Chapter 280 - OLD FRIENDS 02

Name:Lord Shadow Author:
Loki already took some distance between him and that young man.

His Disk is spinning vigorously and at the ready. One suspicious move and he would erupt with all of his power.

If needs to he would not hesitate to fight this young man to the death…but this was the last resort. Because doing so is a lose-lose situation for both of them.

His eyes and mind is calculating things, trying to see where the Karma began and where it could be reaped.

There was this awkward silence between them two and then Loki greets the young man.

'Yewa Hafar, it has been a long time. I could not honestly say I am glad to meet you again. Though you look good this time. I'm digging the new look'

Yewa Hafar smiles and said

'Thank you. Well, it is not quite like last time. Though I heard from some people you try to kill me. That really hurts my feelings' he said chuckling like the attempt on his life is nothing but a small inconvenience.

Loki smiles back

'Now, now, old friend. Where did you start hearing rumor like that?' and he chuckles a bit. Yewa Hafar did not show it on his face but he really admires the shamelessness of Loki.

He still remembers of course. Both of them still remember. And they both know the game between them has not yet ended.

It was only check last time. Not mate. Loki never considered Morgana his ultimate enemy. He didn't even hate her that much.

She could be considered a disturbance, an unexpected occurrence but Yewa Hafar…now he is different.

He is more than just some old enemy. He is Loki arch nemesis. Yewa Hafar also looks at Loki and thinks about the last game they played, the chessboard was the Universe and they were the ones putting the pieces.

At least it was true in the beginning for Loki.

Of course that time in the end Loki turns only into a piece and no longer a player. Because at that time, he didn't even know he was in the game.

But now he knows. And this time, Loki is making sure that he will not be demoted into only a piece of chess in this chessboard

And Yewa Hafar is wary of this Loki more than the Loki in the first timeline. The Loki that knows his endgame

After he take over the mortal body Yewa Hafar immediately did an investigation as par the course.

After all he knew this would be the second time and things would probably change much from the first time.

He knew that Jean the Time God, the Divine Archer, The Mind Master, and Loki the Trickster all cooperate with each other to erase the first timeline.

So, the moment he descended he immediately goes into hiding. He didn't know what Jean had accomplished.

He knew parts of the plan because of his meticulous preparation in that timeline.

But, he knows that trying to do the same plan again would not yield the same result considering that some of them know how it will end up.

He extracted memories from a few insignificant mortals and found out there is an old beggar that stake out the place where he is supposed to descend.

Like Loki could recognize him with a glance, the same could be said for Yewa Hafar. After all Loki is a fellow chess player in this grand game.

It was then that he knew that it was Loki who was sent back, the last hope of the Universe.

Looking at that smug face of Loki, Yewa Hafar just wanted to crush him and minced him into meat paste.

Unfortunately he couldn't do that considering the power he could wield now is limited with his Master so far away and the fact that doing so would change his plan.

But he continued smiling.

'Discipline, Loki. If you are going to try to kill me, I appreciate a little bit more commitment' Loki just gave a dry laugh.

'You think I don't want to? 'Loki said in his mind.

If not for the fact that he knew Yewa Hafar could trace him, he would continue his assassination attempt.

Loki knows that the moment Yewa Hafar truly descended it is not easy to kill him after.

While Yewa Hafar is not in full power he is still resourceful and cunning.

Not to mention he would surely come back. And Loki plans does not need him to eliminate Yewa Hafar.

It would make it easier but he also did not have to obsessively try to kill Yewa Hafar.

After all that is not his main objective. As long as he could accomplished his mission nothing matters.

They look toward each other and it was like they were separated by a thousand miles in heart and in mind

Then Yewa Hafar chuckles as he looks into the eyes of Loki.

'Ah, you seem wary of me old friend'

Loki scoffed

'Well, let's just say our last encounter does not really bode well for me'

'It was like a lifetime ago' Yewa Hafar waves his hand like it is not something worth mentioning about.

Loki just maintain his silence, a n innocent smile on his face. And then seeing like Loki did not want to say anything Yewa Hafar said

'What you and your friend did at the end surprised me. Surprised my master. A daring idea of course. I didn't know that Jean attainment in the Laws of Time was that advanced. But well, I guess he does owe Azief'

Yewa Hafar said and then he added

'Though if you think that this time you could win, I suggest you to wake up from your dream' Loki just smiles and said

'Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.'

'Heh' Yewa Hafar scoffed.

'Then I ask you, old friend? Do you enjoy the game so far?'

'I have secured the King at least' Loki said

Yewa Hafar smiles and said

'I on the other hand got a new pawn. A very important pawn' Loki look at Yewa Hafar face trying to discern whether he is speaking truth or lies but he couldn't see anything.

