Chapter 1283

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
The speed of Hades is very stable, and he has been driving here at a constant speed.

"It seems that if Hades goes all out, the speed will be faster!" the clone analyzed.

"It should be!" Ye Liuyun also agreed with this statement. There is no need, no one is going full speed, and it will always be.

So this is enough to show that this is not the fastest speed of Hades.

"Every time you activate the black tower, try to advance as much as possible!"

In this regard, Ye Liuyun and the others had no better way, they could only try to leave enough time in advance to escape.

Ye Liuyun was chatting with his avatar inside the Xuankong Stone, when someone suddenly reported that Zuo Mu, the leader of the demon clan, came to look for him.

Ye Liuyun immediately asked Zuo Mu to come in.

Zuo Mu came to him, there must be something. Otherwise, he wouldn't come here on purpose.

"What's wrong?" Ye Liuyun thought that something happened to the demons.

However, Zuo Mu looked full of vigor, without any worry.

"I have good news for you!" Zuo Mu said mysteriously.

Seeing his relaxed expression, Ye Liuyun knew that there was nothing urgent, and she was relieved.

"What's the good news?" He also asked slowly.

"Our demons have a chance to refine their body, which is opened every five years. Now is the time to open it!" Zuo Mu looked at Ye Liuyun with a smile.

Ye Liuyun immediately realized that Zuo Mu had come to give him benefits.

"Can I go?" he asked subconsciously.

"Others can't. But you have rescued our demon clan and given us a lot of resources. You are our demon clan's benefactor, of course you can!" Zuo Mu confirmed.

"Great, tell me what kind of opportunity it is?" Ye Liuyun also became happy.

"Our Demon Clan has a Demon Transformation Pond, which is the best holy place for body training. Anyone who is not afraid of devil energy can go in for body training. I think you are not afraid of devil energy, so I applied to the clan for you. This opportunity. Our patriarch also approved it." Zuo Mu explained to Ye Liuyun.

"The Demon Transformation Pond? What kind of body training method?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously, worried that he would be transformed into a demon.

"The water in the Demon Transformation Pond will decompose the flesh color of a person. In this way, the demon cultivator can recover and refine the body at the same time, and will not really become a demon race. Of course, there is also a certain degree of danger. The reason why the pool is called Transformation The magic pool. Even if it is because of the real gods and demons, they will be melted away." Zuo Mu truthfully introduced.

"Then what if you can't stand it?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"You can come out immediately if you can't stand it. The longer you stay in the pool, the stronger your body will be! As long as you don't force yourself, there will be no danger." Zuo Mu told Ye Liuyun.

"Great!" Ye Liuyun applauded repeatedly.

It was a godsend. Both he and the avatar want to improve their physical bodies, and now is their chance.

It seems that Mo Tianheng's causal cycle still makes sense. When he helped the demons back then, he didn't think about paying back. But I didn't expect the return to come so soon.

"When will the Demon Transformation Pond open?" Ye Liuyun couldn't wait to get in right away.

He was worried that if he waited too long, he would be interrupted by the god of the underworld.

"Three days later. If you want to go, you have to follow me now!" Zuo Mu said.

"That's no problem!" Ye Liuyun got up immediately, and was about to follow Zuo Mu to the demon clan.

"Haha, look at your urgency! I came so far to send you news, and you didn't treat me to a big meal!" Zuo Mu laughed at him instead.

Ye Liuyun didn't want to explain Mingshen's affairs to him, so as not to worry him.

But since he knew that there was still enough time, he simply entertained Zuo Mu with a barbecue.

Zuo Mu ordered the evil dragon meat. Ye Liuyun was not stingy, let him eat until he was full, and then the two left together.

"I still have a friend and a monster, can we go in and practice together?" Ye Liuyun asked Zuo Mu on the way.

He wanted the avatar and Lei Ming to go in and practice together.

"You can sneak it in, and don't mention it to the clan. After you finish training, you can sneak it out again. It also prevents other people in the clan from having any objections." Zuo Mu gave Ye Liuyun an idea.

"Thank you very much!" Ye Liuyun thanked Zuo Mu.

After all, resources are the foundation of a race. If there are more outsiders, their own masters will naturally get less.

Of course, Zuo Mu wanted to express his gratitude for allowing Ye Liuyun to enjoy the resources so generously.

After Ye Liuyun arrived in the Demon Race, he was also warmly welcomed by the Demon Race.

"It seems that these demons know how to be grateful!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Of course, he didn't eat and drink for free, and took a lot of beast meat to distribute to the demons. During the war, the demons were very poor in resources, and there were no ferocious beasts at all.

So these beast meats have become a hot commodity here.

Ye Liuyun took out a lot at once, which naturally made them very grateful.

While waiting, Ye Liuyun also knew the origin of the water in the Demon Transformation Pond.

The water in the Demon Transformation Pond will return to a certain level every five years. And the demons only activate it once every five years, so as not to drain the pool water all at once.

After Ye Liuyun stayed in the Demon Race for two days, he also waited for the day when the Demon Transformation Pond was opened.

Not everyone enters the pool of demons into the pool of demons.

In that case, mutual cultivation will be affected. Soaking in the water of the Demon Transformation Pond, even for authentic demons, will be very painful, and it is inevitable that some people will cry out.

They lead the pool water to ten practice rooms, which can be used for ten people to practice at the same time.

In order to express their gratitude to Ye Liuyun, they assigned Ye Liuyun a training room alone.

"Come out immediately if you can't bear it, don't force it!" Zuo Mu reminded Ye Liuyun again.

"Understood!" Ye Liuyun nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, he walked into the practice room assigned to him.

In the training room, there is a pool several feet square in the middle, which is filled with black liquid. The black water was steaming hot and gave off a pungent smell.

Ye Liuyun released his avatar and Lei Ming, and asked them to go down and practice their physical bodies together.

The avatar had already explained to Lei Ming before, so she also knew the situation.

"This pool is too small, and I can't practice with my body!" Lei Ming was a little disappointed when he saw the pool.

"Yeah! There's no other way, just deal with it, it's better than nothing!" Ye Liuyun persuaded her.

Letting her practice together is already against the rules of the Demon Race.

This pool of water is only willing to be used by the demons once every five years. It is even more impossible for him to ask the demons to prepare a pool that big for him alone.

Ye Liuyun first touched the pool water with his hand to try it out.

With a sound of "Zi La", his skin was melted a little by the pool water.