Chapter 221

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Just when Ye Liuyun couldn't understand why his sea of ​​energy was about to be full, the ice sculpture woman suddenly explained to him.

"People who practice Xuanyuan Qi Refining Jue will be like this. The foundation is very solid. So the sea of ​​​​qi will be filled in advance, and the remaining three realms, you have to condense and compress the true essence in advance. That is to say, you and ordinary people In comparison, you will always be able to leapfrog challenges. Coupled with the power of your blood, you can at least fight across the four realms.

However, this is also limited. After reaching the Tiangang realm, if you meet someone with a strong bloodline, you can only fight across the third level. "

Ye Liuyun finally realized suddenly. After thanking the ice sculpture woman, he asked again: "How do you know that I am practicing Xuanyuan Qi Refining Art?"

"Only the Xuanyuan Qi Refining Jue can cultivate true energy and profound energy at the same time. I will know it as soon as I feel the breath on your body. Moreover, the Xuanyuan Qi Refining Jue can absorb and transform almost any kind of energy, which is similar to my practice. It's also somewhat similar. My Nine Turns Mysterious Ice Art can convert almost all energy into the power of ice."

"Oh!" Ye Liuyun nodded, and then asked curiously: "Why did you mention your inherited exercises to me, senior? Could it be..."

"That's right, I'm very optimistic about these two girls! And I don't have time to wait any longer. If I wait another ten years, I'm afraid my lingering thoughts will disappear!

The test for them is almost over! As long as they can persist to the end, they will be sent to the ice palace. "

Ye Liuyun looked at the images of the two people on the ice wall, and couldn't help but worry about them.

Yu'er's body has already started to stiffen, every step seems to be rubbing forward, she can't even lift her feet, and the true essence in her body is completely frozen.

She insisted entirely on perseverance. While walking, he was still muttering something.

Wu Qingcheng's Zhenyuan was fine, but his face was pale, his spirit was extremely listless, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked as if he was about to pass out at any time. He couldn't even stand still, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, another thunder dragon appeared on the ice brick.

The voice of the ice sculpture woman sounded again. "I really envy you! Do you want to hear what they are saying and thinking?"

"Ah?" Ye Liuyun was taken aback, and asked, "Can you know what they are thinking?"

"Of course, they are all in my illusion, so I naturally know what they are thinking! But you should see for yourself."

As she said that, the ice sculpture woman released a ray of consciousness, which made Ye Liuyun also release a ray of consciousness to feel the memory inside.

The first person to appear was Yu'er.

Ye Liuyun saw that Yu'er only had her own image in front of her eyes. Muttering in his mouth: "Master, Yu'er will be with you forever! I must see you before I am reconciled! Yu'er must find you!"

Immediately, Ye Liuyun saw Wu Qingcheng and experienced various temptations and threats. Now, she is being whipped in the cage of blood thunder. The person who beat him with the bloody thunder whip turned out to be Ye Liuyun's own image.

As long as she promises to forget about Ye Liuyun, she will be released and various benefits will be given to her.

But she never said the word promise! And in her mind, all that appeared was the moment Ye Liuyun took off her veil, the moment Ye Liuyun suddenly appeared to save her, and the days spent with Ye Liuyun these days.

Despite being extremely tired, there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Liuyun saw that the corners of his eyes were moist.

The last one to appear was Lei Ming's Sea of ​​Consciousness. I saw Lei Ming's soul turned into a human form, thinking all the time: "Little brother, don't dislike me! Don't abandon me, I really like you! I don't ask for anything, as long as you let me stay by your side forever!" Good! I will work hard to practice and not cause you any trouble!"

Immediately, the ice sculpture woman withdrew her consciousness, leaving Ye Liuyun in a daze.

"How lucky you are!" the ice sculpture woman said enviously.

Ye Liuyun did not expect that these three people had such deep feelings for him.

He was a little confused for a while!

Lei Ming has been with her for a while, and they often go through life and death together, he can understand it. Unexpectedly, Wu Qingcheng and Yu'er had such deep affection for him.

I still have to go to the outer domain, can I bear the feelings of so many people? If something really happened to me in the future, what would happen to these women?

"What are you thinking about so much? Just cherish the person in front of you!" the ice sculpture woman reminded him.

"Yeah!" Ye Liuyun solemnly agreed without saying much.

I just want to protect them well in the future, it's really useless to think so much.

He calmed down for a while, and then asked, "Senior, won't such a stressful test leave any sequelae for them?"

"Don't worry! As long as they don't give up at the last moment, their martial arts hearts will be as firm as a rock. But if they give up, their achievements will not be too high!" The ice sculpture woman said deeply.

"Isn't it too cruel to treat them like this? This kind of high-intensity and long-term torture would break down the average person long ago!" Ye Liuyun said distressedly.

"Do you think it's so easy to surpass other people in martial arts training? If your mind is not stronger than ordinary people, how can it be worthwhile for me to hand over the inheritance to them?" The ice sculpture woman asked back.

Ye Liuyun was also speechless. In the end, he simply closed his eyes and sat down to practice, instead of looking at the images on the ice wall.

That image is so disturbing to watch!

But now his mind is in a mess, he can't practice at all, he just sits and waits with his eyes closed.

At this moment, he realized what it means to live like a year. Every quarter of an hour is more difficult than when his blood was not awakened.

He didn't know how long it took before Wu Qingcheng, who was finally unconscious, was teleported to the ice palace. Ye Liuyun hurried up and hugged her in his arms.

"Give her to me, and I will take the opportunity to import the inheritance into her sea of ​​consciousness. The time for the opening of the secret realm is limited, so there is still time for you to talk later!" the ice sculpture woman urged.

Ye Liuyun also understood this truth, so he gave Wu Qingcheng to the ice sculpture woman. The ice sculpture woman directly used her spiritual consciousness to pass on the exercises.

After a while, Yu'er was also transported to the ice palace, and the ice sculpture woman was also transferred to them. Then with a wave of his hand, the two of them were sent into different pools.

The pool where Yu'er was sitting was radiating cold air. The pool where Wu Qingcheng is located is colorful and looks very dreamy.

"Next, how much they can absorb depends on them. What I can give, I have already given them."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand and drew two swords. A sword was placed beside Yu'er, and the other was placed beside Wu Qingcheng.

"These two swords are both of the ice-cold attribute. The sword next to Yu'er is called Frozen, and it has a pure ice-cold attribute, so the power of the attribute is relatively strong. With one sword, it can freeze thousands of miles.

The sword next to Wu Qingcheng is called Xue Die, which has illusion properties and is more suitable for her illusion system skills. The sword is like a butterfly in ice and snow, dreamy and colorful.

The two of them have complementary skills, and the qigong skills are the same. After you first cultivate your own main attack direction, you can practice the opponent's skills. I haven't passed on all the exercises to them now, for fear that they won't be able to learn too much. "

Ye Liuyun nodded and wrote down all the information one by one. He also gave a deep salute to the ice sculpture woman.

"I will replace the two of them first, and thank you for your inheritance!"

"You're welcome, it's my duty too."

The tone of the ice sculpture woman seemed to be relieved. Although she was relaxed, she looked extremely tired.