Even though he is the God of Lies and Truth, that is he in the future. Not now.

Now, he is still just a Disk Formation leveler. Yewa Hafar then turns around and look at the island and take a deep breath.

'This is a good place you choose to relax. Earth is a really beautiful place. If not for my Master wish, I would even feel sorry for this planet to be destroyed'

Loki only snickers. He knows that Yewa Hafar didn't mean anything he said. He couldn't care less about life.

The Last Acolyte of Dark Tiding.

Just being in his presence Loki could sense the aura of Destruction and Annihilation that is coming out of him

'It is a romantic island. It would be better if I don't have to spend it with you' Loki said jokingly.

Yewa Hafar laughed slightly.

Then he took a seat on the hanging swing that is tied between two palm trees. The wind blows and the swing sway back and forth.

Yewa Hafar seems to enjoy the wind. He was like a kid as his feet playfully pushing the sand below.

Who would have ever think such an innocent looking face, with such a beautiful expression as the winds swing him back and forth would bring destruction and death all over the galaxy.

Sometimes, evil does not come with a hideous face. Sometimes it comes in a way that tempts you, bedazzle you and enchant you and before you know it…..the evil has already ensnare you.

Then looking at Loki he said

'Loki, just because you and your friend are whining around and acting like children, flipping the chess board, doesn't mean I couldn't arrange back the chess pieces. And this time, maybe your plan backfires on you. There are new chess pieces and a new strategy could be employed. I always hated how it ends last time'

Loki smiles back and remind him

'I have the King and you only have a pawn right now' Yewa Hafar laughed

'Hahaha. The game is just beginning Loki. We still have a long journey ahead of us. This is after all a long game. And I intend to turn this pawn into a Queen'

To be honest what Yewa Hafar said is oddly appropriate with his pawn piece. It is one of his pawn that is more likely to be a Queen.

In chess it is called Queening. It is when a chess piece managed to break through enemy territory and move there.

Loki has always been the type where he sees a good move, he look for a better one. Yewa Hafar knows this.

After all they used to play against each other.

And he was checkmated.

Then Yewa Hafar said

'And Loki, never forget. Pawns are not a useless chess piece. They are such fascinating pieces...So small, almost insignificant, and sometimes even invisible and yet--they can depose kings. Don't you find that interesting?'

And he shows that smile.

To other it might look like an innocent, beautiful smile. But Loki knows. It is a smile of beast….enjoying his opponent to squirm.

It is like when you are at a game of chess and you are forked. It is where a single piece could take two or more direct attacks simultaneously.

And Yewa Hafar likes to watch his prey squirms.

But Loki was not afraid

They are now assembling pieces and while they make moves, they still did not put their chess pieces on the board.

The game is just beginning and he will not give up this time. This time he would see it to the end, whether he wins or lose.

Loki smirks and then said

'You want to Queen a pawn? Hmm'

Then Loki smirks and said

'Like you said, the game is just beginning. I will find out your pawn and when I found out, your pawn would be just a weak pawn. The weakness of a pawn is that it is a pawn. I just need to remove it from the game early. I have secure the King and I already have the Queen'

Yewa Hafar shakes his head

'Pawns or kings, the only things that matters in the chessboard are good chess moves'

Looking at the island, taking a look once again he laugh.

'I think I will go now. It seems you don't have that thing'

Loki only nodded. He knows what Yewa Hafar was searching for. He never intended to change that part. But he knows that Yewa Hafar would get crazy if that thing is missing.

After all it plays a great part in the War of Sovereigns.

'You were afraid it is on my hand. We many have different objectives but we at least have a same objectives. I didn't intend to stop the war. At least not the way you think it is' Loki said.

'Precautions' Yewa Hafar said

'You want to mess up the timelines, Loki. I want to make sure it is as it should be. That is where harmony comes from. I only have simple wish. For thing to be as it should be'

Loki nodded and said

May the best player wins' Yewa Hafar once again flashed that smile. He jumped down from the swing and shakes his head at Loki.

He was about to disappear when Loki shouts

'Wait' Yewa Hafar halted his movement. The rip in space that is about to be formed dissipated.

'Yewa Hafar I never thank you for teaching me how to play Eternian Chess'

'Oh, but this is surprising. You thanking me. I thought you would never acknowledge me as your master in chess' Yewa Hafar said chuckling all the while.

'You know, on Earth what the measure of success is for a master?

'What?' Yewa Hafar asked.

'When the disciple surpassed the master' and Loki smiles. Yewa Hafar digests the words and then he laughs.

'Is that so? I guess I have to be accustomed to disappointment then'

'We'll see about that' Loki shot back. Yewa Hafar just nodded. He waved his sleeve and the rips appear again, like it was devouring the space.

