Chapter 1410

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 1410 On the verge of death

Ye Liuyun didn't expect that Fan Gang didn't mean to blame Ye Liuyun at all, but saw it very clearly.

In other words, Qu Wanying was well educated.

"No matter what, think of a way to save people first.

Who else moves with you? "

Ye Liuyun asked.

"There is also the 200,000 army of the prince.

It's all under the command of the Grand Commander! I'll take you there! "

As Fan Gang said, he rushed to the barracks with Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also felt that it was necessary to meet with them so that they could work together to save lives.

Wen Chenggang, the commander of King Zhenshan, was very cautious at the beginning after seeing Ye Liuyun.

He couldn't see Ye Liuyun's state, didn't know his strength, and was afraid that Ye Liuyun wouldn't be able to save King Zhenshan, but instead let King Zhenshan be convicted.

It wasn't until Fan Gang told about Ye Liuyun's taming of the Celestial Monster that he changed his attitude.

"Young Master Ye, I'm really sorry, now is a critical moment, if you are not careful, not only will you not be able to save anyone, but it will ruin his reputation, so I am more cautious.

Just look at Haihan for the offense! "

Wen Chenggang took the initiative to apologize to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also understood his feelings.

After all, Wen Chenggang now shoulders a heavy burden, not only the lives of King Zhenshan's family, but also the destination of the 200,000 troops.

"Commander Wen, you don't have to be polite.

After all, our goals are the same.

What you are worried about is actually what I am worried about.

So before I do it, I want to consult the prince's opinion! "

Ye Liuyun said gently.

"But we can't see the prince now!"

Wen Chenggang shook his head helplessly.

"Yes! There is a formation where the prince is being held.

As long as someone enters that formation, it will be activated immediately, locking those who go to rescue him inside! Our soul power is not strong, we can't find out the current situation of the prince, and we can't contact him! "

Although Fan Gang knew a lot about the City Lord's Mansion and the various layouts inside, he was unable to contact King Zhenshan.

"It's okay, maybe we don't need to go in to contact the prince.

If Commander Wen doesn't mind, I want Fan Gang to take me to investigate the Zhenshan Palace. "

Ye Liuyun suggested.

"They are looking for you now, there must be a lot of their eyeliners there, I'm afraid you will expose your identity if you go!"

Wen Chenggang hesitated.

Ye Liuyun didn't say much, just took out the invisibility cloak, put it on the mountain, and the person disappeared.

But he still stood and talked.

"Is this all right?"

When Wen Chenggang and Fan Gang saw each other, they both looked happy.

Ye Liuyun has this kind of treasure, so there is even more hope for saving lives!


Wen Chenggang repeatedly agreed to let Fan Gang go with Ye Liuyun again.

"Just go, I'll follow behind you!"

Ye Liuyun told Fan Gang, and followed Fan Gang, left the barracks again, changed clothes, and returned to the teahouse outside the palace.

Fan Gang also told Ye Liuyun the map of the City Lord's Mansion, as well as the location and institution where King Zhenshan's family was detained.

Based on his information, Ye Liuyun quickly found King Zhenshan.

He found that King Zhenshan was under house arrest in an empty room, with only two ordinary guards at the door, not even a spiritual barrier.

But they overlooked one point, Ye Liuyun's space shift, now he can rescue Zhenshan King.

It's just that it's useless for him to save King Zhenshan, Qu Wanying is still locked in the dungeon, which is guarded by experts.

Xie Tianqi's design is really amazing.

He knew that even if someone came, King Zhenshan could not be rescued.

Even King Zhenshan won't leave by himself.

If he leaves, the family will die!

Ye Liuyun's soul is so powerful that he can communicate with Zhenshan King through sound transmission from a long distance.

Fan Gang and the others couldn't do it before because they didn't have a master with a strong soul.

"My lord!"

Ye Liuyun greeted Zhenshan King, explained his purpose of coming, gave him a brief introduction to the outside situation, and then waited for Zhenshan King's decision.

King Zhenshan listened quietly, and after understanding the situation, he said to Ye Liuyun: "Even if you can rescue me and my family, what about the two hundred thousand soldiers?

Under the empire, where is their shelter?

I don't want them to die because of me! "

"If you die, what will happen to them?"

Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Hey! They will be sent to the southern battlefield and become the stepping stones for Xie Tianqi to build his meritorious deeds, but at least some people will survive!"

King Zhenshan sighed.

"Then what if I only save your family and you?

There are few of you, so it is relatively easy to find a place to live in seclusion! "

Ye Liuyun asked again.

"If you can, save my family! I want to stay and give my soldiers an explanation!"

King Zhenshan said to Ye Liuyun.

"But they won't watch you get killed.

They have lost faith in the Empire.

After you die, they will rebel and eventually die! "

Ye Liuyun analyzed.

At this moment, King Zhenshan also had no idea.

No matter what he chooses, the result seems to be the same.

Ye Liuyun also said: "Actually, no matter what you choose, the result will be the same.

That's you and your 200,000 troops, you must die! It's just that you have to choose a way to die for yourself and them!

I don't think your 200,000 soldiers would want to kneel down to survive! Take them to fight, at least it will make them die less aggrieved, and they can still have hope before they die! "

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he stopped trying to persuade him.

He's just here to save people.

If King Zhenshan wanted to die, he couldn't help it.

His rescue plan must be based on Zhen Shanwang's decision.

If King Zhenshan doesn't make up his mind to cooperate with him, it is very likely that his success will fall short.

King Zhenshan was silent for a long time after listening, and then slowly sighed: "I have made countless contributions to the empire, but I was finally forced to die by the empire!"

He finally figured it out.

Ye Liuyun was right, he had no choice.

Either die with the soldiers, it's just a matter of time; or resist the empire, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

Even if it is still inevitable to die in the end, at least everyone died without being aggrieved.

"So, what's your decision?"

Ye Liuyun finally confirmed with him.

King Zhenshan finally made a decision: "It's the other way around! You and Wen Chenggang are in charge, let's start the rescue!"

"Okay! Leave the rescue to us.

You can think about it first, where will your 200,000 troops be stationed in the future! "

Ye Liuyun returned to the barracks with Fan Gang after receiving the confirmation from Zhenshan King.

The content of his communication with King Zhenshan was also conveyed to Wen Chenggang verbatim.

After Wen Cheng just finished listening, he bowed deeply to Ye Liuyun to express his gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for his understanding of righteousness, persuading the prince, and pointing us to a clear path! Indeed, we big bastards are willing to die standing up instead of living on our knees!"