Chapter 905

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun took out the hexagram plate, and the location indicated by the hexagram plate was the ball.

The pungent bloody smell also emanated from that ball.

"What is that?" Ling Shuang wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"It should be the blood essence absorbed by those bats!" Ye Liuyun guessed after probing with his golden pupils.

However, they did not dare to act rashly.

The ferocity emanating from the blood-colored bat's skeleton is at least in the realm of the fifth or sixth level of respect.

Ye Liuyun and the others were worried that there was something weird about this skeleton.

They first let the ghost butterfly attack with their souls, but they didn't find any fluctuations in their souls.

"Without divine consciousness, how did the skeleton fly up?" Yuan Datou asked in puzzlement.

Ye Liuyun shook his head, he didn't know how the skeleton got up.

"I'll try!"

As Ling Shuang said, she took out a high-ranking chain and put it on the skeleton. Once caught, start pulling down.

When Ye Liuyun and Yuan Datou saw that the skeleton moved a little, they also went to help.

But even if the three of them worked together, the skeleton was only pulled down by about two feet. After that, they couldn't pull anymore.

"Let the magic vines help!" Ye Liuyun thought of this, and began to summon the magic vines.

After a while, a magic vine seed drilled out from under Ye Liuyun's feet.

Ye Liuyun asked him to pull the skeleton down.

Afterwards, the magic vine seed stuck into the soil again, and then stretched out two vines, winding towards the skeleton.

Another vine door stretched towards the bloody ball.

"What is it going to do?" asked the ape big head puzzled.

Ye Liuyun and Ling Shuang also looked at the magic vine in puzzlement.

But at this time, the magic vine swept away the blood-colored ball, and then easily pulled down the blood-colored bat skeleton.

"Uh... so it's so simple!" Yuan Datou was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Haha! Boss, this magic vine is smarter than you!"

Ye Liuyun was also speechless!

"It seems that I underestimated this magic vine before!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

At this time, the magic vine also sent a wave of consciousness, which seemed to be a little proud.

It handed the bloody ball directly to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun and the others all gathered around to take a closer look.

"I understand!" Ape Datou suddenly yelled, startling Ye Liuyun and Ling Shuang.

"What do you understand? You scared me!" Ling Shuang complained dissatisfied.

"These bats want to collect blood essence to restore the body to this skeleton!" Datou said, "This is a very ancient method to restore the body!"

"What's the use of just having a physical body without a soul!" Ye Liuyun looked at Yuan Datou.

"If I'm not mistaken, the soul is sleeping in it! Those bats are feeding it with their own soul, lest its soul dissipate!"

Ape Datou pointed to the bloody ball, and his voice was an octave lower, as if he was afraid of waking up the spirit inside.

His words startled both Ye Liuyun and Ling Shuang.

A strong man with a fifth or sixth level of respect must have a strong soul!

Ye Liuyun immediately took out the Hundred Refining Soul Banner and shook it. Started to absorb the soul in the bloody ball.

Regardless of whether what Yuan Datou said is right or not, he has to give it a try.

Once this spirit is about to be awakened, they probably won't be its opponents!

After he tried it, there really was a divine soul, like a bat hanging upside down, sucked out by the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, and drifted away into the Soul Banner.

And that coercion of the soul is indeed the realm of the fifth or sixth level of respect.

"It's no wonder that the bats outside have weak spirits, so they are all for this guy!"

Ye Liuyun was careful not to disturb it.

Yuan Datou and Ling Shuang didn't dare to breathe at this moment, for fear that it would wake up.

In just one or two breaths, Ye Liuyun's back was covered with sweat.

Fortunately, the spirit of the bat has never woken up.

It didn't wake up until the moment it entered the soul banner, and let out a piercing scream. The soul attack power carried in it immediately shook Yuan Datou and Ling Shuang until their five sense organs bleed.

Fortunately, the spirit immediately entered the soul banner, and the attack of the spirit stopped abruptly.

Otherwise, even if Ling Shuang and Yuan Datou survived, their souls would be severely damaged, and they would not be able to raise them back in a few years.

Ye Liuyun's Ten Thousand Gods Token in the Consciousness Sea also emitted a golden light, protecting his soul.

"It's dangerous! I was almost wiped out by this spirit!" The ape's face was covered with blood, and only then did he dare to speak.

Both Ling Shuang and he immediately took out a pill to restore the injury of the soul, and healed the injury on the spot.

Ye Liuyun checked the bloody ball again. He waved the soul banner several times, and didn't feel relieved until he was sure that there was no spirit in it.

Afterwards, he went to study the bloody skeleton for a while.

"This is also a good thing for body refining or refining!" Ye Liuyun came to a conclusion after observing.

The strength of the skeleton is comparable to a treasure of the highest order. The energy and essence contained in it are also there. After absorbing and refining, it can strengthen human bones.

He also found a broken knife at the rib on the bat's chest. The tip of the knife faces inward, but the outside is broken at the root.

"It seems that it was this knife that killed the bat! It's a pity that it was a broken knife."

Ye Liuyun found that the place where the knife cut the ribs, the blood color of the bones could not be gathered at all.

"Hey, this knife has the function of preventing wounds from healing!"

Ye Liuyun felt that if the wounds of a powerful man of high rank could not be healed, then this knife must be extraordinary.

He wanted to suck out the broken knife, but found that the knife was already embedded in the bone, and he had to break the bone before taking the knife out.

The broken knife turned out to be brand new, with no signs of rust or corrosion at all.

Ye Liuyun couldn't tell what kind of metal this knife was made of, but judging by its color, it should be a good thing.

"If it can be refined and integrated into the Demon Slayer Knife, then the destructive power of the Demon Slayer Knife will be even stronger." Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Not long after, both Ling Shuang and Yuan Datou temporarily stopped healing.

"My soul is seriously injured. Although I have taken the pill, it may take some time to fully recover." Ling Shuang said to Ye Liuyun.

"Mine too!" Yuan Datou also said.

"The spirits in the middle and late stages of the respected rank are indeed very powerful! I will protect you two in the following missions. First distribute the spoils, and then we will practice here for a while before going out."

Ye Liuyun brought the bloody ball, the skeleton and even the small half of the broken knife over, and explained it to the two of them.