Chapter 2308

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
Chapter 2308 Fierce Battle

Lei Ming doesn't know how to set up formations, but she has never seen such a long confrontation without attacking.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the local martial arts finally arranged the queue and calmed down.

"It's time for revenge! Kill these beasts!"

A martial artist shouted, and these martial artists finally launched an attack.


The martial artists roared in unison, and the first team on each side began to rush towards the city wall.

However, the Holy Land soldiers guarding the city did not engage in battle, but directly activated the defensive formation, allowing them to attack.

"The army of the Holy Land wants to consume their morale and real energy!"

Yuan Hao explained to everyone.

Ye Liuyun released Qiongqi, who was refining the weapon, and asked him to observe the opponent's defensive formation.

"The formation is well set up!"

After Qiongqi saw it, he also sighed: "They have a relatively powerful formation mage.

Catch him later and interrogate me! "

He obviously wanted to capture that array mage and learn from him, but he didn't admit to Ken that he was inferior to others.

Upon hearing this, Ye Liuyun immediately asked Han Mutong for information about the mage through the slave seal.

"Just an ordinary formation mage, not a well-known figure!"

Han Mutong didn't care too much at all, and told Ye Liuyun the appearance of the formation mage.

"It seems that the formation, alchemy, and weapon refining techniques of the Holy Land are much stronger than ours!"

Ye Liuyun thought to himself: "Even someone as proud as Qiongqi is interested in their formations, which is enough to show that their level is much higher than ours!"

Ye Liuyun is also starting to worry now, if the people in the Holy Land have this attitude towards other worlds, how should they deal with it.

You must know that their two halls that can receive treasures are likely to be provided by the Holy Land.

If these two sources are cut off, they will lose a lot of high-end resources.

But he quickly put this question aside, and took another step to look at it.

The immediate problem is to improve the strength.

He originally thought that these legions of his were strong enough, but now he saw that there must be stronger troops in the Holy Land.

Their current opponent is just a weaker team.

The local martial artists are still taking turns attacking the defensive formation.

After one team attacks for a while, it will be replaced by another team, so that the people who attacked in front have time to recover their true energy.

"If they attack at this speed, they will have to attack for at least half a day! At least half of their true energy will be consumed by then!"

Qiongqi analyzed.

He also asked Ye Liuyun: "Why don't you take action now?"

Ye Liuyun could only say bitterly: "The locals don't believe us, and they are confident that they can break through the city, so the agreement signed with us is to wait for their notice.

Without their notice, we cannot make a move. "

"These idiots are going to die! Just don't care about them, you just want to help me catch that array mage back!"

After Qiongqi finished speaking, he didn't bother to read any more, and went back to the space world to refine the weapon.

Ye Liuyun also told the soldiers who were ready to take part in the battle that there was still half a day before their participation in the battle, and asked them to keep their formation and rest where they were.

The aura of the local martial arts is slowly being worn away in the process of attacking the defensive formation.

Half a day later, the defensive formation was finally broken, and the soldiers of the Holy Land Army also began to defend the city wall, and the bloody battle between the two sides officially began.

Sure enough, as Ye Liuyun expected, the local martial arts suffered heavy losses during the siege of the city.

The five teams they were divided into before had already played a round in turn, but still failed to break through the defense on the city wall.

On the surface, it seemed that the local martial arts were fighting vigorously, but in fact, the opponent was also taking turns to defend in an orderly manner, and the casualties were not large.

Ye Liuyun and the others waited patiently for nearly two hours before the local martial artists attacked the city wall and began to kill into the city.

The local martial arts practitioners also started to cheer, as if they had already won, and they all rushed into the city together. The formation of five teams that had been divided into was suddenly disrupted.

However, this kind of chaos caught the defenders in the city by surprise, and indeed caused some confusion.

Ye Liuyun knew that the chaos of the Holy Land army was only temporary, so he immediately issued an order: "The Sharp Knife Corps and the Death Corps are preparing to enter the city, use more equipment to break the defense, and preserve their strength! The half-orc army will surround the city after they enter the city. "

The army behind Ye Liuyun was also ready to attack, waiting for a message from the sound transmission talisman in Ye Liuyun's hand.

The sound of shouting and killing kept coming from the city, and Ye Liuyun and the others let go of their consciousness to investigate the battle situation in the city.

The local martial arts practitioners were indeed fighting desperately. The two sides started a melee battle, and blood and flesh flew all over the place, and the casualties immediately began to increase greatly.

Under the attack of the Holy Land Legion formation, the local martial artist would have to sacrifice at least three or five lives in exchange for a chance to kill a Holy Land soldier.

The local martial arts have lost their unified command, and they are all red-eyed. They are rushing blindly based on their hatred for the soldiers of the Holy Land.

"These people are very fierce! It's a pity to die!"

After Zhao Hu saw it, he kept regretting it.

Everyone also sighed, but Ye Liuyun, Ye Tiandao, and Yuan Hao were all watching the movement of the Holy Land army.

Their central army is as solid as a rock, and the local martial arts have not even broken through their periphery.

"The defense is perfect, we can only forcibly tear out a hole!"

Yuan Hao couldn't help admiring.


Ye Liuyun also agreed with Yuan Hao's statement, but he also said: "No matter how tight the defense is, it is still a body of flesh and blood.

Using puppets and chariots to attack will easily disrupt their formation. "

"When do we do it?"

Ye Tiandao asked Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun shook the sound transmission symbol in his hand.

"They haven't moved yet, just wait!"

"They have already died and injured more than ten thousand!"

Ye Tiandao said.

She was a little soft-hearted, and wanted to persuade Ye Liuyun to make a move in advance.

Ye Liuyun also understood what she meant, and explained to her: "You can't make a move in advance.

Otherwise, if we win, not only will they not be grateful to us, but they will say that we did not abide by the agreement.

Let them fight it out! Without a big loss, they will never realize how much they have to pay. "

So Ye Tiandao stopped talking, just silently observing the movements of the Holy Land army.

Ye Liuyun was searching for the formation master.

He has to deal with this formation mage himself, using red pupils or spirit attacks. If he activates the attack or defense formation in advance, there is nothing he can do about it.

The battle in the city was still going on, and the local martial artists were bombarded and killed by the defenders one by one.

Under their desperate impact, the defenders slowly shrunk in, and also dropped a lot of corpses.

Where they fought, blood has already stained the ground red.