Chapter 2141

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2141 Poisoning and Killing

After some discussions with the Elders of the Spirit Race, they sent a large number of disciples of the Spirit Race martial arts and seven or eight layers to the alien battlefield.

They felt that the disciples of the Spirit Race could use tokens, and if these people attacked together, they would always catch Ye Liuyun.

The token can not only send out the attack of the strong, but also defend against the attack of the soul.

As long as these people are not besieged by aliens, there shouldn't be a big problem.

This time, they sent a total of more than 500 disciples of the seventh and eighth level realms and martial arts of the spirit race. They wouldn't all be so unlucky that they would all be besieged by alien races!

Moreover, the people sent this time are all ordinary martial arts practitioners and disciples of the Spirit Race. Even if these people are all dead, it will have little effect on the strength of the Spirit Race.

When Liang Xue told Ye Liuyun this information, Ye Liuyun was not only not worried, but rather happy.

"Come on, the more the better! It's just a pity that I'm not an elite disciple of the Spirit Race, so I don't have much influence on the Spirit Race!"

As soon as the disciples of the Spirit Race arrived, Li Hongtao immediately reported the information to Ye Liuyun who was on the alien battlefield.

The more than five hundred martial arts cultivators of the Spirit Race also rushed into the battlefield of the alien race immediately, in groups of twos and threes, trying to avoid the alien race as much as possible, and specifically searched for Ye Liuyun.

When the other martial artists saw so many people from the Spirit Race, they immediately guessed that they were here to kill Ye Liuyun again.

They didn't want to join the war, so they all ran to the battlefield that Jiang Yutang was in charge of to kill the aliens.

Leave this place to Ye Liuyun and the Lingzu people completely.

Ye Liuyun put on the cloak of invisibility, observed those spirit clans secretly, and looked for opportunities to strike.

He also asked Wu Qingcheng and others to release the news that the Lingzu had sent more than 500 disciples to the battlefield of the foreign race, under the guise of participating in the war, instead of killing the foreign race, they went to kill Ye Liuyun.

The Spirit Race originally wanted to spread the word, so they sent people to join the battle.

And more than 500 people were sent.

But before their news spread, the Eastern Dynasty spread that they sent another 500 people to chase and kill Ye Liuyun.

As soon as they released the news, they confirmed the crime!

Even the transmission of news is not as smooth as before.

On the contrary, the Dongyun Dynasty completely controlled the entire eastern region, and even won the support of the majority of martial arts practitioners and common people.

The Dongyun Dynasty has strength and does not bully Wuxiu and the people. This alone makes people in the eastern region feel that the Dongyun Dynasty is better than the previous dynasty.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun is also committed to suppressing bandits, strictly restraining soldiers and city lords, making the east more stable, and winning the hearts of the people.

The Spirit Clan lost face again and completely shut up.

They also comfort themselves, waiting to see the result.

Once Ye Liuyun died and the Eastern Dynasty collapsed, the eastern region would still be theirs, and no one would dare to say anything wrong about them.

However, the Spirit Race they sent to the alien race battlefield encountered all alien races, and there was no trace of Ye Liuyun at all.

They also sent people to guard the gate of the city, and searched souls one by one to confirm, and if they didn't let the soul searchers, they attacked directly.

Made some martial arts, and complained to them even more.

Even some martial arts cultivators at the eighth level did not return to the base at all, but prepared to sneak attack some disciples with lower spiritual levels.

Ye Liuyun released several martial artists from Yuan Bin, and asked them to contact those martial artists who had more opinions on the Spirit Race, and encouraged everyone to attack the Spirit Race together.

He used the previous method to let the aliens besiege several spirit clan martial artists, and after consuming their token use times, he captured them alive and planted slave marks on them.

Then, he put these people away and asked them to practice the Myriad Poison Heart Sutra.

Whoever is slow in cultivation will be killed directly, forcing these spiritual captives not to dare to stop cultivating for a moment.

When they practiced enough to release the poison source, Ye Liuyun released them and asked them to get close to other spirit disciples and poison them.

And once a disciple of the Spirit Race is poisoned, other people will also go to rescue them, and even help to feed some antidote pills. Once the body of the poisoned person is contaminated, they will also be poisoned, so more and more people are poisoned by the disciples of the Spirit Race. many.

Moreover, people who are poisoned have seizures very quickly, and many people can't even last for two hours, and they die immediately.

Some alien races took advantage of the opportunity to attack, and brought the source of poison back to the alien race. As a result, both sides on the battlefield had a large number of martial arts poisoned and died.

Ye Liuyun also took the opportunity to capture many spiritual disciples who were in the middle and late stages of the eighth stage.

Many of these poisoned people have never even used their tokens.

Their tokens can protect Wuxiu from being attacked by spirits and spirits.

But Ye Liuyun launched a strong attack together with the clone.

The martial arts who input the attack power into the token are basically the martial arts in the middle and late stages of the Ninth Layer of the Spirit Race.

So as long as Ye Liuyun's spirit power is strong enough, Ye Liuyun can deal with their spirit attacks.

In this way, Ye Liuyun captured more and more Spirit Race disciples, all of whom were asked to poison and kill other Spirit Race disciples after they practiced the Ten Thousand Poison Heart Sutra.

So in less than half a month, more than half of the more than 500 people sent by the Spirit Race this time were poisoned by Ye Liuyun, and Ye Liuyun also arrested more than 30 disciples of the Spirit Race, and used them as tools for poisoning.

There are also some spiritual disciples who were hunted and killed by foreign or human martial arts on the battlefield of foreign races.

So the more than 500 people sent by the Spirit Race this time was the worst.

Many disciples died without the opportunity to use the token.

The last group of spirit disciples who were killed were the group of people guarding the gate of the base.

They saw 20 or 30 Spirit Race disciples rushing back together, but they didn't expect that all of them were traitors.

Immediately I wanted to ask them: "What's going on in the battlefield?

Didn't you say someone poisoned it? "

They have been staying here, not knowing the real situation.

"Hey! You don't know! There are poisoned corpses everywhere on the battlefield, many people are poisoned, and even the detoxification pill can't save them!"

A martial artist who knew him leaned over, patted his shoulder and said to him.

The same goes for the others, those who have acquaintances lean over to hook their shoulders.

There are still a few wounded, let them help.

Soon, the people guarding here began to have a poisoning reaction, and fell down one by one in a "plop, plop".

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I seem to be poisoned! Quick, detoxification pill!"

"I have it, here it is...Huh?

How can I feel a little dizzy! "

It didn't take much time for these foreign disciples to fall to the ground, their bodies turning black.

Ye Liuyun took the disciples of the spirit race he had cultivated back into the space world, and then began to burn the corpses with fire to recover the source of the poison.

He didn't go into the city either, but returned immediately, cleaning up the poisoned corpses all over the market.

Some are Eldar and others are alien.

These sources of poison must be cleaned up, so that no human martial arts will be recruited in the future!

Yuan Bin also brought a lot of martial artists to help clean up the battlefield.

When they saw a large number of spirit race corpses, they all shouted happily.

Although some of them also thought that Ye Liuyun might have done this.

But they didn't point it out, instead they applauded Ye Liuyun in their hearts!