Chapter 1471

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 1471

Meng Changxing also knew that after Ye Liuyun broke through to the realm of Tianzun, he probably ran out of resources, so he started to inquire about where there might be resources.

"Haha, you can find me for this! Don't worry, we will all go for a walk when we come to the South this time.

We are also here to reserve resources! "

Meng Changxing said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Ye Liuyun felt relieved when he heard this.

With Meng Changxing as a guide, it would be much easier for him to find resources.

Guo Da's flying boat was faster than ordinary flying boats, and in more than 20 days, he arrived at the curse tribe.

Mu Ranxing was also overjoyed, and praised Guo Da's flying boat again and again.

I also want to exchange resources with Guo Da for a flying boat.

Guo Da also agreed.

However, he didn't give them his usual flying boat, but promised to help them rebuild one.

The Huzu tribe is surrounded by mountains, and there is only one exit.

Ye Liuyun let go of his spiritual sense, and found that the number of curse clans is really quite a lot, there are nearly 70,000 to 80,000 people.

It's just that he found that the realm of the Curse Clan is indeed not high, and there are not many people in the realm of the Earth Venerable.

The residences of their clansmen are also mostly stone or wooden houses, and runes are painted everywhere.

Many clansmen's bodies and faces are also covered with runes.

The curse people are also very curious about these outsiders, and they are all looking at them.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun found a stone platform, a place similar to a square in the center of the Curse Clan.

There was another person lying on the stone platform, and there was a curse woman beside her.

The stone platform seemed to exude a special attraction, attracting him to go there.

"What's happening here?

What's so special about this stone platform? "

Ye Liuyun was puzzled.

But judging from the location of the stone platform, it should be very important to them.

Ye Liuyun didn't dare to ask Mu Ranxing directly, for fear of arousing his suspicion.

Although Mu Ranxing is not very old, because of his high level, he still has a certain status in the clan, and he can take them to meet the clan leader directly.

And the direction Mu Ranxing walked was the stone platform.

"Could it be the patriarch who is lying down?"

Ye Liuyun thought about it.

When they reached the stone platform, the curse woman on the platform jumped off the stone platform from a distance, and stopped Mu Ranxing, Ye Liuyun and others.

They communicated in their native language, but Ye Liuyun had already learned it, and now he could fully understand it.

It's just that they spoke fast, and Ye Liuyun was not very proficient, so he couldn't keep up.

The curse woman asked: "Mu Ranxing, what are you doing bringing some outsiders back?"

"Aya, they can help the patriarch prolong his life!"

Mu Ranxing replied.

"Hmph, the patriarch was injured by an outsider traitor, and you brought the outsider back!"

The curse woman is obviously very prejudiced against outsiders.

"None of them are from our south, just arrived here, I met them.

Besides, not all outsiders are bad people..." Mu Ranxing explained a lot to the woman named Aya, but Ye Liuyun heard the rest of the words intermittently, and couldn't keep up.

"You didn't find the medicine?"

Aya asked.

Mu Ranxing shook his head sadly.

The woman named Aya asked again: "Are you sure they can cure the patriarch?"

"You have to let them see the condition to find out!"

Mu Ranxing said: "It's better to try than let the patriarch wait to die!"

Aya frowned, looked at Ye Liuyun and the others, and then asked Mu Ranxing: "Do they all heal?"

"Only that woman is an alchemist!"

Mu Ranxing said truthfully.

"That leaves others in the

Aya said in an unquestionable tone.

"Oh well!"

Mu Ranxing had no choice but to explain to Ye Liuyun and others.

"Miss Luo Yun, please go up and treat the patriarch's illness.

Others, have to wait here for a while! "

Mu Ranxing said to them apologetically.


Luo Yun looked at Ye Liuyun and Meng Changxing timidly.

"I also know some medical skills, can I go up with her?

Otherwise, she herself would be a little scared! "

Ye Liuyun said to Mu Ranxing.

Before Mu Ranxing could tell Aya, Aya agreed directly: "Yes."

It seems that she also understands foreign languages.

And even though she had objections to outsiders, she did not neglect Ye Liuyun and the others.

Aya turned around and jumped onto the stone platform again, Mu Ranxing, Ye Liuyun and Luo Yun also flew onto the stone platform.

Meng Changxing and Guo Da were in

"This is our patriarch, you see!"

Aya said directly to Ye Liuyun and Luo Yun.

After finishing speaking, she stood aside with her waist pinched, watching the two of them.

Their patriarch lay on the ground with his eyes closed, as if dead.

The vitality on his body was also extremely weak, and his breathing was very slow.

Ye Liuyun looked a little more carefully, opened his golden pupils, and carefully scanned the situation in the patriarch's body.

Yuan Dan, who is at the fifth level of Earth Respect, doesn't have any injuries on his body, but his vitality is very weak.

But Ye Liuyun was also surprised that such a weak vitality could still be alive.

If it is normal, the person should be dead.

Luo Yun also sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun at this time, and what she observed was also similar to Ye Liuyun's conclusion, which was the loss of vitality.

"Your spring of life should be able to save him."

Luo Yun confirmed.

"Don't worry! I want to ask about the situation."

Ye Liuyun replied to Luo Yun.

Then he asked Mu Ranxing: "Your patriarch's vitality has been weakened to the extreme, why is he still alive?"

"Why are you asking these questions?"

Aya asked cautiously.

"If you want to treat a patient, you have to understand the situation clearly, otherwise the wrong medicine will hurt him!"

Ye Liuyun explained.


Luo Yun also chimed in: "We have to understand the situation before we can prescribe the right medicine!"

Aya thought for a while, turned her head to the side, and stopped staring at Ye Liuyun.

Then Mu Ranxing explained to Ye Liuyun: "It's because of the psychic stone platform.

It is very special to us Curse people.

Staying on this can suppress the onset of spells and alleviate the symptoms of spells! "


Ye Liuyun nodded.

But I was secretly happy in my heart: "So this is the psychic stone platform! No wonder I think he is attractive to me.

It should be the reason why I have practiced basic spells. "

"Can you cure it?"

Aya urged from the side.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and replied to her: "Of course it can be cured! And it is guaranteed that the medicine will cure the disease! But..."

"But what?"

Aya frowned: "You'd better not play tricks, or I guarantee you won't get out of the tribe!"


Mu Ranxing stopped Aya in their own language: "Always let someone finish talking.

He said that if it can be cured, it should be almost the same.

You have offended someone, do you have a way to heal the patriarch? "