Chapter 2058

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2058 Good effect

As soon as Li Xingrou saw the elixir, the unhappiness just now was immediately forgotten.

"Have you finished refining?"

She thought she was going to urge Ye Liuyun this time, but she didn't expect Ye Liuyun to be ready.

Li Xingrou opened the pill box, and saw that there were twelve middle-grade sixth-grade pills neatly placed inside, and couldn't help but brows with joy.

"I can only reach this level at the moment, senior sister will make do with it first, and when my level improves, I will refine higher-level pills for senior sister.

Take one of these pills a day.

Sister, let's see the effect first, if the effect is good, I will refine it for you! "

Ye Liuyun explained from the side.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Li Xingrou put away the pill directly.

Ye Liuyun also said: "Senior sister, you're welcome, just come to me if you need anything in the future!"

Li Xingrou chatted for a few more words before leaving in satisfaction, rushing back to take the elixir.

Before she ate it, of course, she was checked by someone, and after confirming that there was no problem, she took it with confidence.

As a result, when a elixir was applied, her whole spirit changed.

Not only does the skin become smoother and more delicate, but also the spirit doubles.

Even the maid serving her noticed the change immediately.

She immediately ran to find Murong Tian, ​​and Murong Tian immediately noticed the change in her: "Xingrou, what is so happy about today! It feels like you are a few years younger!"

"Brother Tian, ​​did you see it too?

It was the new alchemist Chen Feng who helped me refine Zhuyan Pill. I took one, and the effect was really outstanding! "

Li Xingrou said happily.


Have you checked the pill before taking it? "

Murong Tian was very cautious.

"Everything has been checked, no problem!"

Li Xingrou confirmed.

"That's good! It seems that this kid is very good!"

Murong Tian also felt relieved.

Li Xingrou also said: "Of course! He knows Li Jian, he must have inquired about the affairs of the sect in private!"

"Well! The effect is good, you can ask him to help refine more in the future.

But refining the elixir also has a cost, you should give him some benefits once in a while, don't let him lose too much.

He is an alchemist, I think he is quite sophisticated, so we have to try our best to make friends with him.

Don't bully him away! "

Murong Tian also instructed Li Xingrou.

"Don't worry! I know it well!"

Li Xingrou is very confident.

When Li Xingrou went back to practice at night, she was even more shocked by the effect of the Zhuyan Pill. She found that the effect of her practice was better than before.

So in order for Ye Liuyun to continue to supply Zhuyan pills to her, she specially prepared some rare medicinal materials for Ye Liuyun, and within a few days, she personally delivered them to Ye Liuyun.

He also praised Ye Liuyun's elixir for its good effect!

Ye Liuyun also asked her to keep quiet, lest too many people ask him to make this kind of elixir, and he would be too busy.

Li Xingrou only wanted to be beautiful for herself, and she certainly didn't want others to be like her, so she kept her mouth shut for Ye Liuyun.

On Liu Xing's side, he was also inquiring about the detoxification method of Hedu Powder.

After thinking about it for a long time after he went back, he still felt that he should not act rashly towards Ye Liuyun.

You have to confirm whether Hedu Powder is really what Ye Liuyun said, only Ye Liuyun can have the antidote.

He even asked someone to ask Jin Qingsong.

As a result, he got the same answer, and outsiders couldn't solve it at all.

"Damn bastard!"

Liu Xing has already scolded Ye Liuyun's ancestors for eight generations in his heart.

"Reporting to the sect is definitely not acceptable! No one will believe me when I tell you.

And this kid seems to know a lot about me.

It's not okay to find someone to attack secretly, there is a beast of the seventh level in this bastard's yard... What if he kidnaps the women beside him?

Those women are really greedy! "

At this time, Liu Xing has not forgotten Huowu and Huaxiangyuan.

But when he thought that he had been tricked by a beauty, he kept reminding himself that he had to be more careful in the future.

In the end, he still didn't dare to take hostages.

Because he didn't know Ye Liuyun well, he didn't know if Ye Liuyun would give in for a few maids.

Once Ye Liuyun didn't care about those maids, he would be dead.

More importantly, he couldn't figure out what Ye Liuyun wanted him to do! Judging from his performance since he came into contact with Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun is also a person who hides his secrets.

He was very worried about what trouble he would cause himself after joining Ye Liuyun.

So he was struggling every day, and after much deliberation, he couldn't think of a good solution.

He didn't discuss it with others.

He felt that if he couldn't think of a solution with his ingenuity, then others would be even more helpless.

At this time, Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry at all, but was taking the time to practice every day, so as to improve the level of alchemy.

He didn't have time to go out and walk around, and spent most of his time in his residence practicing.

Jin Qingsong was very satisfied with Ye Liuyun's ability to settle down to alchemy and practice.

Moreover, Lin Luoyi was already considered a master in alchemy.

Even Lin Xiyao is considered an alchemist with good qualifications.

So he felt that he had made a profit, and praised Ye Liuyun whenever he met.

The elixir that Ye Liuyun refined during his practice can also be regarded as his contribution to the sect.

So he doesn't need to go out and do tasks in exchange for resources.

During this period of time, he has been concentrating on cultivation, fighting with the phantom mirror every few days.

Now the realm of the early stage of the sixth level has been completely consolidated, and it has begun to move towards the middle stage of the sixth level.

On the twelfth day, Li Xingrou came to look for Ye Liuyun immediately after eating the last Zhuyan Pill.

"Senior sister, I'm so sorry, the master has given me a lot of tasks recently, and I haven't had time to refine them yet.

How about this, I will refine the elixir for you immediately after I hand in the master's medicine tomorrow, you can come later tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! "

Ye Liuyun deliberately asked her to come back later, to see the effect of her addiction.

Li Xingrou had just taken a elixir today, so she was not in a hurry, and felt that it was okay to be a day late, so she left first.

Originally, she planned to go to Ye Liuyun again the next day, but if she didn't take the pill the next day, she would feel restless and always felt that something was missing.

She blamed this feeling on the fact that she was too worried about her face, too fond of beauty, and didn't care too much.

She also comforted herself: "Women, it's natural to love beauty!"

Everyone who saw her these days praised her for becoming younger and more beautiful, so she paid more attention to her appearance.

Li Xingrou also wanted to divert her mind through practice, but now she couldn't meditate in practice, and finally couldn't help it, so she went directly to Ye Liuyun again.

"Senior Brother! Senior Sister doesn't want to rush you in such a hurry.

But the senior sister really loves beauty, when I think of not having Zhuyan Pill, I can't do anything! "

She explained to Ye Liuyun.

"It's okay, I can understand!"

Ye Liuyun also smiled.

He knew that this elixir worked well, and Li Xingrou was already addicted.

So he immediately took out another twelve pills and handed them to Li Xingrou.

Li Xingrou couldn't wait to go back and eat again, so she took a pill and swallowed it right away.