Chapter 1831

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 1831 Advance Investment

The rest of these people are all vicious.

People who are not vicious and have no ability dare not cause trouble.

Ye Liuyun divided them into two teams, and asked them to give them weapons at hand, and let them fight one-on-one, but only one could survive.

Those who are alive can be exonerated from all crimes and join his team.

In order to survive, these people did not say a word, they shot and killed, and soon, only half of them were left.

The selection process itself was bloody enough.

But next, there is something that will open their eyes even more.

Ye Liuyun immediately equipped everyone with a set of third-tier armor, third-tier weapons, a storage ring, one hundred third-tier pills, some animal meat, and five million divine crystals...

This configuration has attracted countless imperial guards' eyes.

When Xiao Yunfang went to the border battlefield, it was just this net worth.

"Third-tier equipment!"

"Five million divine crystals!"

The Custodian soldiers are all

Those prisoners who had no hope at first also looked at Ye Liuyun differently.

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but saved their lives, spared their sins, and gave them a chance to be born again.

Although the method of selecting soldiers is somewhat different, it suits their taste very well.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun said loudly to all the imperial guards: "This is the standard for me, Ye Liuyun, to select soldiers.

Those who feel that they are not strong enough, or who are timid and afraid of death, should not join my team.

Don't come if you are not greedy for money.

Because I will lead you to kill people and loot goods, and do all kinds of evil.

At that time, there will be too many resources for you to count! "

At this moment, Dao went to their hearts.

Because even if Ye Liuyun didn't say it, most of them obtained resources by fighting robbers.

Relying on that little military salary is not enough for them to practice at all.

"I named my team, the Army of Death.

Either kill others, or be killed! "

Ye Liuyun continued.

There was another burst of cheers from the audience.

The soldiers felt Ye Liuyun's arrogance and were encouraged.

Ye Liuyun waved his hand to make them stop shouting, and continued: "But my training and requirements will also let you experience what hell is.

If you have not experienced the tempering of hell, you will not let your opponent feel the terror of death! "

Ye Liuyun seemed to be mobilizing before the battle on the stage. He said a few words, which would cause the soldiers to shout excitedly.

Afterwards, he continued: "People will die during the training period, and I will kill people too! Think about it yourself! Now, those who are willing to join my team, stand to my left!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, many soldiers immediately ran to the left of Ye Liuyun without hesitation.

Then, a large number of soldiers rushed over.

Both He Linfeng and Xiao Yunfang were dumbfounded.

Because it took only half an hour, more than 2,000 soldiers had come to apply for the draft.

At this time, Ye Liuyun swung his devil-slaying sword, and a deep gully was cut in the middle of the barracks, separating the soldiers who had signed up from the soldiers who were coming.

The soldiers who were about to pass were startled.

"You don't need to come here.

You have hesitated too long! I don't need such a hesitant soldier! "

Although some soldiers were dissatisfied, they had no choice but to retreat to the queue.

Because the deep ravine that Ye Liuyun cut had clearly demonstrated his strength.

Ye Liuyun's knife used all his sword intent, power of heaven and earth, Xuan Yuan, and flame power.

Later, Ye Liuyun said to the soldiers on his side: "We will have a few days of training in the next few days, and we will eliminate them until there are only 3,000 soldiers left.

Then there is direct actual combat, taking the robbers under the knife.

At that time, I will give you the same equipment and resources as them.

However, before the elimination is over, it is impossible to get these resources for nothing.

It is possible to die during training.

You regret it now, you can still leave.

But once you have participated in the training, it will not be so easy for you to quit. "

However, none of the more than 5,000 soldiers left.


We'll start lining up the queue right away. "

Ye Liuyun immediately asked He Linfeng to disband the other teams, leaving them alone.

Then, he began to personally arrange queues and positions for these people, and even arranged Lei Ming and others into the queue.

He asked Xiao Yunfang to help arrange the tents and team flags for these soldiers.

For the team flag, he simply drew the image of a skull,

He handed over to Xiao Yunfang for other matters of receiving supplies from the army.

But the weather was not beautiful, and it began to rain heavily again.

But Ye Liuyun also stood with the soldiers in the rain until the queue of 5,000 people was all arranged.

He has a lot of considerations in arranging the queue, including realm, weapons and other factors, and he doesn't just let the soldiers occupy positions casually.

These soldiers stood in the rain, and were completely chilled by the rain.

The rain was pouring down so hard that they couldn't keep their eyes open.

A soldier suggested: "Commander, go back and rest for a while, and practice again after the rain stops?"


Ye Liuyun scolded back directly.

"Don't tell me you have to wait for the rain to stop before you fight! Don't you think that when it rains on a black day, it's a good time to rob, kill, and destroy corpses?"


Ye Liuyun's words really expressed the feelings of many soldiers.

After he finished arranging the formation, he immediately said to the crowd via voice transmission: "Everyone, stand in place like a zombie, not moving, and not using true energy to dry the rain.

Just drench me like that until I get back.

Whoever moves will leave! "

All the soldiers immediately stood upright, motionless, letting the rain splash on their faces.

Even Lei Ming and other women are no exception.

They knew that Ye Liuyun wanted to train soldiers and eliminate people.

If they didn't comply with Ye Liuyun's request, they might not be able to stay in the army.

After Ye Liuyun walked away, he released his avatar and asked him to record the performance of these people with his spiritual sense.

He rushed to Xuanyuan Tower together with Xiao Yunfang.

I found Deacon Liao and ordered 3,500 copies of Tier 3 Kaijia and various weapons, Tier 3 pills, animal meat and other resources.

Then hurried back to the barracks with Xiao Yunfang.

"You took out so many resources at once, didn't you lose a lot?"

Xiao Yunfang asked Ye Liuyun.


Do you think I'm going to make a losing trade?

Don't worry, this is just an initial investment, and I will definitely earn back doubled! "

Ye Liuyun smiled.

After the two returned to the barracks, the soldiers were still in the rain.

Ye Liuyun put away the avatar directly, and then came to the front of the soldier formation and shouted: "Keep your posture still, only the people I point out will go out."

Afterwards, he walked into the queue and pointed casually: "You, you, and you..."