Chapter 2063

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2063 Explain clearly

"Let's wait a bit, at least let the master say a few words to you! She also said to thank you too!"

Zhang Minghui said.

"Okay! Then I'll go with you, I can't let Elder Bai come to see me!"

Ye Liuyun said, and followed Zhang Minghui to Baifeng's practice place.

Bai Feng also thanked Ye Liuyun again, and then asked Ye Liuyun about his past.

Ye Liuyun was also in a bit of a dilemma, not knowing whether to talk about his real identity or Chen Feng's.

And he felt that Bai Feng was a pretty good person, since he had this opportunity, he might as well have a frank chat with her and see what Bai Feng thought.

Anyway, he has a master-servant contract, so he doesn't worry about Bai Feng turning against him.

He communicated with Bai Feng through the soul contract, and wanted to chat with her alone.

"Minghui, go back and recuperate your injuries first, I'll have a chat with your junior brother alone!"

Bai Feng also directly sent Zhang Minghui away.

Zhang Minghui thought that Baifeng was going to talk about her and Ye Liuyun, so she blushed and agreed, and ran back to her room.

Bai Feng looked at Zhang Minghui's back and shook her head: "This girl!"

She watched Zhang Minghui grow up since she was a child, and she understood Zhang Minghui's thoughts very well.

"I want to talk to you about the soul contract!"

Ye Liuyun didn't pay attention to Zhang Minghui's expression, and started talking with Baifeng straight to the point.

"I will keep my promise, don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Bai Feng thought Ye Liuyun was worried about this.

"I did not mean that!"

Ye Liuyun spoke plainly, but his face suddenly changed, from Chen Feng's appearance to his original appearance.

Bai Feng also opened his mouth wide in shock, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

She seldom cares about outside affairs in Zongmen, so she doesn't know Ye Liuyun well.

"Ye Liuyun.

Have you heard the name? "

Ye Liuyun asked.

Bai Feng also suddenly remembered: "The mercenary leader?"

Ye Liuyun nodded.

Bai Feng immediately jumped up, trying to mobilize his true energy to release the coercion.

But she was controlled by the soul contract, so she couldn't threaten Ye Liuyun at all.

"What is your purpose in doing this?

Is it to destroy Xuantianzong? "

Bai Feng also wanted to figure it out.

Ye Liuyun waved his hand, and used the soul contract to control Baifeng to sit down, letting her ease her emotions.

"The reason why I let you know my identity is to discuss this matter with you in detail! You don't have to be so excited, just listen to me first."

Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Bai Feng calmed down a little and listened to Ye Liuyun's story.

Ye Liuyun started from the eastern border battlefield and continued to talk about it until now.

When he told Bai Feng, he also told Elder Kurong and Elder Yujian through the slave seal at the same time.

"I don't have any plans for Xuantianzong.

When I first mixed into Xuantianzong, I just wanted to prevent Xuantianzong from being my enemy.

It was only when I got here that I found out that the Wanshang League and the Eastern Dynasty had already attacked the Xuantian Sect both inside and outside.

If Xuantianzong is my enemy again, it will undoubtedly be cheaper for the Wanshang League and the Eastern Dynasty.

I control you more so that if there is a conflict between the two of us, you can't shoot me.

I will not enslave you by virtue of the soul contract.

All my actions will not harm Xuantianzong.

I have a way to solve the problem of Xuantianzong and let Xuantianzong return to the normal track.

Murong Tian's status as the Holy Son of the sect will not last long! You can't do anything to him because of Wanshangmeng.

It's just right for me to handle this matter.

The Eastern Dynasty will be destroyed by me sooner or later.

As for Wanshangmeng, it depends on the opportunity and their attitude.

So I don't think you need to be hostile to me! "

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, the three elders fell into deep thought.

He added: "If I wanted to harm Xuantianzong, wouldn't it be easier to just kill you guys?

Xuantianzong will soon collapse half the sky, how long can it last?

The reason why I put in so much effort is also to support Xuantianzong and become my ally in the future! "

Bai Feng immediately said: "Xuantianzong will not form an alliance with the mercenary group!"

Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "Not now.

But what if I replace the Eastern Dynasty?

Isn't Xuantianzong also forming an alliance with the Eastern Dynasty now?

And it's kind of incongruous! "

"There are too many variables here! It's not easy to become a big force!"

Elder Kurong spoke to Ye Liuyun through the slave seal.

Ye Liuyun also agreed with him, but he also said: "Of course, the process will not be smooth.

But even if I can't replace the Eastern Dynasty, at least I will replace Murong Tian's position and defeat the Wanshang League's attempt to corrupt Xuantianzong.

Is there any harm to Xuantianzong? "

Several elders agreed with Ye Liuyun's statement.

"Then what do you need us to do?"

Bai Feng asked.

But Ye Liuyun said frankly: "As long as you don't become my enemy, that's fine.

For the rest, just watch.

It's that simple!

I explain to you, just hope you understand what I want to do, to save you from guessing, and to save you from hating me! "

"Isn't there nothing we can do if we don't agree?

I just hope you're telling the truth! "

Bai Feng said helplessly, obviously he has accepted his fate!

Ye Liuyun also smiled and said, "There's no need to tell you lies.

You can watch what I do! "

Ye Liuyun made it clear what he was going to express, and then let them continue to do what they should do.

It is also impossible for him to release the slave seal or the soul contract for them now, lest these people expose him.

"Who else do you control?"

Bai Feng asked Ye Liuyun curiously.

He knew that Ye Liuyun was not the only one who told him what happened just now, but she didn't know who it was.

Ye Liuyun didn't tell her, but just reminded her: "I didn't use the soul contract to control you, but it doesn't mean I can't.

You don't need to ask about things you shouldn't know.

Just do your own thing! "

Bai Feng sighed, and said to Ye Liuyun: "I still want to avenge Minghui after she recovers from her injury.

His enemy is Li Yunguang, the prince of the Eastern Dynasty. "


Ye Liuyun immediately became interested.

Bai Feng briefly explained the matter, and Ye Liuyun felt that there was something wrong when he heard it.

"Li Yunguang was able to meet Zhang Minghui, which is very strange in itself.

And he knew she was your disciple, so he didn't kill her to silence her, but he wanted to leave you a living cripple.

They also hinted at you that they will stay there for a month. It is not obvious that they want you to take revenge so that they can get rid of you? "

Bai Feng had been thinking of avenging his apprentice before, but now hearing what Ye Liuyun said, he also felt a little suspicious.

"Then what to do?

Are we just going to endure it? "

Bai Feng asked back.

"I will go with you to check the situation, and you will follow my instructions when the time comes!"

Ye Liuyun decided to meet the crown prince in person, maybe there is still a chance to weaken the power of some eastern dynasties.

He reckoned that if the Eastern Dynasty wanted to take action against Bai Feng, they would have prepared some martial arts masters.