Chapter 168

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
"Did you come back?" After Ye Liuyun chopped Guo Kai back with a knife, he turned back into the cave with a smile, and collected the toad's body first.

Then, holding a knife, he stood by the pool of blood, waiting for the purple snake to come in.

Purple Snake thought that Guo Kai had run away and was chasing at full speed, but Guo Kai flew back again, and the golden light shield was almost annihilated.

It was stunned for a moment, then opened its mouth, and directly swallowed the golden shield and Guo Kai together.

"Ye Liuyun, you dare to harm me!" Guo Kai's cry echoed in the cave.

The thick digestive juice in the snake's stomach wiped away Guo Kai's golden shield in an instant. Guo Kai was also turned into a pool of pus and blood in the blink of an eye.

Violet continued to crawl into the hole with a little excitement, and directly entered the toad's nest.

Although he didn't see the toad's body, his eyes lit up after spitting out the core.

He and Toad were old rivals. This time, he smelled the bloody smell of Toad. When he saw someone attacking Toad, he took the opportunity to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, Toad was really dead.

As for the ant-like human being in front of him, he didn't pay attention at all.

It roared excitedly, spit out its core, and felt the breath of the toad's death.

Suddenly, it felt that the temperature in the cave dropped sharply, and everything in the cave began to freeze, even the blood pool began to freeze.

As soon as it exhales, it can see the particles that have condensed into ice crystals. The temperature in the cave is still dropping rapidly, and its body seems to be frozen hard.

And the little human in front of him was also frozen into an ice sculpture.

what 's wrong?

Before it had time to think, a sense of drowsiness hit it. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and they are most afraid of freezing cold, especially the extreme low temperature.

Its body instinctively fell into a dormant state, and before the whole body had time to curl up, it fell to the ground stiffly.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, just looked at it with a smile on his face.

That's right, these are all illusions used by Ye Liuyun to make him feel that he is in an extremely cold environment and make him fall into a dormant state.

After the purple python was completely stiff, Ye Liuyun drew his knife, and cut off the snake's head with one blow. Even its purple scales couldn't block Ye Liuyun's knife.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun put the purple snake's body into the storage ring, then took out the bloody crystal ball snatched from Xiao Mubai's hand, and began to absorb the blood power in the blood pool.

There are various kinds of ferocious beast's blood in the blood pool, which is mixed and impure. Ye Liuyun collects the blood essence first, and will talk about whether to use it later.

This bloody crystal ball absorbed the power of the blood very quickly, and within a short while, the essence in the blood pool was collected by Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun didn't dare to delay, fearing that the bloody smell would attract other fierce beasts. He immediately left the cave and continued on his way.

He has now confirmed that the toad was the one that the order of the gods sent him to look for. Because after he collected the toad's body, the order of the gods never moved again. But which part is useful, I have to wait until I have time to study it slowly.

Ye Liuyun ran forward for another half an hour, when his consciousness suddenly noticed a wave of fighting.

In this space, the distribution of creatures has basically been finalized, and generally there will be no fights. If there is a fight, it means that there are disciples competing for opportunities with the fierce beast.

Since Ye Liuyun met him along the way, he would naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

When he could see the fighting scene with his spiritual sense, he found that it was not the disciples fighting with the beast, but Chang Hao was leading more than twenty Huahai third and fourth level disciples to attack a formation, and the formation In France, there is a large medicine garden.

Ye Liuyun is most interested in medicinal materials. So he moved forward, and after he found the herbs in the medicine garden, he decided not to leave.

Many of the medicinal herbs in the medicine garden are super-heaven-grade medicinal herbs, which can be called holy medicines. A single medicinal herb can make people at least one level higher, not to mention there are more than ten of them. There are also a lot of heavenly medicinal herbs, how could he leave.

However, it seems that this formation is difficult to break. These disciples went all out, but there was no effect.

But Ye Liuyun is not worried, he has a lot of troubles!

Then he released Qiongqi. Qiongqi first took a look at the situation in this space, and exclaimed: "Desolate ancient ruins?"

"This space has an aura of desolation, it should be a fragment of desolation!" Qiongqi said cautiously.

Then Qiongqi suggested: "You release the stone ape, it should be beneficial to his cultivation here. The stone ape is a relic from the ancient times."

"No wonder the stone ape is so big!" Ye Liuyun said, and released the stone ape.

After Shi Yuan came out, he felt the breath and immediately became excited. "Aww!" He roared, scaring the nearby ferocious beasts to flee in all directions.

Even Chang Hao and the others, who were thirty miles away, heard the roar, stopped the movement of their hands, and cautiously looked in the direction of the sound.

But Ye Liuyun found that their spiritual sense was not that strong, and they couldn't see here. After watching for a while, he continued to attack the formation.

Ye Liuyun saw that the stone ape liked this place, so he gave it a holiday and let him wander here by himself, looking for some opportunities, maybe he can get a breakthrough.

Qiongqi also agrees. With Qiongqi, Ye Liuyun would not encounter any serious danger.

So the stone ape roared a few times excitedly, and then galloped away into the distance. This place is really suitable for him, the huge trees allow him to jump to his heart's content. Outside, the trees were too small to contain him.

After the stone ape ran away, Qiongqi's spiritual sense soon discovered the medicine field.

"Good boy! You really found the treasure! Come with me, I'll take you in from another direction, let them attack the formation slowly!"

Ye Liuyun was also polite, jumped onto Qiongqi's back, and let him carry him towards the distance.

Qiongqi is now a strong man in the holy realm, with that speed, he can directly control the air, shuttle through the woods, quickly run to the other end of the formation, and then start to break the formation.

He didn't destroy the formation, but after studying for a while, he opened a gap, and sneaked into the medicine field with Ye Liuyun and others.

After entering, he found an open place, released the main hall directly, and then, together with Lei Ming and Qiong Qi, began to gather herbs everywhere.

Looking at the medicinal materials all over the mountains and plains, several people were very excited.

Especially for the dozen or so holy medicines inside, they even dug up the soil and transplanted them directly into the cave in the hall to plant them. There are so many herbs here, if they picked them bit by bit, they would not be able to pick them all.

In the end, the three of them, together with the soil, dug out the medicinal materials one by one, which was much easier than digging up the medicinal materials one by one.

The three of them are like bandits, scraping the entire medicine field three feet away!

They were the last to dig to the front. But he didn't let Qiongqi show up, and he and Lei Ming went to transplant the medicinal materials.

When Chang Hao and the others saw Ye Liuyun's figure, they were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out.

"How did this kid get in? We've been fighting here for a long time, but we haven't broken much of this formation."

"I'll go, this kid even scraped away the land!"

"Then our efforts are not in vain, we got nothing!"

Everyone was discouraged and stopped what they were doing.

"Ye Liuyun, how did you get in?" Chang Hao asked outside.

Ye Liuyun looked at him and said with a smile, "He just walked in!"

"Nonsense, I mean how did you break the formation!" Chang Hao said angrily.

Ye Liuyun glanced at him, ignored him, dug a piece of land, and sent it back to the main hall.