Chapter 717: The triple alliance (2)

Name:Lord Shadow Author:
While not everyone knows about this dark past of these pair of siblings, most that stand tall over the world knows about it.

To Katarina, her brother has always been her protector. To Boris, Katarina had always been the light that guides him in his darkest moment

She had never disobey her brother.

And he never had to give an order. That is because the reason why she did not disobey is not because she fears her brother. She loves him and respected him

She did not need to crave for attention with her brother because he always gave her the attention

And he showers her with all the love he could give. And he always protected her. After the Fall, with Katarina fast advancement, he thought he could put down his protection.

Katarina had grown stronger even more than him and he felt good and peaceful knowing that even without him, she would be safe.

Then Death Monarch appears. when it comes to Death Monarch, Boris was wary.

He was reminded of the matter around seven years ago when Death Monarch was fighting Purunghasa and he had tried to stop her from aiding Death Monarch.

One could only imagine his despair when he looks at that Mountain of Everlasting Love. His sister sacrifice herself to seal her and Death Monarch in a mountain.

He nearly went crazy when he thought that Katarina was dead.

If not for Loki words that Death Monarch and Katarina is just healing their injuries, he might have flipped out and truly become crazy.

Even during the eradication of the Weronians, the one most crazed and eager to kill Weronians is the Republic.

Everyone have their own thoughts and opinions. And some of them have their own scheme and plot.

Nobody likes to be under pandemonium especially under such an unpredictable and arbitrary person such as Death Monarch.

The fact is if not for the strength that Death Monarch possess the Seven great powers could be equal in power, each one controlling their continent without the interference of others.

But since Pandemonium is the strongest, it dictates the world policy at large.

And with the other two great powers which is the Republic and the World Government standing on Pandemonium side, they maintain this monopoly of power.

The debate about the judgment of Death Monarch continues in that dimly lit room.

Other say a few words, another said a few words, round and round it goes around the table, with the Republic and the World Government remain silent.

The meeting has been going around for two hours until finally there is nothing more left to debate.

The other four great powers finally stopped beating around the bush and then the Order of Thinker said toward Hirate.

'Hirate. What say you? Should we send a summon to Death Monarch to answer for his crime and explain his wanton massacre?' Hirate who was closing his eyes finally open his eyes and then lazily said

'Did he do any crime?'

'He sank down an archipelago. Many people died. The rising waves from his attack sank down countless of ship that was sailing the Arabian Sea at that time.'

'Did he? I see only a sword coming down to sunk down that piece of land. Who is to say that it is Death Monarch doing? Where is the proof that he was the one that did it?' he said casually

Boris was just silent on his throne.

The other leaders frowned.

It is clear that Hirate is trying to cover up for Pandemonium. The fact that the Three Giants cover up each other is not something new.

It all began six years ago in the first few months of Death Monarch departure.

In the absence of Death Monarch, Loki, Hirate and Boris created a Triumvirate. The Triple Alliance as some of the leaders of the Great Power called it.

They might not like each other, and it is known that there is bad blood between Boris and Hirate but the fact is the four great powers is always allied with each other and trying to minimize the power of the Three Giants

And this is worsened because of the bad blood between all the three original great powers.

Pandemonium for example had attacked Island of Peace two times and wreck it apart hurting the foundation of the World government.

That alone had killed ten thousands of lives. Most importantly, with each victory, the World Government position is weakened

It is only now that they regain back what they have lost and made a full recovery in all sector. It took them six years to recover after two battles that did not even span a day.

Nowadays, the scene of a one person attacking a world power is rare to be seen and even harder to succeed.

The reason is simple. This is because the rate of leveling up had slowed down. At that time, Death Monarch was the strongest out of everyone and there is only a few Disk Formation leveler.

And not to mention, he was the first that reach the highest level of his realm.

He attacked World Government when he is in Energy Disperse Stage and another when he is in Disk Formation

That is the bad blood between World Government and Pandemonium.

As for the Republic, while they did not have any grudges against Pandemonium, they do have grudges with the World Government.

All of these past conflict made it impossible for the Three Giants to reconcile with each other unless there is someone that could put down their pride first.

If this when Death Monarch was present, such alliance between the Three Greta power would be impossible since "that person" is very prideful

It would be beneath him to deign to meet the two other world power and even cooperate. It is arrogance befitting the strongest person in the world

That is because he is capable to fight off all the great power by himself if he desires at that time.

But Loki was not.