basically a sandbox area of time if he were to name the projection that the Orvanians had shown him

'Lend me your mind' Azief mutters and he put his hand on top that person head. 

And then he uses the function of the helmet and all the memories that the person had was extracted and Azief release his hand.

He tilted his head left and right for a moment and then nodded

His body slowly become translucent again and he became invisible Then time starts again and that person is none the wiser

It did not take long for Azief to get the memories and digest it. It takes him only about two second and then after digesting it he frowns

'So, that is what happens' he said as he looks at all of the people in the plains that is slowly recovering. Many of them are no longer clutching their head in pain 

'These people all have new memories' 

Or to be more accurate the memories of their game character

'What did those Vega Corp guys do with these people? What is their objective now?' 
