Chapter 2041

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2041 Soul Test

Next, Ye Liuyun took the third step, and another hour later, he took the fourth step.

The book demon upstairs observed Ye Liuyun's actions, and he couldn't help showing an expectant smile on his face.

Ye Liuyun was the first person to climb the fourth step.

Everyone before, at most, just stood on the third floor and couldn't stand it! Their souls were also directly wiped out by the book demon.

Ye Liuyun's soul was compressed and contracted sharply. After such a short time, it had already condensed by about 10%.

It even gave him the feeling that his physical body was shrinking.

Although this was just a feeling and not actually the case, it still affected Ye Liuyun's actions.

He felt like his whole body was cramping, and he could no longer move freely like a normal person.

I can only stand straight in place to adapt to this spiritual pressure.

The brilliance of the Myriad God Order is getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Liuyun also felt the danger of this test now.

"If this goes on, I'm afraid I won't last until the end!"

Ye Liuyun was also trying his best to think of a way to deal with this test.

Suddenly, he thought that although the avatar could not come out in person, it could release the soul and enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

The souls of the two of them were originally a pair.

In this way, the avatar's soul can't help but be improved, and it can help him complete the test.

The clone also immediately released the two souls into Ye Liuyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Liuyun's pressure immediately eased a lot, and the brilliance of the Ten Thousand Gods Token also faded.

The soul of the avatar was also quickly compressed to the same degree.

Ye Liuyun stayed on this step for two hours to let the new avatar get used to it.

It wasn't until their souls got used to it that they went up another level.

The coercion of the soul on the next step is even stronger.

Ye Liuyun didn't dare to be careless, and after two hours of getting used to it, he continued walking up.

When Ye Liuyun stepped up to the seventh step, the huge pressure of the soul pushed Ye Liuyun's soul out of the cracks.

Ye Liuyun's mouth was already bleeding.

The Ten Thousand Gods Token bloomed a rich golden color, which protected Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth and persisted, his body was already numb from the pain, and he lost consciousness.

At this moment, he has no energy to think about anything else.

All the power of the soul is used to resist coercion.

Not only was he under a lot of pressure, but he also felt tired and drowsy.

If it weren't for the order of the gods, he might have fainted and fell down the steps.

After three hours, Ye Liuyun's spirit got used to it a little bit, and his body gradually regained consciousness.

But the soul has been exhausted to the limit, and can only rely on the gods to continuously release the brilliance to keep the soul awake.

Ye Liuyun stayed for another hour to rest his soul.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not be able to persist in the next step.

Thinking that the pressure of the soul on the next step would be even stronger, he felt a little apprehensive.

"How about I stay here until the end, waiting for the secret realm to send me out?"

He even had the idea.

But soon this idea was given up by him again.

Because although this test is painful, the benefits to the soul are undoubtedly huge.

"As long as it is beneficial to the improvement of your own strength, no matter how hard it is, you must endure it!"

Ye Liuyun cheered herself up in her heart, persisted and took another step forward.

At this moment, it is very difficult for him to even lift his legs, and it seems that his physical body and spirit have been separated.

After a lot of effort, Ye Liuyun stepped on one foot, then gritted his teeth, and followed the other foot.

The soul crack caused by the previous step burst open again, the blood from the corner of Ye Liuyun's mouth couldn't stop flowing out, and the eyes, nostrils, and ears also began to bleed, becoming a bloody man.

This is still secondary.

He began to hallucinate, feeling that he was standing in a prairie, with birds passing by in the air, and he could smell the fragrance of flowers. The comfortable environment made him want to lie down and sleep.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Gods Token is also shining with golden light, reflecting his sea of ​​consciousness into a golden color.

Ye Liuyun's four souls supported each other back to back, preventing him from falling down.

"Can't sleep! Can't sleep..." He kept reminding himself.

But the illusion still had an impact on him.

He saw his parents for a while, saw Liang Xue for a while, and looked back on his own cultivation process for a while, as if he had experienced it again from a different perspective.

When he saw that he persevered every time he encountered danger, he suddenly became firm again.

Only then did he wake up a little bit, and found that the crack in his soul had been repaired again.

The blood on the mouth, nose and ears has also dried up.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

He doesn't know how long it has been since he entered the illusion.

All he knew was to hurry up while he was awake.

"The ninth step!"

Ye Liuyun took another step up.

He has already adapted to the numbness of his physical body.

Immediately, the other foot followed.

But what followed was not a huge spiritual coercion.

On the contrary, the coercion of the soul completely disappeared.

Ye Liuyun's soul, as if someone had taken a mountain from it, almost flew away from the sea of ​​consciousness in excitement.

This relaxed feeling made him feel unspeakably comfortable.

Only then did he notice that the size of his divine soul had been condensed and shrunk by half, but its strength had doubled.

His body also began to experience itching and tingling sensations, and Xuanyuan also circulated accordingly, and quickly repaired all the injuries on his body and returned to normal.

Ye Liuyun had already stood on the tenth floor of the tower at this moment, looking at the book demon in front of him in surprise, wondering why the last step suddenly lost the pressure of the soul.

The book demon smiled kindly, as if he understood his doubts, and explained to him: "The ninth step has an alias, called one step to the sky.

The first three steps are a test of the power of the soul, if the power of the soul is not enough, it will be impossible to pass.

The fourth to eighth steps behind are all set according to the strength of each person's soul power.

That kind of pressure is actually something that everyone can hold on to.

What is tested is the character of each person, including perseverance, endurance and determination.

And the last step is a test of human courage.

It depends on whether the person being tested has the courage to take this last step.

No matter how strong your strength is, no matter how good your character is, if you don't have the courage to go all out, you will end up accomplishing nothing.

Congratulations, you passed the test! "

Only then did Ye Liuyun realize the purpose of this test.

He asked subconsciously: "After the assessment, aren't there rewards?"

The book demon laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Look at your soul power, has it doubled?

This reward is not enough? "