It is an entrance to a world of darkness. Yewa Hafar then without looking back enters the rip and he disappeared like the wind, brief and only in passing.

Loki sighed. He no longer had the mood to rest. Yewa Hafar just spoiled his mood.

He closes his eyes and whistles.

From the nearby bush, from the rocks on the shores of the beach, variety of snakes slither toward Loki area.

In the sky, a huge gathering of ravens swoop down and perched themselves near Loki.

He spoke a few word to the gathering snakes and ravens and they scattered away. The ravens flies through the clouds, the snake slither back into the deep sea and Loki.

He waves his hand and the entire island was shielded from sight. Mnemba Island disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Loki however returns back to one of the caves he created in the island. Inside it there are a lot of things. And there is a screen where its shows the many image that his ravens and serpents saws.

He sat down on his thrones of serpents.

As he sat down on his throne and taking a deep breath, he reminisces about his life during the original timeline.

Sometimes he thinks about Morgana and all the wrong choices they made together and thinking whether there is something there.

Sometimes he thinks about Azief and thinks about how if the perspectives were different he could be the main character of this story.

Other times he thinks about all the choices he made. And questioning himself whether those choices are right.

Or if there is really a choice at all?

His life was full of coldness, like a winter that never ends, where sprouts of seeds never grow.

But in this life, he felt the warmth of life. He felt it when he holds hand with Sina, he felt it when they saw the night stars.

He felt it when he dreams a future with her. He never relies on anyone before but being with Sina makes him want to rely on her.

He sighed. He didn't want to let go of her hands or the hands of the people he loves.

He came back to save the people of the world, his comrade in the Last War but…..he found something unexpected here in the past.

He found a family. Loki smiles.

And then sometimes, when he was really deep in his shell, he thinks about that day. He still remembers.

He was just a Divine Comprehension early lower realm leveler. He was chased and was in the run.

It should have been the end of him. He was bleeding all over his body, his body was so weak and then he falls down from a cliff.

He should have been dead

But someone found him and that person nursed him back until he is healthy enough. He owe that person a life.

Even until today Loki does not know how that person is. He was in partial coma. He sometimes could hear voices during that time.

The person was a duo. At least that is what he remembers. The world was selfish. The world is cold and without sympathy. Everyone is out for themselves.

That is what he always thought. That is what his experience in living has been like.

But….that day was the day he thinks a little different. The world was still cold, and it is still merciless.

But his experience that seven days taught him something.

That even in a cold world, there is still some place that is warm. And even if the world is merciless and without sympathy, not all people are like that.

When he woke up all he could see was a scratched name on the walls of the cliff. There was a name before it was scratched.

The carving was Dr ch.

Loki did try search for that person after he becomes a Sovereign to repay back the Karma. But he never found that person.

That person might be a Doctor or something.

Thinking about it, sometime that memory just pooped out of nowhere. Maybe because that memory changed him.

It is because of that memory he manages to persevere…through all the dark things in his life. His life in the original timeline was not as easy as it is this time.

He was sexually abused when he was in that Odin cult group.

Of course that is why he immediately runs away from that group when the transference of his memory from the future enters his mind of the past.

Then he went to Malaysia and join Azief in the beginning becoming a part of his family. That memory teaches him that there are still good people in the world.

He was just unlucky enough never to meet them in the begging part of his life.

So, he perseveres and he survives. And he met wonderful people. It was just unlucky he met them all too late.

It was truly sad. To know how wonderful the people who used to be your enemy but only to know it at the end.

It is with that regret; Loki put everything on the line.

Because Jean, Sofia, Hirate all put it in the line. They either wins….or they get destroyed. It is all or nothing.

Then he took a glance at the scene in the screens and then his eyes stop at one screen. He was shocked.

He was looking at Pandemonium.

He is not looking at the footage of the Centre Palace. Instead he was looking at Sina laboratory and saw that person coming to Sina door.

'I didn't think I would see a familiar face.' And Loki smiles happily.

'I hope you also could change your fate. It is truly so sad. For you and for him' he said as he look at the scene seeing that familiar woman coming to Sina door.

And then that woman standing in the front door of Sina modest home…she knocked


So, here it is. Hope you all like it. There is a lot of hints for the future chapter here. There will be times when you have to refer to this chapter when I wrote the later chapter because it is full of so many hints that I think I am just spoiling the story by now. Anyway, we learn that Loki master is Yewa Hafar. At least his master in Chess. And I need to emphasise it is an Eternian chess.

And another old friend is coming to meet Sina. Anyway, I hope you like the chapter. Vote for me and like always hope you enjoy reading and thank you for the support.