Chapter 1232

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Ye Liuyun did not take back the army of demon cultivators to the space world after that.

This army of demon cultivators also needs experience to adapt to fighting corpse demons.

Even the people and beasts around him, Ye Liuyun, did not tighten the space world any more. Only the avatar returns to the Xuankong Stone to replenish the consumed Xuanyuan and fill the Yuanshou Stone.

Other people and beasts, who want to practice, ride the dragon.

The evil dragon is large in size, wide enough in body, and stable in flight. Even if they practice and recover on it, nothing will be delayed.

Even the brothers and sisters of Longying love to ride dragons.

The flying speed of the evil dragon is much faster than them! Between them and the demons, there is a barracks of foreign races, with about 50,000 corpse demons.

Their original function was to block the demons and prepare to cooperate with the alien army to attack the demons' territory.

They never expected that there would be a large army coming directly from behind them.

And the vanguard turned out to be more than a dozen huge dragons.

In order to prevent the demons from misunderstood him, Ye Liuyun put on the set of demon armor given to him by Zuo Mu, the holy son of the demons.

In order to buy time, he took the thirteen dragons and killed them first.

The magic repair army and the puppets followed him in battleships.

Because the flying speed of the evil dragon was too fast, the battleship was thrown far away, so it was a bit risky for Ye Liuyun to directly attack the fifty thousand corpse demons with the evil dragon.

He also threw out the magic vine and the demon-sealing tablet immediately, asking them to cooperate and deal with the corpse demon together.

The Demon Sealing Monument reacted faster than the Demon Vine this time, and killed the highest-level foreign race immediately. When the magic vine fell to the ground, the demon-sealing tablet had already smashed towards another alien race.

There were only two alien leaders in this army of corpse demons, and they were all wiped out by the Demon Sealing Tablet.

The magic vine doesn't care either, to him there is no difference between alien races and corpse demons, and the amount it absorbs is much more than that of the demon sealing tablet.

More than a dozen evil dragons smashed into the corpse demon team, and many corpse demons were smashed to death before they could react.

After this wave, the magic vines began to show their power again. Countless black vines bit and entangled from the depths of the ground.

Since this is a barracks, the corpses are relatively concentrated, and the magic vines can often engulf many corpses at once and absorb them together.

Ye Liuyun was glad that the Demon Vine woke up in time, otherwise, he would not have been able to advance to the Demon Clan's residence so smoothly.

The demons also noticed the change here.

Someone immediately reported to the Son of the Demon Race.

Zuo Mu, the holy son of the demon clan, has become the commander of the demon clan army at this moment, leading the demon clan army to resist the attack of foreign races.

After receiving the news, Zuo Mu immediately went to the city wall of the station, and used his spiritual sense to probe in this direction.

"What kind of monster is this?"

He saw the dragon first, and then the vines all over the place. There were jagged mouths on the vines, and the vines were also covered with barbs, which could absorb the energy of the corpse demon.

Zuo Mu gasped when he saw it, not knowing whether it was an enemy or a friend.

But when he took a closer look and saw Ye Liuyun's demon armor, he immediately became excited.

"Our reinforcements have arrived! The whole army is ready for battle, ready to attack!"

Zuo Mu immediately issued an order.

As soon as the demons heard that reinforcements had arrived, their morale was immediately boosted.

They've been trapped so hard these days, they're exhausted, and they're about to lose hope.

As soon as they heard that there were reinforcements, all the demons immediately cheered up.

Taking advantage of the arrival of the reinforcements and catching the enemy by surprise, the crisis of the demons can be completely alleviated.

So all the demons were immediately ready to fight.

On Ye Liuyun's side, Zuo Mu actually didn't need to take action.

Although the battlefield was chaotic, the leaders of the foreign races had already been killed, and the army of corpse demons was unable to gather together due to the impact of the evil dragon and the magic vines, and could not organize an effective counterattack.

Although Ye Liuyun's combat power is weak, but with the magic vines around, he will definitely not suffer.

Zuo Mu wanted to take the opportunity to attack the alien army on the other two sides, and completely eliminate the alien army surrounded on three sides.

Soon, Zuo Mu saw Ye Liuyun's fleet of demon cultivators rushing over again.

Now, he was completely relieved.

What Ye Liuyun attacked was the east side of the demon camp.

"The whole army is attacking, attacking west!"

Zuo Mu did not join Ye Liuyun, nor did he attack the foreign army southward, but chose the west direction for his attack.

There are 100,000 alien troops in the south. The soldiers of their demon clan now add up to 50,000 people, and they are about to be wiped out.

So he first chose the relatively weak west army.

If Ye Liuyun's progress is fast, he can join forces with him to attack the army in the south. If Ye Liuyun didn't join forces with him, he could also eliminate the alien army in the west, and help Ye Liuyun contain the alien army in the south.

The city gate of the demon clan's garrison was wide open, and all the strength of the demon clan rushed towards the alien and corpse demon team to the west.

At this time, the army in the south of the alien race had sent warships to the east for reinforcements.

Ye Liuyun directly asked his magic repair fleet to destroy them.

And he left the stone and metal puppets to speed up the elimination of the corpse demons here.

As soon as Zuo Mu moved, Ye Liuyun already understood Zuo Mu's intention.

So his plan is also the same as Zuomu's, after the battle here is over, he and Zuomu will attack the alien army in the south.

The alien army in the west originally thought that the remaining combat power of the demons was not much, and they were waiting to be consumed by them little by little, but they didn't expect them to dare to take the initiative to attack.

And this time the morale of the demons has improved, and the attacks are much more fierce than before.

All the strong demons, along with Zuo Mu, confronted the leader of the foreign race. In a short time, they broke through the defense of the foreign race, and the vanguard troops of both sides began to fight in close quarters.

"Go to the three-headed dragon to support the demons!"

Ye Liuyun's divine sense discovered that although the demon race caught the foreign race by surprise, they were not too dominant.

So he sent three evil dragons to reinforce Zuo Mu.

As soon as the three dragons covering the sky and the sun appeared, they put a lot of pressure on the corpse demons.

Many demons had never seen such a big guy, and they were too scared to move around for a while.

"The dragon is our reinforcement, everyone kill it!"

Knowing that Ye Liuyun was helping him, Zuo Mu immediately took the opportunity to charge the demons with him.

The foreign race couldn't resist, and immediately defeated the army and moved closer to the south.

Zuo Mu led the demons to chase after him. The three-headed dragon rushed to the front, continuously swooping into the army of corpse demons, smashing to death the corpse demons.

When these corpses clean the battlefield, they will become their food, so they work very hard.

Ye Liuyun's magic repair fleet in the east, relying on the advantage of the battleships, quickly killed all the battleships that came for reinforcements.