Chapter 1214

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起

The evil dragon let out a muffled roar, doubts appearing in his eyes.

Immediately, a cloud of devilish energy was sprayed out, to test whether it was Thunder that was attacking it.

Lei Ming is also a demonic beast, those demonic energy naturally cannot hurt her, and she even took the opportunity to absorb a lot.

As soon as the evil dragon saw the magic energy absorbed, he immediately became angry. It is estimated that it thinks that Lei Ming is attacking it.

Its huge body, walking unsteadily after being poisoned, hit the mountain wall while walking, knocking the mountain trembling, and boulders on the mountain rolled down one after another.


Ye Liuyun reminded Lei Ming.

Lei Ming was instinctively frightened and only backed away.

Their spiritual sense could detect the evil dragon, but they couldn't attack it directly. It has to go a little further out.

The evil dragon tremblingly followed the passage of the cave, walked forward for a while, and finally faced Lei Ming from a distance.


Ye Liuyun immediately let Lei Ming take action.

Lei Ming immediately urged the keel to launch an attack.

From the keel, a god-level coercion burst out, and then a ball of white light rushed directly towards the evil dragon.

The dragon also felt the danger of the blow.

She can spew flames and magic energy from her mouth to attack.

Ye Liuyun was afraid of hurting Lei Ming, so as soon as she launched the attack, she immediately used space teleportation to bring Lei Ming back to the space world.

A large area of ​​flames and magic energy spewed out from the cave.

Ye Liuyun and the avatar did not dare to carry it head on, they all absorbed it from the side.

At the same time, the ball of white light emitted from Thunder's keel also hit the head of the evil dragon, directly piercing through a big hole.

Facing the attack of the god rank, the flames and devilish energy of the evil dragon had no effect at all.

Moreover, the evil dragon's spiritual consciousness is not very clear now, and it has been severely injured by the poisoning of the soul. In addition, the cave is narrow enough, so it can't avoid it.

But even though a big hole was pierced through the head, the dragon did not die immediately. After wailing, he struggled to rush out again.

Finally, when its head just came out of the hole, it finally fell down, panting on the ground.

After tossing around for a while, it scared away all the little evil dragons around, and none of them dared to stay where they were.

After a while, the dragon took a last breath, and then fell silent.

Ye Liuyun and the avatar were not sure if it was dead, so they didn't dare to go up to check it.

He just released the skeleton puppet and waved the Hundred Refining Soul Banner to see if he could absorb the ghost of the evil dragon into the banner.

The skeleton puppet waved the soul banner for a while, before Ye Liuyun and the avatar finally saw the ghost of the evil dragon and were sucked in. The two of them were completely relieved.

Suddenly absorbing such a big beast, Shura and others in the soul streamer were also taken aback.

Although the spirit level of this evil dragon is not high, it is big and can be used in many places. At least it is possible to frighten people.

Once the dragon's body is confirmed to be dead, it will be much easier to deal with.

Ye Liuyun directly used the space to move, and operated the space power with the clone, and took its corpse into the space world.

A dead dragon can move relatively easily, almost like a mountain. It's just that she is a little too big, and Ye Liuyun needs the help of a clone.

Everyone and monsters in the space world cheered when they saw this big man.

Especially Xia Qiong and Ling Shuang, who did not expect Ye Liuyun to kill such a big guy.

"How long is such a big dragon enough for us to eat!" Lei Mingfei jumped up and down on the dragon's body and sighed.

The avatar was also taken into the space world, and everyone went to dig Yuandan together.

Even with the demon-slaying knife, it can only dig a small hole in the scale armor of the evil dragon, and you have to drill in to dig out the Yuandan.

The evil dragon is full of treasures, and there are dragon hearts, dragon livers, etc., which can be dug out for medicinal purposes. Dragon tendons can also be used to refine weapons.

After cleaning up the evil dragons, Ye Liuyun recalled the other evil dragons and brought them into the space world one by one. Only one is left as a mount.

Although the space world has expanded a lot, it immediately becomes crowded as soon as these evil dragons come in.

"What species are they, and how did they grow so big?"

"Haha, now that we have these evil dragons, we won't be afraid to fight in the future!"

Everyone was filled with emotion when they saw these giants.

When the dragons saw the corpse of the largest dragon, they also wailed for a while to express their condolences.

They didn't pay attention to other villains at all. The only ones who are interested in Long Nu and Lei Ming are sniffing around with their noses.

Lei Ming and Long Nu also showed their bodies. Although the two of them belong to the same dragon type, they are still small in comparison.

After those evil dragons saw their real bodies, they gradually lost interest, closed their eyes and went to sleep.

They cannot move too much. There are more activities, and more food is needed.

Ye Liuyun hunted these days, although he also hunted down a lot of huge beasts, but there was not enough for them to eat for a long time.

Ye Liuyun's mission was successfully completed, and there were no resources suitable for him in this secret territory. He immediately took the evil dragon and returned to the giant village, intending to say goodbye to them and leave here.

The giants in the village were all terrified at the moment.

They had never heard so many roars from the dragon.

The village head and Tai Yong also knew that Ye Liuyun was fighting the dragon, and they were worried for Ye Liuyun.

After there was no movement, they went out one after another, looking at the highest mountain.

Suddenly they saw a dragon flying towards them, and they all took up their arms and got ready to fight.

"Don't do it! It's me!"

Ye Liuyun stood on the dragon's back and shouted at them.

But his size is too small,

I just heard the sound, but I don't know why.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to let the evil dragon land a long distance outside the village, and then he stood on top of the evil dragon and waved his hands, so the giants saw him.

"He really succeeded?" With Tai Yong's support, the village head was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"It seems to be!" Tai Yong was not sure whether Ye Liuyun surrendered only this end, or the biggest end as well.

Ye Liuyun didn't put the evil dragon away, but let it wait in place, and he returned to the giant village to say goodbye to them.

"You also surrendered the biggest dragon?" Tai Yong asked first.

"Just kill it! I can't surrender, it's too big!" Ye Liuyun replied directly.

When the village chief and a group of giants heard the words, they all looked at Ye Liuyun, a villain, with admiration.

Finally, the village chief said excitedly: "You are the only villain who can do it!"

Ye Liuyun also nodded, and then said: "My task is completed, I should go now, I came to say goodbye to you!"