Chapter 1279

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
"When you are interested in the content of the illusion, you will lower your defense. When you lower your defense, the magic fox will use illusion to talk to you, and it will be deeply imprinted in the depths of your soul." Mo Tianheng explained.

"No wonder!" Ye Liuyun finally understood.

"It seems that this magic fox is very good at seizing the opportunity!" He sighed.

"It's because it calculates too cleverly and understands people's psychology very well!" Mo Tianheng said the essence.

"Yeah!" Ye Liuyun nodded in agreement, "I also know some illusions, but it's far behind!"

Mo Tianheng smiled and said: "Of course, the foundation of all illusions is based on grasping people's psychology! How many years it has lived, you must not be able to compare with it!"

The two of them chatted and walked.

When I came to a cave, a stone door at the entrance of the cave was closed, and there was a formation defense on it.

Mo Tianheng easily grasped the formation and opened the stone gate.

Inside the stone gate is a passage.

Mo Tianheng walked in directly with Ye Liuyun.

After walking for a while, another stone gate blocked the way.

This time, Mo Tianheng put the crystal nucleus of the blood demon he got into a groove next to the stone gate.

Then the groove sank, and then there was a clicking sound of the mechanism, and the groove was closed again.

After Ye Liuyun and Mo Tianheng waited for a while, the stone door opened by itself.

Behind the stone gate is a cave.

Inside, a ferocious-looking demon monkey was sitting on a tall stone platform, the hair on his body had almost fallen out, and he was still holding the blood demon pill they had just put into the groove in his hand.

Ye Liuyun looked over with his golden pupils, and found that the magic monkey's Yuan Dan was close to withering, and it was estimated that its lifespan was almost at the end of its life.

The demon monkey sized Ye Liuyun and Mo Tianheng, and then asked Mo Tianheng, "You're finally back?"

"I've been waiting for a long time! You are free!" Mo Tianheng said lightly.

But the magic monkey laughed and said, "You were really in time, I almost died here! Although it took a long time, it was worth it!"

After finishing speaking, he swallowed the blood demon's Yuan Dan in one gulp.

Soon, its body began to change.

Outwardly, its hair has begun to grow and its appearance has become younger.

But Ye Liuyun discovered that its Yuan Dan was also recovering rapidly.

Although there is no real essence in it, after practice, it will soon be filled with true essence.

The realm of this demon monkey turned out to be the sixth level of heavenly deity. I'm afraid it has been stagnant for a long time, and I am waiting for the blood demon's Yuan Dan to recover.

After it recovered, it said to Mo Tianheng: "With my current state, will I be hunted down after I go out?"

"If you don't provoke others, there will be no problem!" Mo Tianheng replied.

"Okay!" The demon monkey yelled, then jumped out of the stone gate and walked out of the cave.

After Mo Tianheng waited for it to leave, he closed the stone gate. It seemed that he was letting the monkey go.

"You are really lucky, this trip was not in vain!" Mo Tianheng said with a smile to Ye Liuyun: "Here is what you need urgently!"

"Oh? Do you know what it is? Is there something I need urgently?" Ye Liuyun also became interested.

"look by youself!"

As Mo Tianheng said, he put his hand on the stone platform and pressed it, and the stone platform was immediately separated from the middle and moved to the two sides, revealing a large box.

Mo Tianheng opened the box and let Ye Liuyun look at it by himself.

After Ye Liuyun scanned around with his divine sense, he was also shocked.

"Are these resources enough for you to cultivate to the late stage of Tianzun?" Ye Liuyun couldn't help but yelled out.

Inside that box are all kinds of pills that break through the realm, crystals full of energy, and all kinds of geniuses and treasures that enhance the strength of blood, soul, and body!

"Enough! But I don't need so much. After I reach the realm of Tianzun, there should be the next batch of resources waiting for me to find. I will prepare more every time."

As Mo Tianheng said, he divided all the resources into five shares and gave one to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that even this share would be enough for him to raise his realm by one or two levels.

"I won't give you the pills! Using pills to improve your realm won't do you any good!" Except for the pills, Mo Tianheng gave Ye Liuyun all of them.

"What kind of spar is this?" Ye Liuyun asked while holding a spar full of energy.

Although the spar is not big, he can feel the energy inside it, but it can be described as terrifying.

The energy inside is so abundant that it looks like it could explode at any time.

"Shen Jing. The crystal used in the God Realm." Mo Tianheng told Ye Liuyun.

"Is this an ordinary spar used in the God Realm, or..."

Before Ye Liuyun finished asking, Mo Tianheng told him.

"Equivalent to the status of our top-grade spirit stone!"

"Ah? Then the god crystals are everywhere in the God Realm?" Ye Liuyun guessed.

"It's quite a lot! But top-grade divine crystals are not very common in the God Realm, and ordinary people don't have them! This thing is enough for our current cultivation!" Mo Tianheng explained.

Ye Liuyun nodded and thanked Mo Tianheng.

Afterwards, Mo Tianheng explained to Ye Liuyun the usage of various genius treasures one by one.

Ye Liuyun was already very grateful that Mo Tianheng could give him one-fifth. After all, these things were prepared by Mo Tianheng in his previous life.

He didn't want to take too much, so as not to affect Mo Tianheng's cultivation.

After Mo Tianheng packed his things, he took out a Gu plate and observed it for a while.

"Let's go, that demon monkey should be waiting for us outside the cave!" Mo Tianheng greeted Ye Liuyun.

"What do you mean?" Ye Liuyun was puzzled.

Mo Tianheng smiled and said: "It waited until I came to pick up the things, and then he got the antidote and left. This is the contract between us. Now we have no contractual relationship. And he knows that there are treasures here, how could he let us go?" Woolen cloth?"

Ye Liuyun also understood immediately, and then said with a smile: "That's right, I sat on the treasure for so long but couldn't get it, how could I be reconciled!"

Mo Tianheng nodded: "He didn't do anything just now because he didn't recover his true essence. After it goes out, it will definitely kill and absorb the energy of other monsters. It should wait for us outside now."

"Your Gu Pan is for dealing with it!" Ye Liuyun asked while looking at the Gu Pan in Mo Tianheng's hand.

In this Gu plate, there is a Gu worm. creeping slowly.

This kind of gu plate is usually called anti-gu. It is a pair of Gu worms, one main Gu worm stays in the Gu plate, it can sense and control the other Gu worm.

Its head kept shaking towards the outside of the cave, it seemed to be reminding Mo Tianheng of the direction and distance of the other Gu worm.

Mo Tianheng nodded: "Of course. Its realm is much higher than ours, how could I be unprepared! I planted a kind of Gu worm in the Yuan Dan of the blood demon."