Chapter 1219

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
In the realm of a blue-eyed woman, she has no power to resist in front of Ye Liuyun.

She looked at Ye Liuyun in horror at this moment, not knowing what Ye Liuyun was going to do with her.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you cooperate with me, I will not hurt you!"

Seeing her trembling, Ye Liuyun couldn't help comforting her.

"What are you going to do?" the woman still asked nervously.

"What's your name? What's the situation of your family? Where is it..." Next, Ye Liuyun began to ask about the situation here.

Through inquiry, Ye Liuyun learned that this world is not small, and their location is called Yunxia Continent.

The woman's name is Yun Mengyi. The Yun family she belongs to is the biggest force in the Yunxia Continent, and she is the only daughter of the head of the Yun family.

At first, the woman was still on guard against Ye Liuyun.

But following Ye Liuyun's question, she also knew that Ye Liuyun was not from their world, and became curious about Ye Liuyun.

And Ye Liuyun kept a distance from her all the time, and didn't do any excessive actions or words, so she felt that Ye Liuyun didn't seem like that kind of villain.

So she gradually forgot to be nervous.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Yun Mengyi asked Ye Liuyun directly.

Ye Liuyun also replied directly: "At that time, I was trying to escape from Yun's house, and I had a hostage in my hand. Once I was discovered by other people, I could let them use their weapons to protect me."

"Then you can let me go back now?" Yun Mengyi asked again.

"There is one more thing to trouble you. I heard that some of my companions were captured by your Yun family. I have to rescue them." Ye Liuyun said to Yun Mengyi.

"Those demons?" Yun Mengyi immediately became nervous again when she heard that Ye Liuyun was going to save those demon cultivators.

"This is your misunderstanding!" Ye Liuyun explained to him: "In our world, magic skills are just one of the normal skills, and many people are practicing them! It doesn't mean that if you practice magic skills, you will definitely do bad things !"

"Really?" Yun Mengyi didn't believe it.

"Then did you see them do anything bad?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"I heard that they are here to steal ore veins!" Yun Mengyi replied.

"That's their sect, the task given to them. They went to search in various secret realms. But I didn't expect that there are humans here too. For them, it's not stealing, but similar to exploring and hunting in secret realms. !" Ye Liuyun continued to explain.

Yun Mengyi thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, they came to our house to steal things!"

Ye Liuyun didn't want to argue with him either. Martial arts practice is originally a competition for resources, whether it is stealing or cheating, as long as you can get the resources, you are good at it.

"No matter how you understand it, I have to save people anyway!"

"If you can't save the person, you won't let me go?" Yun Mengyi asked speculatively.

Ye Liuyun didn't reply, and he didn't think about how to deal with Yun Mengyi in the end.

Yun Mengyi thought she guessed it right, and asked Ye Liuyun: "Then if I cooperate with you to save people, can you let me go?"

"Of course!" Ye Liuyun replied precisely this time.

"Do you dare to swear by your martial arts future?" Yun Mengyi asked.

The people here don't know how to sign a soul contract, and they all directly swear by their future in martial arts. If anyone breaks the oath, he will swear that he will not make any progress in martial arts.

Ye Liuyun didn't know if his swearing this oath would really affect him. But anyway, he didn't want to break the oath, so he immediately made an oath according to what Yunmengyi taught him.

It was only then that Yun Mengyi believed Ye Liuyun.

"Okay, I can help you!"

Only then did Yunmengyi tell Ye Liuyun the location of Moxiu detained by the Yun family and the layout of the organs. But she did not know the specific circumstances such as the number of people.

And to save people, Ye Liuyun still had to enter Yun's house again.

"If I use that invisibility cloak to follow you, will the strong Yun family find me?" Ye Liuyun asked Yun Mengyi.

After thinking about it, Yunmengyi said to Ye Liuyun: "I have a cousin named Yunmengxiong. He also has blue pupils, so he can spot you too! Other strong men may not be able to spot you. But there are many warriors in the family. Fa, I'm sure someone will find you!"

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he felt that he still couldn't enter Yun's house. Otherwise, if found, he may be trapped.

In the end, there was only one way left, and that was to ask Yun Mengyi to help him save people. For Ye Liuyun, it was the safest way.

But Yunmengyi is too naive, I'm afraid there will be mistakes when saving people.

"Why don't you let me go back, and I'll help you save people. If you don't believe me, I can swear it!" Yun Mengyi also volunteered.

Ye Liuyun wasn't sure if Yun Mengyi was fooling him, and he didn't believe the effect of their oath.

"I have just sworn an oath according to your custom here. Now should you make an agreement with me according to our custom?"

Ye Liuyun still felt that it was safer to sign a soul contract. At least once someone breaks the contract, the contract will take effect. The soul of the breaching party will be obliterated.

"Okay!" Yun Mengyi directly agreed without asking what method it was.

After he signed the contract with Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun told her: "Once you violate the contract, your spirit will be wiped out!"

"Ah? This contract of yours is so powerful? Can you teach me?" Yun Mengyi was very surprised.

But what surprised her was not the price she paid for breaking the contract. She was surprised by the contract Ye Liuyun made, which seemed to be more binding than their oath.

Ye Liuyun smiled, and agreed: "When you help me rescue the man, I can hand it over to you, it will be a reward for you!"

Then, Ye Liuyun told her that they could transmit information through the soul contract. This made Yunmengyi yearn even more.

"Wait for my news, I'll go back right away!" Yun Mengyi wanted to get a way to sign the soul contract, and was about to go back.

"Wait, you have to think about what to say when you go back! Otherwise, if your family asks who kidnapped you, how do you explain it? Once you expose the target, it will be difficult to save people!"

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry to let him go out, but first asked him to make up the lie he was going to tell when he went back.

"Isn't it okay to tell the truth?" Yun Mengyi asked naively.

"If you tell the truth, your family will be on guard, so can you save people?" Ye Liuyun said helplessly: "The soul contract between us is only valid for you, not for others!"

Yun Mengyi thought about it, and felt that it was not appropriate to tell the truth.

But she never lied, so Ye Liuyun could only ask him about other things to help him find excuses.