Chapter 484

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun asked Liang Xue, "Xue'er, do you have a map of this place?"

"Yes, I'll pass it on to you." Liang Xue immediately passed the map here to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun observed the map in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then led the crowd towards the west. There are many mountains blocking the line of sight, but it is a good place for them to avoid pursuit.

"Where is Yanluo Gorge? Is there anything special?" Ye Liuyun asked Liang Xue. He saw a red dot marked there on the map, but there was no text on it.

"I've been there once. It's a very special canyon with no air restrictions, and the peaks on both sides are very high. Even wild geese can't fly there, and they will eventually fall down, so it's named .” Liang Xue explained.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and suddenly had an idea. "Okay, let's go there to hide!"

"Ah?" Liang Xue thought she heard it wrong.

"It's too dangerous there! Once we are surrounded there, it will be difficult to rush out." Liang Xue continued.

"Just trust me, it's right to follow me. Let's explore the way first." Saying that, Ye Liuyun took Liang Xue's hand and flew straight to Yanluo Gorge.

When the scene of Luoyan Canyon appeared in front of Ye Liuyun and the others, everyone was also taken aback.

There are towering cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and a valley cut out like an ax in the middle. When they got closer, everyone felt that this canyon really has the power of air-forbidden, ordinary people can't fly over it, they can only rely on the bridge and iron cables to get there.

And the iron cables of this bridge don't even have a bridge board, just chains one by one. Once the chain is cut, it is almost impossible to cross the bridge.

Ye Liuyun first tried to hide in the void, and after discovering that he could travel through the void, he was convinced.

"Come on, let's cross the bridge to avoid tracking."

With Ye Liuyun's spiritual sense, at this moment, he has discovered that a group of martial artists who have been chasing from a distance are searching this way.

When everyone heard the words, there was nothing they could do. There is only this mountain range nearby. If you don't go in and hide, you will be found by those who chase you sooner or later.

So everyone boarded the iron chain and crossed the bridge one by one. Fortunately, there are handrails on both sides, so it is not difficult for them to cross the bridge.

After Ye Liuyun waited for everyone to get on the bridge, he quietly left the magic vine seeds on the edge of the cliff. The small black seeds immediately burrowed into the soil and hibernated without attracting attention.

After everyone crossed the bridge safely, Ye Liuyun and the others stood guard by the bridge, waiting for someone to cross the bridge so that they could attack while the opponent was halfway across.

At this distance, they don't even need to hide. Even the strong in Yuandan realm can detect the situation on the other side of the bridge with their spiritual sense.

Soon, a search team from the He family came over. An elder of the He family, with more than thirty disciples of different levels, and two mastiff dogs specially responsible for tracking.

The reason why they were able to keep up with Ye Liuyun was also because of these two mastiffs.

After they chased them, without thinking too much, the elder immediately ordered his disciples to cross the bridge to arrest Ye Liuyun and others. So their group, led by the elder, crossed the bridge together.

Ye Liuyun led the crowd and kept watching coldly. When they were halfway, Ye Liuyun called everyone to make a move. His death knell, the thundering Nine Dragons Turning Over the Mountain Seal, and the white tiger's bone spear, these are all treasures of the god rank and honor rank, and the others, the last ones are also treasures of the spirit rank, and they all smashed at them one after another.

The elder also took out a high-ranking treasure to resist. Ye Liuyun directly controlled the death knell to meet him.

With a roar of "dong", the echo of the death knell in the valley was even louder.

This collision not only smashed the old man's venerable vessel to pieces, but also directly rang the death knell. Several low-level disciples were immediately overwhelmed by the death knell and fell down.

The elder was also knocked down by the oncoming death knell and fell down.

A round of treasures was thrown, and there were only a dozen people left on the bridge.

Everyone controlled the treasure again and continued to bombard it. After two rounds, the bridge was clean and there was not a single one left.

"Haha! This trick is really good. Let's just guard here. We can kill as many people as possible." Lei Ming cried out happily, thinking it was fun.

Everyone has seen with their own eyes that the people crossing the bridge, when they are halfway there, they make a move, they really want to rush but can't go back, they want to retreat but can't go back, they can only stand up and get knocked down.

Even if someone can resist with treasures, they will be knocked down by Ye Liuyun's death knell in the end.

Ye Liuyun reminded everyone cautiously: "That's because this elder has no valuable treasures, otherwise we would not be so smooth. In the future, not all people may not have treasures."

The two mastiffs on the opposite side couldn't cross the bridge. After seeing that everyone died, they had to turn around and run back. Ye Liuyun was able to use his golden pupils to directly release the Golden Crow Holy Fire, burning the two dogs to ashes.

"Continue here, and we will withdraw when they have stronger treasures."

Ye Liuyun took everyone to rest on the spot, but his golden pupils and spiritual consciousness spread out to the depths of the mountains, looking for a suitable hiding place.

"There are quite a few ferocious beasts in this mountain range, and many of them are members of the fourth or fifth layer of Tiangang! There should be some treasures, otherwise, why would it take so much effort to build a bridge here? If not, who would come in here?"

Ye Liuyun was suspicious in his heart, and carefully searched for places where treasures might appear. Soon, Ye Liuyun discovered that there was a suspicious tomb in the mountain range. If there is a treasure, it is likely to be here.

He immediately released all the corpse-eating insects, and asked the insect king to lead the army of insects to inquire about the situation inside. These bugs can't do anything else, but they are good at digging and finding treasures.

The corpse-eating insect king let out a "squeak", and led a group of insects directly into the ground, rushing towards the cemetery. Although his combat power is not strong, he is still in the first level of Tiangang, and he can run very fast.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, led the crowd to grill meat openly at one end of the bridge. He is also not afraid of being found out. Their information here will be known sooner or later. Simply eat generously.

The others, while he was grilling meat, were preparing the treasures to be dropped in the next round.

"Don't throw out the weapons that you often use next time. Once you encounter stronger treasures, you won't even lose your weapons." Ye Liuyun reminded them.

So someone began to replace the treasures.

In Wu Qingcheng's hands, although there were no more honorable treasures, there were quite a few spiritual treasures, enough for none of them to equip at least two.